
Seven Nation Army

At the start of the 21st century, the greed and power-hungry Ness of the 1st world countries started World War III. After 14 years of gruesome war, seven countries stood up. They created the Seven Nation Army(SNA). With the overwhelming power of the SNA, the war stopped. It's been 7 years since the war ended and a new organization calling themselves the New World Order(NWO) has surfaced intending to turn the world into turmoil once again. The Bravo squad of the SNA is tasked to stop them. Can they succeed in their mission or is World War IV right around the corner? NOTE: The 1st few chapters are rough around the edges and short as I wrote them while I was still new in writing. Please stick through it if you like the concept and story as the story keeps getting better and the chapters longer. Thank you for you support

Captain_Sadistic · 軍事
66 Chs


Sohel takes off his Helmet. He asks Shadow, "What's wrong with you, bro? That helmet was made to withstand rifle bullets. And you just broke it with a punch."

"That's a secret. Let's go now. If Stone's in the yacht, he should be at the bridge."

Sohel nods. He dismantles his headphones from the helmet and wears it. He goes and picks his rifle back up. They both run and reach the top deck. Shadow points at the bridge and says, "Look." Sohel sees Stone on the bridge along with a person wearing a civilian ship captain's uniform. Sohel turns on his comms and before he can say anything Annabelle's voice comes through the comms, "Captain, come in. Captain, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm OK."

"Thank god. Your helmet cam suddenly stopped streaming so I thought something happened to you."

"I'm alright but my helmet's fucked. Can you do a scan of the Yacht?"

"On it............... The yacht's basically empty. I'm just getting 9 hit signatures on the Bridge."


Sohel gives the info to Shadow and says, "Excluding Stone, we should assume everyone else has weapons."

"Why are you excluding Stone?"

"His right arm is out. I shot it at the shore. So unless he's ambidextrous, he shouldn't be able to operate a firearm."

"OK then."

Sohel and Shadow sneak to the door of the bridge. Both of them stand on each side of the door. Sohel whispers, "I'll kick the door at the call of three. Once I do, take care of the guys on the right. I'll take care of the others." Shadow nods and grips his pistol. Sohel counts to three and kicks the door. The storm inside the room. Sohel sees four guys in front of him and shoots just four bullets. All of the bullets hit them in the middle of their head, killing them on the spot. Shadow finds three in front of them too. One of them was too close for him to aim. So, he hugs the guy with his left hand and shoots three bullets holding the pistol against him. The guy's body hid him from the other two. They fired at him but all of the bullets hit the dead body of the first guy. He then throws the dead body toward the other two guys and while they're busy with the body he shoots them too. Sohel and Shadow then come and stand before Stone. Sohel looks at the captain but sees him sitting on his knees, too scared to move. Sohel says, "Give up, Stone. You've got nowhere to run anymore. Surrender now."

Stone ignores Sohel's demand and says, "You…..You're Naoki Kobayashi, right? The survivor of Project Spectre. Your fighting style says it all." Sohel looks at Shadow with disbelief in his eyes. He says, "You're Kobayashi? Are you the one Naomi's searching for? What's Project Spectre?"

Stone laughs uncontrollably, "Huh. Looks like those hypocrites hid the facts even from their subordinates. Proj......."

Shadow shoots him before he could say anything else. Sohel angrily turns at Shadow and grabs his collar, "You. What are you hiding? What's Project Spectre?"

Shadow takes Sohel's hands from his collar, twists it, and pushes him. He says, "That info's classified. You'll know what it is if you need to. And don't you dare reveal my identity to anyone, especially Naomi."

He gets out of the bridge. Sohel gets up and runs outside but finds no one. Sohel says in the comms, "All personnel. Stone is KIA. I repeat, Stone is KIA."

He gets back to the shore and sees Aiden waiting for him. He says, "We'll be leaving right now. I'll leave the clean-up to the CIA."

Aiden says, "I've contacted them. 15 agents will be here soon. But Ghost...….."

"What is it?"

"It's about Luna. All the kids of Stone's orphanage would be moved elsewhere. But for Luna, I don't think her mind can handle staying in an orphanage anymore."

Sohel thinks about it for a moment and says, "OK then. We'll take Luna with us."

He meets back with others. Annabelle lands Artemis and Mitali comes out. Sohel asks Mitali, "How's Luna?"

"She's sleeping."

Naomi joins then. Sohel looks at Naomi and his face hardens. Naomi asks, "What happened?"

Sohel fakes a smile and says, "Nothing. Let's get ready to move. We'll leave the clean-up to the CIA."

07th January 2032


Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, Dhaka

All of the Bravo squad members and Luna get out of the terminal. They had luggage with them. Annabelle says, "Two months suspension for bad behavior with superiors and unauthorized use of destructive force. Isn't that a bit too much, considering the results we produced?"

Jacob says, "Well, I'm happy though. Suspension or whatever, It's just an opportunity for us to enjoy a vacation."

Mitali says, "But still. Did all of you need to join us?"

Annabelle says, "How couldn't we? Naomi told us about Sohel's mysterious acquaintance. Doesn't that make you curious?"

"I'm sure he was talking with Sarah."

Suddenly a tall 20-22 year old, black-haired girl calls out, "Brother, this way."

Sohel smiles and runs to her and hugs her. He says, "I'm sorry, Sarah. But, don't worry. I'll be here with you for the next two months."

The others reach them too. Mitali introduces Sarah to everyone, "Everyone, Meet Sarah, Sohel's younger sister."

They introduce themselves and greet her. Sarah greets them back. Luna was hiding behind Sohel. Sarah sees Luna and asks, "Who's that?"

Sohel turns around and says, "Come on, Luna. Introduce yourself."

Luna says, "I'm Luna Chowdhury. It's a pleasure to meet you, Aunt Sarah."

Luna turns to Sohel and says with a smile on her face, "Dad, I didn't stutter this time."

Sohel smiles and pats her head, "Good job."

Sarah was taken aback by all this and said, "Wait a minute. Aunt Sarah? Dad? What's going on?"

Mitali says, "Well, things happened and situations led him to adopt Luna."

Sohel says, "I'm planning to leave her in your care. Will that be a problem?"

Sarah replies, "That's a lot of info to take at once. But no, it shouldn't be a problem."

Sohel then turns and says, "OK everyone. Let's have a fun two months of break."

Everyone cheers together.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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