
Sex With The Enemy

Trey couldn’t get that kiss out of his mind. He was distracted for the rest of the day. The client he was working on at one had to be finished by Dale. He couldn’t get the feel of June’s curvy body out of his mind. She was so fucking soft and responsive. Her pussy had been hot to the touch. If he’d touched her naked heat, he knew she’d be dripping. Dale left to go at five to go and see if Max was still alive. Neither of them had heard from him since the previous night. The guy was a horn dog and didn’t care about the reputation either. Staring across the street, Trey saw June had already closed for the day. His cock was rock hard, and he needed to finish what they started. Grabbing his keys, he headed over to her building. Like his place, there was a stairwell along the side of the building to the other door. Taking the steps two at a time he knocked, loudly, on the door before he could turn around and go the other way. Whistling, he waited for her to answer the door. Seconds passed, and finally June answered the door. She started off smiling, but that soon disappeared once she saw it was him. “What do you want?” she asked. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was holding a wooden spoon coated in chocolate cake mix. “You know why I’ve come. I’m not leaving until you talk to me.” She stared at him for several minutes. Neither of them moved, and he refused to back down. “Fine.” She turned on her heel and left him to close the door. He shut and locked the door, following her through to her kitchen. The side was covered in flour, butter, and cracked eggs. “What are you doing?” he asked. In the oven he saw a cake baking. “I’m at my parents’ tomorrow. I always bake something.” She put the spoon into the bowl and stared at him. “If you’ve got something to say, then say it.” “I liked our kiss,” he said. He watched her eyes widen at his words. Trey made up his mind. He wasn’t running anymore. In the past he’d fucked up, but he was going to change her opinion on him whether she liked it or not. Stepping closer, he watched her mind working, giving him the time to get close to her. “It was just a kiss,” she said. “It doesn’t mean anything.” “It was more than just a kiss, June. You felt it.” She shook her head, watching him. “I was rock hard, and you know there’s something going on between us.” “Nothing is going on between us.” He reached out and took her chin in his hand. She gasped but didn’t pull away. “Do you feel that?” he asked, stroking down to his neck. Her pulse raced against his fingers. She licked her lips, tilting her head back to look up at him. “You’re a bully.” “Not anymore.” “What’s your game?” she asked. “No game.” He took her hand, resting it against his hard cock. “This is the truth. I can’t fake that.” “Men get hard all the time.” “Not like this.” He closed the distance between them, bringing her body next to his. “There’s no denying what’s going on between us.” Dropping his hand from her neck, he pressed his palm against her rounded breast. Her breathing increased, and her nipple budded against his palm. “This, you can’t deny.” He stroked her nipple watching her eyes dilate. “I hate you,” she said. “I don’t care.” Thrusting his hips toward her, Trey was ready to explore whatever was going on between them.

Bush_Okafor · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Chapter 25

"This is not funny. She must have organized the fastest wedding in history," June said, complaining.

Trey listened to her through the bathroom. He was blindfolded at Lexie's insistence. Seeing the bride before the wedding was against the law.

"It's not bad."

"We're getting married on Christmas Eve, Trey. It's not funny. I asked for a New Year wedding, not a Christmas one."

He chuckled as she yelped again. Molly was in there with her trying to arrange her hair.

"What's all the fuss about?" he asked. "New Year, Christmas, what does it matter so long as we're together?"

"She did it on purpose."


"Mom is making sure we stay for dinner. She has

arranged everything even down to our honeymoon."

Trey laughed as Molly cursed and ordered her around. "Will you sit still? I'm trying to get your hair right." "June, tonight we're going to be alone. Yes, the

wedding is a little fairy tale, but it's going to be amazing. You're going to be beautiful, and everything is going to work out."

"Do you promise?" June asked.

"It's the nerves, baby. I promise you we'll get through this and have something magical to tell our kids when they're ready."

Lexie knocked on the door and breezed in. "I'm stealing the groom, honey. Hurry up, you've got five minutes and we'll need you downstairs."

He was pulled from the bed and herded outside where Lexie removed the blindfold. Blinking from the light, he stayed still as she put his hair back into place.

His future mother-in-law had him covered from head to toe. The ink around his neck was hidden from the collar of his shirt. Lexie didn't want ink to get in the way. It had been amusing hearing her screech when she'd caught sight of June's ink on her back. He had a surprise in store for his wife and begged her parents to let him take her home with him that night.

Neither of them wanted to agree with his request, but they had after June talked to them.

"Go on. I'll bring her down ready for you. I'm so proud of you, Trey. You're going to make my daughter very happy."

She shooed him away. Dale and Max were stood waiting for him at the bottom of the stairs. Sasha and Luke were sat on Dale's lap as they waited. A couple of weeks ago Dale had married Molly in a civil ceremony. He, Max, and June had attended the small event. The couple was married, but he didn't know if things were going well for them.

"Are you ready to no longer be single? I can make an excuse, and you can cut out the back," Max said.

Trey laughed. "Very funny. I'm getting married today, and I'm excited."

"No hot sex for you."

"You'd be surprised," Trey said. June was as horny as they came.

He went through to the main room, where the wedding was taking place at the Armstrong household. Lexie wanted to control every aspect of it, and the only way for her to do that was to do it here.

He stood where Lexie had marked a cross with his name on waiting for the music to start. The room was packed with family and friends. Trey didn't care about them. He waited for the music to start, and when it did, he looked in the direction of the door.

Lexie came through first, walking down the aisle followed by June. Her father held her arm as he escorted her down. Trey only had eyes for his woman, the woman who meant the world to him.

Taking a deep breath he stared at her, and then he took her from Elliot, shook his hand and together they faced the priest.

Through the ceremony, he faced his future bride and smiled at her through the veil. Her black hair contrasted with the white. When it was time to say his vows Trey spoke from the heart.

June pushed the veil up so he could see her face as she spoke her vows to him.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Trey held her tight, pressing his lips to hers. The room went up in applause. For the rest of the night he held her close to his side, refusing to let her go. He had the first dance with her, and only when Elliot demanded a dance with his daughter, did he let her go. It was hard for him to watch her go, but he stayed close to her.

"The car is ready for you to leave when you want," Lexie said, cutting into his thoughts.

"Thank you."

"I don't know what you've got planned, but I see the love in your eyes. You're going to be good to my daughter."

She tapped him on the back giving him her blessing. When it was time to leave, he waited for June to throw the bouquet of roses. He didn't recognize who caught the flowers.

"Where are we going?" she asked, buckling up.

"I've got one last surprise. We're going to do it in privacy."

He drove to Get Inked and climbed out.

"Our wedding night and you're taking me to your ink parlor?" she asked.

"Trust me. You'll love it."

Taking her hand he led her back to the chair. Grabbing his book, he gave her a piece of paper for her to unfold.

"What is this? I'm in a white fluffy wedding dress," she said.

"Have a look. Tell me what you think."

He stood, tapping his fingers together, waiting for her to speak. She opened the piece of paper and stared at his design. He loved drawing, and when he realized how close the wedding was he'd been struck by inspiration.

The drawing consisted of ink on both their arms. Separated, the ink would look normal, but together it opened up on a design. It was a picture of the fronts of their buildings, Get Inked and Just Another Slice. In the middle were their names, entwined and banded together. It didn't look tacky at all.

"This is beautiful," she said.