
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · ファンタジー
51 Chs

Chapter 41: Dragon

The astonishing revelation that the mighty dragon we had encountered was, in fact, none other than our dear friend Beckette, left me reeling with a mixture of shock and disbelief. As the awe-inspiring creature descended from the sky, its majestic form gracefully transforming back into the familiar shape of Beckette in his human guise, a surge of complex emotions engulfed me. The initial shock gave way to a flood of relief and joy that filled the air around us.

In that transformative moment, I found myself discarding caution and reason, propelled by an overwhelming rush of emotion. With an impulse driven by affection and concern, I rushed forward, embracing Beckette in a tight and heartfelt hug. My voice trembled as I whispered, my worry evident, "Are you alright?"

I wasn't alone in my response. My friends, equally caught between relief and bewilderment, joined me in a sprint towards Beckette, their arms outstretched in a gesture of both welcome and reassurance. There was a tangible blend of relief and curiosity in their eyes as they, too, sought solace and confirmation from our friend who had just emerged from the jaws of an unforeseen transformation.

Yet, while our collective joy and relief seemed all-encompassing, little did we suspect that another manifestation of Beckette had also been set loose—a twisted reflection marked by ominous red eyes that glinted with an unsettling malevolence. The entity known as Bethujakth, the very force that had ensnared and tainted Beckette's heart, had taken on a tangible form of its own.

The comprehension of this chilling reality struck us with the force of a lightning bolt. Our instincts kicked in almost immediately, and any remnants of hesitancy evaporated. We assumed battle-ready stances without hesitation, bracing ourselves for the inevitable clash that was poised to unfold. The atmosphere grew charged with an electric tension, our eyes locked onto the eerie figure before us, our determination to shield Beckette propelling us to confront whatever peril lay in our path.

Amidst this palpable tension, Beckette's voice cut through the charged air with a blend of urgency and conviction. His gaze was unyielding as he addressed the malevolent presence that had adopted his appearance. "Listen to me," he entreated, the gravity of his words hanging heavy in the air. "This is a battle I must face alone. The power of Bethujakth is a burden I bear, and I won't let it consume you all as well."

His words resonated with a weight that reached the depths of our beings, yet an unyielding determination surged within us. We had come so far together, shared so much, that our bond felt unbreakable. We assumed our positions, weapons in hand, prepared to face the impending conflict.

Weapons were placed in our hands, provided by King Theodred's associates, suitable for the imminent battle. I found myself equipped with a bow and a quiver of arrows that seemed to possess an unending supply. As we readied ourselves, the rain began to pour, drenching us to the bone. However, the deluge failed to dampen our spirits or deter our resolve. The earth beneath us shook, and distant thunder roared, seemingly echoing the malevolent laughter that emanated from Bethujakth.

In an instant, the ground beneath us trembled, giving rise to a horde of undead that clawed their way to the surface. Bethujakth's sinister smile widened as it gazed upon us with malevolent red eyes—a grotesque imitation of our dear friend. With a hiss that echoed distortedly with Beckette's voice, it mocked us, deriding our determination and warning that our defiance would lead to our downfall.

The battle commenced with an eruption of dark energy as Bethujakth lunged at us, the clash unfolding in a furious crescendo. Beckette, a portrait of concern and resolve, launched himself into the fray with a grace that was remarkable, his movements calculated and precise. Each of his strikes bore witness to the skills he had honed, a manifestation of the very essence that had once been subsumed by this malevolent force.

As the battle escalated, the chamber echoed with the symphony of steel meeting darkness. My companions and I met Bethujakth's assaults head-on, our weapons gleaming in the torchlight as we fought with an unyielding tenacity that stemmed from our shared determination to safeguard Beckette. In the midst of the chaos, the undead horde posed an additional challenge, seeming impervious to our efforts despite our unwavering attempts to fend them off.

Through the tumult, Beckette's voice pierced the cacophony, a reminder of the high stakes that defined this conflict. "I can handle this," he shouted, his gaze locking with mine, a mingling of gratitude and concern evident in his eyes. "Trust me."

However, our hearts remained unwavering, our resolve unshaken. Even as Beckette valiantly fought against the malevolent presence, we refused to remain mere spectators. The battle raged on, an intricate dance that seemed to stretch beyond the bounds of time. Bethujakth's threats and taunts were met with our unflinching resolve, a testament to the indomitable bond we had forged through shared trials and triumphs.

As the confrontation endured, the atmosphere grew increasingly charged with a palpable blend of desperation and determination. The clash between light and shadow, friend and malevolent doppelgänger, unfolded as a mesmerizing and treacherous dance. The realm seemed to shrink to the confined space where our battle took place, encapsulating our struggle within its boundaries.

Our efforts to repel the relentless horde of undead continued unabated, yet their numbers appeared to swell rather than diminish. Every attempt to push them back seemed to be met with stubborn resistance. Our weapons, while formidable, were stretched thin against the unyielding tide of the supernatural. Each of us fought with our unique skills, fueled not only by the urgency of the battle but also by the steadfast camaraderie that had bound us together through countless trials.

I tried to focus on fighting this undead in front of me, using the arrow as a weapon, as I had no other choice. Then, amidst the chaos, the thought of the dagger from King Theodred struck me. With determination, I stabbed the arrow into the head of the undead and fumbled to find the dagger on my side. Once grasped, I looked ahead, only to be met with a scene reminiscent of an episode from "The Walking Dead" series.

Doubt crept in. Could we truly emerge victorious from this dire situation? The odds seemed insurmountable as the battle raged on, with the malevolent presence of Bethujakth and the horde of undead seemingly unrelenting. But doubt could not find a home in our hearts, for we fought not only for our lives but for the bond of friendship that had carried us through the most daunting of challenges.

As the struggle continued, it became evident that Beckette's strength was not just in his physical prowess, but in the resilience of his spirit and the purity of his heart. His resolve, his sacrifice, and his plea for us to trust in him were the driving forces that fortified our determination. With every strike against the malevolent presence, with every stand against the advancing horde, we reaffirmed our commitment to one another and to the shared purpose that united us.

The battle reached a crescendo of intensity, with clashes of metal, bursts of dark energy, and the anguished roars of the undead creating an otherworldly symphony. Our determination remained unshaken, our hearts beating as one, each of us contributing our strength to this climactic struggle.