
sexual preference:none

Tiffany kim is going through a sexual stage in her life which makes her more than confused. Was her sexual preference being none, bisexual or straight.we just have to seat down and watch the one she would choose.However, she meets a stranger who gives her the pleasure she seeks.

Zanda_May · 都市
17 Chs

chapter fourteen:*she's the one*


When I last saw her at the bar she was more than cute. Whatever got into me to sleep with her that night was something I could not understand even till now. She left me longing for her more. I even found myself following her around. Shit, I was going insane.

Now when I watched her humiliate that fart my heart grew bigger for her she was one amazing woman I had ever met.

"Are you sure she's the one?". James my pal asked looking at her terrified with what he was seeing.

"Yes, she's the one". I said downing my drink and following her.

She was unbelievable too who would think a woman like her would go around sniffing men. I was really annoyed that she even slept with them too.

Now she knew my scent I had to be really careful around her she did quit chasing me if she found out who I was.

I watched her and her friends drink and party. She never seemed to listen to me I did have to punish her for that.

Some guys went over to them taking her blonde friend and black haired friend.

I felt James glare daggers to the guy who was with the blondie and before I could turn to him he had already found his way to them.

"Hey, I have something I want to tell you". I heard the strawberry blonde say.

"What?". My girl drunkly said. 'My girl' I laughed when I realized what I called her.

"I have a boyfriend he's name is Alex. He's so sweet and crazy over me". The strawberry blonde spelled out.

"No way, I thought you didn't do relationships". My girl said.

"I know crazy right?". The strawberry blonde said.

"My heart really beats fast when he is around me. I met him in England. That's why I advised you to get a boyfriend that you will love and will always make your heart beat like crazy."

"I know but my one night stand man keeps running away. He's the only one that makes my heart feel alive". My girl said hitting her chest. She was too adorable.

When she was fully out I went over and carried her. I helped her friends home and took her with me. And as usual she recognized my scent.

"ONSM?". She said the abbreviation of the name she gave me. I laughed at her silly naming and kissed her. She made me lose control whenever I was around her.

"Didn't I tell you to quit drinking". I said kissing her harder until she was out of breath.

"I like...it when you find me that's why I drink to have you around". She said using her arms to round my neck.

"If you want me to quit drinking then don't leave me". She said kissing me at the end. Her kiss was too intoxicated with desire that it drove me crazy but I couldn't take advantage of a drunk woman. That night we were both drunk and I didn't regret what we did that night.

"I need to send you home". I said and as I was about to place her on the passenger seat. She grabbed my member and all hell broke lose. Myself control went to waste I was damn hard and she wasn't helping at all. She kept on sliding her hand up and down  my length. I couldn't think straight anymore. I heard myself groan in pleasure she was really good. When I was about to explode she left me smiling devilishly. She was punishing me for leaving her and I played along. And like that we made out like that night but this time with longing and desire.