
Sewn truth

dramas unfold as our leading lady deals with backstabbing and utter nuttiness from obsessed fanboys. clueless and easily angered this missy doesnt take anyones lies lying down! meltdowns and sugar hauls what will we do!

alzielli · 都市
8 Chs

why me...

I stared blankly at her as i didn't know what to do...'should... should i just pretend i only speak spanish...should i just say hello and run...what do i do....' as i contemplated heather continued to smile.

"hi..you okay?" she asked in a slightly les shrieky tone.

"ugh yes..hi..um who are you?"

i really didn't want to acknowledge i knew her name..

'please spare me'

"oh sorry! I'm heather i met you at the rec room earlier during the movie night."

she said as she slightly bounced with each motion of her twitch. as i looked closer i realized she she also had a slight lazy eye....'now i feel bad...this girl has quite of bit of problems...i should be nice at least..'

"oh yeaaaah hi heather...sorry i just didn't really notice you before..i was really into the movie discussion.. um how's it going? do you need me for something?"

i really shouldn't have said that as her next question really caught me off guard.

"I was told angel was talking to you a lot today. i was wondering if you knew where he is right now? or if you could ask him to come out? i mean if you know him?"

"wait whaaaat?"

i was stunned making a distorted impression as i kept repeating what she said in my thoughts.

"i know of an angel...but i dont have his contact information. i only just met them today. whoooo...told you i knew him? i don't know any here but like...four people...and my roommate...i just got here ya know...."

I seriously just wanted to run at this point. it was gosh damn aweful and awkward.

"oh well that's okay. sorry to bother you. oh hey! wanna be friends???!"

she said as she bumped her shoulder into mine as friendly as she could.

I made a weird grin and said "sure...i am new soo...a new friends would be niiiice?...."

she jumped up happy as ever said her goodbyes and walked off half bouncing away into the bottom right dorm...dorm B...


On monday everything was going smooth. I met several new people...

Our group leader ("teacher") wanted us to bond so she started telling us to consider each other as siblings. basically referring as input brother or input sister... it was awkward...

Jeremy, ashley, rodrigo, Dominique, denton, raul, daisy, and mary, daina we were supposed to have 2 others but they never showed up.

'ugh that class was long...i don't think i can see them as siblings...that's creep city..(sigh)'

i started walking towards my dorm to get out of the heavy burgundy collared shirt...and dress pants...

i walked in and got undressed when a girl came in slamming the door closed to the room i immediately put my shirt i laid out back on.

she walked over to the bed next to me and scoffed grabbing what she needed and slamming the door closed again on her way out. not even giving me a chance to say hello...

'ugh so humiliating...i was not prepared for someone to open that door like that....I'm guessing that's...sunshyn...'

i was not so happy anymore to meet her again..all i saw was a girl smaller and huskier than me with long black hair walk in an out quick... but the irritation she showed...was..a bit much... hopefully its just a now thing.

i thought about it for a few hours whether i should introduce myself to her next time...or if i should just keep to myself..


"Alright everyone! i know we do role call at 9pm buuutttt tonight the head dorm advisor is setting up a meeting downstairs for everyone. so ill just call out names after. don't dowdle."

ms. jané said as she pointed towards the double doors into our dorm.

everyone shuffled out exhausted. most grunting about how unfair it is since there is a mass meeting on Wednesday too.

"i can't believe this!" (girl one)

"i cant either damn shiiiiiit i donna wanna be doin all this. i wanna slweep f*"k!" (girl two)

i sat at the farthest end near the elevator on top the stairs. my roommate Elizabeth and input sister ashley sat down next to me...soon sunshyn also sat next to Elizabeth.

she glared at me and turned around to talk to another girl from our dorm.

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" yelled a large woman with long braids pulled into a ponytail.

"QUUUUIIIIEEET!" her second in command yelled out soon after as the noise level got worse.

Everyone sorta scoffed but slowly everything went silent.

"okieeee ay i have called this little grouping/meeting to inform and remind you ladies of some important facts." she waved her second hand lady to the side to read off some notes from the clipboard.

"hygiene!" she yelled out. "yes ladies! we all know you ladies need to clean up an all but PLEASSSE STOP USING THE TOILET PAPER for make shift tampons and pads! we have plenty in the office an if you don't want people up in yo business! you can come to me personally alright! ain't nothing to fear here ladies! Just keep it clean!"

she yelled out as she brushed her hair off her shoulders after walking back an forth in a huff. "another thing! pleeeease pleasse DO NOT STORE THEM UNDER THE SINKS. you all have your own personal trashcans in the room. use them! also ladies we should all know by now not to flush them down the toilets...everything goes into the main drain an if that breaks...we all won't have restroom privileges until its fix and you'll have to share the four stalls at the auditorium! so please be mindful." she seemed out of breath with that one and she walked away nearing her office that's near the exit door to the dorm. her second hand took over for the second topic. 'she literally only said one word and the main lady took over...jeez...what kinda hellhole did i wind up in?...AND I SIGNED UP FOR THIS. WHYYYY MEEE'

my mind reeled internally as a very small older lady walked into the room from the directors office.

"hello ladies! I am the councilor for the boys dorm 3 and 4, I came here today to tell you all. YOU NASTY!

YOU ALL AIN'T GOT A BIT OF RESPECT FOR ONE ANOTHER LET ALONE YOURSELVES! you know what kind of things I've been hearing from the boys!? they been saying that so and so already done slept with the whole boys dorm 4 and so an so are doing the couchie coo in the back area shed and this and that be doin it at the field! Ain't it enough we already been catching someone tryin' to do the doo in the dumpster! I'm telling you all ladies! (she gave a wide eye expression at some girls giggling) this ain't no joke young ladies! you all here to learn and you all doing the NASTY WITH GOSH DARN WHO and now I'm here hearing you ain't can't wash y'alls own hot spots without no R.A. watchin and holdin your hand all the way through it! we ain't yo mama's! who you think you are! You nasty! you all nasty little girls!" she wriggled her body as she walked around glaring at everyone. almost half the dormitories we silently giggling and heaving from how funny she said everything. you could hear a couple repeatedly saying "you nasty" while doing the 'you go girl neck swivel'.

once it quieted down she continued.

"you girls all know the rules here. if you all are caught anywhere near or around the forbidden areas after late hours, YOU WILL BE SENT HOME! and if you don't got a ride better find someone cause you going home on your own! and ain't no one wanna be paying for your ticket if y'all rolling in the dumpster having you know what! let alone the sewer pipe on the field and you know who you are young ladies!"

[[[author's note: mostly fiction...but some things, i don't make up.]]]