
[Book 2] Chapter 06: Today is the Day! (Part 1)

[Clock - 07:44 | 07:44 AM]

[Calendar - 08/06/2010]

[Location - Beastialis Empire - Skypelago, Menagerie Island, Central Region, Pyramid Palace of Cycles]


Adam Begala -  Electric Light POV

Today was the day.

Feeling nervous, Adam almost didn't sleep the day before! He went over everything he knew, from basic occultism spells that were taught to him- Oh, right! Besides his electricity powers, Adam was also a student of the Learning Palace of Thoth, so he knew a bunch of things about the supernatural side of the world alongside a bunch of rituals and spells that he could use, even with his subpar magical talent. It took him years to even learn a few things that, according to his teachers, could save his life in a pinch. He also had a [Ring of Holding] full of emergency supplies such as health potions, crystals full of magic energy forba few rituals that could heal and cast spells, and even a few items that would work like an emergency call directly to the Empress. His hands were twitching as he nervously looked down at his clothes- he was told to wear casual clothes, and that he could switch with that trick that was taught to him.

As he trudged down the long halls of the Pyramid Palace of Cycles as he tried to keep his nervousness in check as was taught to him, his Empress' voice flowing through his head: "Chaos is good only when it isn't inside your head, divert and adapt to change, but also take your damn Adderall." Because of his rather electrifying Meta powers, his brain was kinda wired to quick thoughts, and because of that no matter how many times the Empress tried to help him with getting rid of his ADHD, it never worked. Nowadays he takes Adderall and it helps him a little bit, just enough to stop his thoughts from turning into a mess because otherwise he will feel anger, lust, the "anguish spiral", and other stages of his genetically enchanted ADHD. As he pushed through the door of the large banquet hall, he saw the usual scene that always transpired every single day- his mother sitting by the table in her awesome glory, the Emperor and Empress side by side discussing about something while the Emperor tried to feed the Empress extra food, and a few others sitting by the table and having their own breakfast. "Good morning peeps!" With the same excitement for everything ever, Adam allowed his body to change and turn into electricity, zapping towards his chair right beside his mother. He materialized and kissed her cheek before starting to grab a few pieces of garlic bread.

"Good morning." The Empress chuckled, already used to his antics. Nowadays, the Empress has been wearing loose pale while clothes more regularly, and he has clearly noticed the belly- everyone has! It was exciting news that made everyone very happy for the couple that took care of the nation. "Pamela, can you pass me the butter, please?" Without even looking, the Emperor simply caught the stick of butter that was thrown by this thick vine. In fact, all members of the Council of Beasts usually had breakfast together like a very unusual family- Pamela, the Lady of the Immaculate Garden, had her vegetarian breakfast consisting of avocado, vegetables, and something green that his younger self would've thought gross. Beside her, eating the exact and complete opposite was Captain Alamos, Baron of the Lupus House and chief of the Royal Guards. Although not exclusively a carnivore, Alamos Lucian loved to eat meat! "Hey, Miss Fries, can you pass me the soy sauce?" His arm stretched thrice its usual size, easily reaching over closely to the soy sauce, that was deposited on his hand by the wonderful Miss Fries. "Thanks~!"

"Make sure to eat good, kiddo." The Emperor's voice broke him out of his eating frenzy- in fact, of the people there, not many had the whole "I eat like an educated Victorian lady" vibes and more like "Victorian orphan who hasn't eaten in 7 days gets his cup if porrige" vibes as they all gobbled down whatever they could get their hands on... It was very chaotic. "Make sure to grow big, your mom will be proud!" With a wink, the Emperor pushed another slab of meat that was at least the size of his head towards him and anothet towards the Empress, who looked like he wanted to sigh. Adam, however, wasn't one to reject food (specially meat that was cooked by the Emperor himself!) so he dug right in! "Heh, by the way he's absolutely devouring that thing, you'd think he's the one eating for seven people." Ah, right! Everyone had learned that the Empress was pregnant of sextuplets, six kids at the same time was somewhat rare, but considering the fact that many Homo Beastialis have even 8 children at the same time, it wasn't unusual at all! In fact, many people expected the Empress to have more children, but six is more than enough!

"Well, he is just excited, my love." With a relaxed smile on his lips- Adam still doesn't know how the Empress can act so calm when he's hungry, couldn't be him -the Empress simply stared into his eyes. Adam would never get used to the way the Empress could easily stare directly into his soul to make sure he was okay... It happened a few years ago, but long story short, he tried doing this very complicated spell and he almost died because of it. The Empress said it damaged his soul, so he had rest, and even after years of this the Empress will every single day look into his soul to make sure nothing bad has happened to him. The Empress smiled as he looked at him, the familiar look of soft relief adorning his face like a veil as he noticed that there were no disturbances in his soul and that it was the same healed and undamaged soul: "After all, today is his first day meeting The Team that Batman has created... And little Adam here has been dreaming of being a hero for so long."

"Oh, he has-" His mother chuckled from beside him. As the Royal Cook, she was the head cooker of the House of Hathor, the most prestigious restaurant slash house of entertainment slash hotel slash community home slash whatever they're feeling like in the day. She was a badass woman because she can easily control the entire staff with a few and simple commands, making hundreds of cooks work together and she has even danced on stage when one of girls broke her foot! And ever since, everyone wants her back on stage because of how good she was at the whole dancing thing! Abigail Begala was the most badass mother a guy like him could ask for: "-and although I wanted him to be a healer or professor, I guess hero is the thing he wants to be." She shrugged, not really minding the hard path her boy was choosing- he would walk his own path, and she would always be there to support him.

"Well, we're meeting the team by 08." The Empress had to push away the Emperor's hand as he tried to feed him another slab of raw meat- There are a few reasons why such a weird dietary change would happen in Homo Beastialis. Mostly is the weird instincts, which makes Carnivora Homo Beastialis wish to devour more raw meat, which has sparked a market for raw meat and a lot of ways to cook said meat. "If you try to feed me more, I will throw up on you again... this is weird, how long until these eggs are ready to be laid?" Huffing, the Empress cleaned himself and turned to look at him, frowning at the stain of sauce on his shirt: "...Well, you look quite presentable like that, you think any of them likes soy sauce?"

"It was one time!" Adam huffed- seriously, can't they forget the infamous soy sauce incident!? Everyone would be so much happier if they just forgot the most embarrassing day of his life! "One time you spill soy sauce in yourself and is almost eaten alive by a T-Rex that seems to love soy sauce and suddenly that's all everyone can talk about! Seriously, that was traumatizing-"

"And funny." Unproptly, added Lonnie, chewing on a piece of steak.

"-and funny!" Adam paused for a moment as he heard what he had just said, and turned to glare at the professional shut-in neet that took care of the Empire's internet access and security: "...shut!" He pointed his finger towards the older guy- seriously, those glasses look ridiculous on him! And he has bullying him about the whole "Soy Sauce Incident", or as they like to call it the "T-Rex Soy Sauce Vore Incident", and he hasn't once stopped to think about the implications of that traumatic event or how much that has shaped his fear of being vored! "Seriously, that thing fucked me up."

"I'm sorry you went through that, kiddo." Huffing, Captain Alamos's ears dropped and his tail was tucked, and with an apologetic look he tried to cheer him up: "Hey, at lwast we ate the thing, right? T-Rex meat is great even though it is a carnivore hunter... the amount of parasites we had to clean from the meat was crazy, but worth it too." Shrugging, Captain Alamos seemed to remember the taste of the meat because his tail started to wag really quickly. That's the thing for Homo Beastialis Lupus, they can have a poker face all they want, their tails and ears always betrays their true emotions.

"Well, we got about... 12 minutes to get ready." With a flourish of magic, the casual clothes the Empress were wearing changed. He was suddenly wearing this tightly fit almost tuxedo suit for the upper body but a upside-down wine glass shaped black skirt for the lower body. Sometimes Adam wishes he could rock a skirt like the Empress can, he'd feel more confident then. With a twist of the wrist, there was a wide brimmed black hat that he loved to call his "Busty Tall Vampire Lady Hat" for some reason?

Adam doesn't understand the Empress sometimes.

He turned to look at him and smiled: "You ready?"

Looking down at himself, Adam shrugged: "As I'll ever be, I guess? I have the suit stored in the ring alongside everything else I'll need." He double checked everything on his person and on the ring by shoving the little bit of magic that he had- He blinked and confirmed that yes, the ring had everything he needed from Beastialis, because the mundane things he could get from the mundane world! "Yep, got everything- yes mom, i got the clothing changes you gave me, all seventeen of them alongside matching hats, shoes, and even underwear. Yes Pamela, I got the little plants, yes Mr. Fries, I have the ice bombs... I don't know why I would use them, but I have them!" He went on a list of every item that the others had given him, watching as the Empress amusedly stared back at him before he turned to look at the Emperor: "...yes, I got the sword with me too."

"Atta boy!" Giving him a thumbs up, the Emperor grinned: "Cut them all in half! That's the fun part!"

"I don't think they cut the bad guys in half?" Do heroes cut bad guys in half? He knows that, if needed, he gotta kill a bitch. That's the number one lesson taught to him- Ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves. To cut off an enemy before they can become a bigger enemy is the noble thing to do, saving future lives. "...do they?"

"Well, why not ask them?" With a wave of the Empress' hand, a hole was punctured right in space, and they turned from their table of food to see a group of people that Adam was familiar with- He recognized the Batman, Martian Manhunter, and a few other heroes alongside their... sidekicks? "Ah, is this a bad time?" The Empress asked with his "bad bitch™" tone of voice- the one he used whenever he was dealing with people he didn't like that much.

Adam dematerialized and rematerialized with his lightning abilities, standing besides his Empress with a straight back and a a nervous smile.

Today was the day!