
Chapter 28: [Interlude] A Normal Day (Part 4)

[Clock - 14:15 | 02:15 PM]

[Calendar - 13/02/2003]

[Location - Metropolis, the City of Tomorrow - New York, USA]


POV Change

Clark Kent - Superman

It was a surprise to him and everyone else when fire rained from the sky, shards of glass and crystal shattered through buildings, when roots of dark green wood sank into the bodies of thousands of people and sucked out the moisture out of them and turned them into this dead grey husk, when golden feathers seemed to spread from the heavens and cut through cars and people like a hot knife through butter, when a beam of pale blue light cut through the city and everything it touched turned to stone, when this mercury thing started to enter the bodies of people and those infected people began to kill more people. People were screaming, buildings were falling and blood was being splattered everywhere- he was fighting, of course he was fighting, but there were seven enemies and only one of him. He was able to punch the golde eagle through its beak, but he was soon bound by the roots of the tree thing, burned by the flames of the fire giant, and had shards of glass sticking into his skin- which shouldn't be possible, but it was happening! He felt pain through his entire body as he broke free from his bonds, the mercury thing crawling up his body was annoying to deal with but flying at great speeds was enough to get it off of him whenever it managed to attach itself to him.

He fought valiantly, but no matter what he did, he couldn't win! He managed to break the golden bird beyond functionality, but somehow it got back together! He shattered the rock giant, but it pulled itself together many times. He tore the tree thing apart but it managed to regrow from the very earth at incredible speeds! He shattered both the crystal and the glass beings, but they gathered their pieces and reconstructed themselves in a more nightmarish visage than previously. He even used his heat vision to burn the mercury thing, but it would simply melt before reconstructing itself from the ground up! He even punched the fire giant until he was nothing but a bunch of coal pieces, but it still returned to burn even brighter than before. It wasn't a fight- it was a nightmare, but contrary to nightmares, he couldn't wake up.


'Huh?' He turned around looking for the source of that voice- his body was thrown off of the giant rock being, feeling rocky fists hit him square in the face, sending his body into the ground where he skipped the floor like a flat stone thrown across a lake. He tumbled, his body spinning around until he face planted on the ground, blood oozing out of his broken nose. He was tired, he had been fighting for... hours? Days? Weeks? He doesn't remember when it all started, but he feels weaker than ever in his entire life.


A deep and powerful voice shouted. That voice was like a beacon of light shining straight into his eyes, impossible to ignore and guiding him towards its source. Suddenly, he wasn't in the broken city of Metropolis anymore... He was in an endless field of wheat, a house could be seen in the horizon, and the air was pure and clean: "...Kansas?" He could recognize this place even if the world had ended in fire and flame, these endless field was but one of the many fields of the many farms that surrounded Smallville, Kansas. "Why... am I here?" A sharp bolt of pain went through his body- from the crown of his head to the end of his pinky, a shocking and sharp pain that felt like he was pricked with a thousand little needles- its funny, he has never even received a vaccine, his skin is too resistant for any kind of metal from earth. He grew up completely free of any disease or sickness, and that was one of the many benefits of being a Kriptonian it seems. "...peaceful..."

"That is exactly why I brought you here." A voice he did not recognize, softer than the first one, spoke- he turned around to meet this... guy? He looked a little weird and was wearing weird clothes, but who is he to judge? He has a rather stupid collection of Hawaiian shirts that his parents love to mock at all times, so he understands when someone makes questionable fashion decisions. He had green skin, red eyes that looked like these pondering wizard orbs (he has read many books of fantasy recently, ever since he realized that was one of Lois' favorite genres), and he had this... he'd say aura, of peace and calm, which was slightly off putting: "I apologize for my intrusion on your thoughts, but Metropolis needs her favorite hero. Please, return to us, Superman-" A bright, bright white light seemed to grab his hands and shine into his eyes, and he felt like he was flying, flying so fast he had lost the breath his lungs held, and—

With a coughing gasp, he opened his eyes.

"...why am I covered in dust?" He looked down- there were shards of rock and pieces of debri around him, and as he was coming back to himself, he was assaulted by the memories of what had happened. He was hit by the pale blue light from the rock giant and suddenly he found himself fighting alone, when in fact, he had joined the fight with the Flash and Green Lantern! "-!!!" Flexing, Superman caught the large tree-like arm that was about to smack him down hard, making him lift his eyebrows: "...bad choice." His eyes glowed a bright red color before a beam of pure heat tore through the chest of the tree thing and into the clouds above.

"Superman, do I have your consent to connect your mind to the telepathic bond?" That same voice! He turned to look, floating above him and the tree thing, was the same green man that he had seen. Superman simply nodded: "Very well." There was a snapping sensation as his mind suddenly felt foggy, and he was now connected to other minds too-

"[Oh, the rock hard man of the hour is here!]" ...what? "[It was kinda boring without you here, big boy in blue! Now, can you give Batman a hand? I bet he would love a big man in spandex to take him in his arms and fly towards the sunset- I known I would. Men, women, alien of unrecognizable and horrendous appearance... Anyone, really.]"

"[I think you mean 'can you give daddy a hand', right Green Lantern? Everyone here knows you think Batman is a daddy-]"

"[I told you guys, I have weird thoughts! You're the ones who pay attention to them! I mean, he sounds like a daddy-]"

"[Focus on the mission. Superman, glad to have you- help Aquaman take down Dut the Stone God, I can handle myself.]"

"[Damn bats, I was trying to set you up with a big man, but oh well, more for me I guess.]"

"[Uhm... I'll do my best?]"

"[Damn! He sounds like a breeze, feels like a bunch of papers on your hands, and smells like corn- Weird combination.]" ...this guy is kinda weird, but who is he to judge? I mean, its kinda cool that he has the confidence to say all this thing, and Superman has not even the courage to confess to her... "[Mayday, Mayday! Straight- straight guy!]"

"[...just because he likes a woman, does not mean he is straight. Look at me, Green Lantern. I am married, but I still like dick-]"

"[Well, yes-]"

"[Also, kinda rude?]"

"[...I'm glad I work alone.]"

...this was pure chaos.


POV Change

7 Appelaxians - Kalathora the Golden Roc

At first, it was a very easy thing.

Go to this primitive planet, cause as much chaos as possible, kill as many natives as possible, and claim the title of Kalar and be the best Kalar to ever exist. Then, go on to conquer the universe for the glory of the Appelaxians Empire! It was such an easy thing to do, but then... it got complicated. Powerful foes to face, and he was stuck to this guy wearing black and punching him like a he was some sort of toy! It was annoying, but he couldn't get rid of him, he tried to do so many times and each time he was either pulled back towards the man by some strange metal cable or he was suddenly denied his ability to fly for a few moments and plummeted down to the ground.

As it turns out, Kalathora is a very heavy metal in this planet.

He had no time to react when he was falling again, because his physical form could no longer be recovered. He had several, thousands of cracks all over his body that he could not close, this weird electrical energy was interfering with his abilities! The only way to survive would to give up the chance of being crowned Kalar, shed his physical form, and run away, and he'd rather die than-!

It happened so fast. A bright red beam of light went through his body, and he had no time to even react- his energy form faded away, and he fell.

Gone was Kalathora the Golden Roc, Kalar of Pride.


6 Appelaxians - Dut the Stone God 

It was a marvel to be so strong. Made from the very material that was the resistance of the many planets. Dut was a very good and defensive material, easy to recover, and easy to gather! He was invincible! He was God! He was all powerful and immortal!

But there was a flaw to it- once hit with the strength of a man of steel, he shattered into thousands of pieces. His energy form shattered with him.

Gone was Dut the Stone God, Kalar of Arrogance.


5 Appelaxians - Gatokŋ the Wood King

Gatokŋ. A rather rare material in the wide universe, considering the habitable planets in which the Green takes hold and grows... It was a gopd experience to take over and experience the power from the Green within this planet- it was stronger here for reasons he didn't know about. He was having a good time killing all these primitive species, sucking out their blood and every single ounce of moisture and whatever he could get his roots on, having a lot of fun destroying everything his roots could ever dream to touch- until, of course, a beam of pure fire and light energy pierced through his energy form, shattering him and destroying him immediately.

Gone was Gatokŋ the Wood King, Kalar of Apathy.


4 Appelaxians - Xu-Ak the Glass Glass

He was purifying this damned land- All the purest materials he could find after he becomes Kalar will be taken, and this race of impure beings will be taken to Apalekk, the Appelaxian home planet, and will be taught their place in this world. He could feel it- the process, the power of Purification flowing through his soul and light, he could-


-no longer feel anything. A blur of blue and red had simply flown right through him, faster than he could have reacted.

Gone was Xu-Ak the Glass Man, Kalar of Obsession.


3 Appelaxians - Amahor the Crystal Creature, Pakathar the Fire Lord, and Povokenateryn the Mercury Monster.

It was a bad time.

The three surviving Appelaxians felt the moment the other four had died. They died all by the hands of a single being- a being so powerful they could not hope to ever face.

Amahor was the first to shed his suit of crystals to flee. Their violet light form shined through the crystals and soon it shattered in a thousand pieces as the violet light flew into the sky above faster than anyone could ever hope to catch (except the Flash, of course). 

Povokenateryn followed suit (pun intended) and shattered his own form too. The many humans that had been contaminated by his mercury simply started puking this silverly liquid that evaporated into a silver light, leaving behind the pure mercury.

But Pakathar was not happy to leave. His form increase in size, bigger and bigger and bigger- But to his absolute anger, he was not able to explode as he wished. He had to abandon that form before it could explode as a deep cold breeze seemed to sip into his form, breaking away the heat and would break his own Pakathar if not for the heat he emanated. So he decided to leave, giving up his chance to become a Kalar was a disgusting and shameful thing... He will get his revenge.

And this day, was the first day the Justice League was created.