"Dad am pregnant" Kelly said with her head down avoiding the gaze of her father. "what did you say?" "I...I...I said I am pregnant". Xander raised her chin up, he looked at her like he was ready to devour her, she wish the earth would open up and swallow her right there and then." for who?" her father asked. "yo...you". Expecting something bad to happen, she closed her eyes maybe waiting for a slap but it never came, what came was a warm kiss from her father on her lips, it was slow and passionate, she felt butterfly in her stomach again, she kissed him back. He withdraw from the kiss and smiled at her.
Days passed and everyone went on with their normal daily routine in school. Mr. Tony was replaced by an old female teacher Mrs. Davis
who was nice to the student but some girls still despise her since they can't use her to get higher grades unlike Mr. Tony
A message entered Kelly's phone as she was walking toward her locker in the hall, she looked at it
It was a message from her dad
"Hey honey pie😘, I'm making a chicken casserole with cream cheese If you down for it?"
she then replied
" Sure when I get back"
"Okay dear"
"bye dad"
she then turned off her phone, reaching her locker she put in her books, and closed it shut when Lizzy appeared behind the locker with a wide creepy smile on her face, Kelly scream and fell to the ground "wtf Lizzy you scared the shit out of me"
"I did? Sorry about that just excited"
"about what" "Well I and Henry are getting kinda close" "For real how I thought he didn't like you" "That's what I thought but he has been nice to me since the cafeteria incident and always insists on walking me to school every day, he afraid that I might get raped or kidnapped on my way here"
"Wow, that's awesome, hey Lizzy, wanna come to my house for dinner You can bring Henry if you want"
Lizzy froze for a moment, flashbacks of what happened the last time she went over to Kelly's, "urm hello, Earth to Lizzy", Snapping out of her thoughts she said " I'll think about it Kelly, there's still a lot going on" "alright if you say so"
Lizzy walked away towards the right side of the hallway door leading to the cafeteria, still in a daze she hits her head on something hard maybe even a rock, and fell back down to her butt, she looked up, her left hand on her head, turns out it's not a rock she hit, it was Henry and god damn he looked as hot as hell and she hit his rock hard abs
" oh shit, are you okay?"
He asked her but only got a mumbled "hmm um he" in return. He looked straight to the ground and said "Am sorry Liz, I should have paid attention to where I was going"
"No no, it is okay, am fine"
"Are you sure?"
"yes yea, pftt am surer than a monkey riding a banana truck"
Liz froze the moment these words came sprouting out of her mouth, she wanted to disappear at that moment.
" Okay, but if still like to make it up go you"
"uhm yes, are you free tonight?"
' oh my god!, what's he saying, no I can be alone with him or even on a date, think Liz, think"
"uhm Nah, I've got plans with Kelly, am going for dinner at her place, so... That's kind of a bust huh, maybe some other time"
"I could follow you, I overheard her telling you that I could come"
' fuvk no...damn you Kelly and your lack of ability to whisper'
"you know what I think I have a high fever, I don't think I'll go, you can go although
but argh it hurts gotta run bye"
With that Lizzy sprinter out of the cafeteria to the girl's Locker room to eat as she always does when she's shy or making a fool of herself.
Lizzy was sitting on the bed with her phone, quietly in her room wearing her favorite black crop top showing off her fair and pale stomach and black shorts when she heard a knock on the door. "come in" she said.
The door opened slowly and a handsome Henry was seen, Lizzy sat up and covered her half-naked body with the blanket.
"Henry? What are you doing here?"
" Well, Dad and Mum went for a dinner date, and Peace is out partying with her friends and you were the only one left so I thought we could you know have a little chat," he said while walking close to her bed.
"uhr ehi, you know the parlor is a great place to chat, we should go there and maybe even watch a movie" Liz panicked, "If that's what you want, then sure" Henry turned around and walked out leaving Lizzy's heart beating faster than normal.
"gosh (she sighs), why me" she whimpers,
When she reached downstairs, Henry had already placed down snacks, popcorn, and soda for both of them to enjoy while watching the movie, which was already set and picked by Henry, a romantic movie "Oh no, what have I caused" Lizzy thought, soon Henry appeared behind Lizzy, making her jolt " jeez you scared the shit..." she couldn't finish talking because she had been distracted by Henry and his godly like body as he stood in front of her wearing a black tank top showing how buff he is and a grey short outlining his mysterious sword a little, Lizzy gulped as she stared at his body.
" shall we" Henry pointed towards the couch, "hmm" was all she could mumble.
Lizzy sat at the end of the couch hoping Henry would also do so at the other end but instead, he sat close to her, and I mean very close, 'very' in quote.
The movie " Mi Amor De Otra Estrella" was a Spanish movie about two lovers who were worlds apart and could not be together because of the law of the land they lived, they were bound by their mother's marriage to the girl's father, not only did their parents support their decision of getting married to each other, society also criticize their love and called the devil's act, they had to move out of the country to where no one could recognize them as siblings to live happily without the fear of being abused every morning"
"oh no, I don't want to move out of the country, I still haven't gotten my dream job at Burger Palace," Lizzy thought but soon relaxed seeing how focused he was on the movie.
Soon, everything went smoothly and Lizzy calmed herself down, she was surprised she was even enjoying the movie.
Towards the end of the movie, Henry got up and excused himself to the bathroom.
It had been 15mins and Henry wasn't back and the movie had been over 10mins ago, Lizzy was starting to get worried, so she decided to get up and go check on him.
She knocked on his bedroom door for a few moments and got no response, so she opened the door and walked in, no one was in there, maybe he was in the bathroom, she wanted to leave when she saw something weird on his bed, she grabbed it and started at it for a long time, she pressed this wrapped weird thing, it felt like a circle rubber. her eyes widened in shock when she realized what it was,
'oh my god, it's a condom' she screamed in her head. Right then Henry came out of his bathroom making Lizzy drop the condom in her hand onto the bed, "Lizzy? what are you doing here?" Henry said with a straight face.
Hello, famzzzz❤️❤️❤️❤️🌚, hope you enjoy the chapter as promised, my chapters will be longer😙😙, as long as you keep those gifts I like coming🌚🌚🌚🔥🔥🎉🎉🎉🎉
Don't forget to comment on your feelings and what you think about the book so far. Thanks a bunch guys