
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · ファンタジー
51 Chs

Chapter 39: This is it

In the wake of the ritual's aftermath, the room held its breath, thick with tension and the electric charge of anticipation. Phloach, his hands etched with age yet steady, turned his attention to the glass container that cradled our meticulously crafted mixture. The vibrant liquid, an intricate dance of colors that seemed to hold the essence of distant galaxies, flowed gracefully from the vessel. It was as though a microcosm of the universe had been captured within the delicate confines of the glass.

"I firmly believe that Beckette's heart is one of goodness," Phloach's voice reverberated with unwavering conviction, his words carrying the weight of his steadfast beliefs. "He is ensnared within a conflict he never sought, bound by forces far beyond mortal comprehension. The seductive power of Bethujakt's dominion wields an influence that even the mightiest of spirits struggle to resist."

As his words lingered, a connection formed between us, a silent acknowledgment of the intricate layers that composed Beckette's predicament. The turmoil within him resonated, understood in the spaces between our shared gaze.

"Yet, there exists a chapter untold, a secret I've guarded closely," Phloach continued, his eyes drifting into the realm of memory. "My own brother, Rhebris, once undertook a perilous endeavor to rescue Beckette. He embarked on a path much like the one we now tread, utilizing a ritual of his own design to challenge Bethujakt's stranglehold."

I was drawn into his narrative, my attention ensnared by the unfolding tale. Phloach's revelation breathed life into a hidden facet of his own journey, expanding the narrative canvas before us. "Rhebris shouldered the responsibility of liberating Beckette," Phloach revealed, his voice blending pride with the melancholy of a remembrance. "I chose to stand back, believing it to be his destined course, his burden to bear."

Before the tale could delve further into Rhebris's saga, a haunting howl pierced the air, its mournful timbre slicing through the silence like an unsettling premonition. "The time for war has dawned," Phloach's words carried a gravity that left no room for doubt, his swift departure from the room a testament to the urgency of the situation.

I followed suit, propelled by the immediacy of the moment. Stepping into the corridor, I was greeted by the sight of my companions, their expressions a blend of concern and unwavering resolve. It didn't take them long to grasp the gravity of the situation, and they joined me in pursuit of Phloach, a united front in the face of impending turmoil.

As we reached the palace's entrance, the tableau that met our eyes was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The courtyard thrummed with life, a diverse assembly of beings converging—King Theodred and his noble knights, fairies flitting alongside Eysus, the imposing presence of Nosmjir accompanied by his pack of wolves. Each figure radiated purpose, a shared determination to confront the looming challenge that awaited.

Phloach stood at the forefront, a pillar of strength amidst the storm. His exchange of nods with King Theodred conveyed an unspoken understanding, a connection forged in their shared pursuit of a common goal. The knights assumed battle-ready stances, their gleaming weapons glinting in the subdued light. Fairies lent an ethereal grace to the scene, their delicate wings emitting a soft luminescence. The wolves of Nosmjir stood as a steadfast unit, a display of unity against the impending darkness.

Amidst the thunderous rumble above, King Theodred's sword gleamed as it was raised high, his resolute voice ringing across the courtyard. "For the realm, for unity, for the opportunity to restore equilibrium!" His words were met with fervent cheers, a harmonious chorus of voices converging in a collective proclamation.

Phloach's eyes met mine once again, a fusion of determination and purpose reflecting in his gaze. "Together, let us stand as a united front," he declared, his voice carrying a weight that transcended mere speech. "Against the encroaching shadows that seek to engulf us."

In that poignant instant, surrounded by steadfast allies and steadfast companions, I felt a renewed surge of determination. Our journey, the bonds forged in the crucible of adversity, and the challenges we had overcome had all led us to this pivotal juncture. It was a moment pregnant with the promise of change, a crossroads that had the potential to reshape the destiny of our realm and unveil the truths concealed beneath layers of deception.

As the storm above raged, illuminating the sky with frenetic bursts of lightning, we readied ourselves for the impending conflict. The echoes of howls and battle cries reverberated, a symphony of unity amid the looming adversity. Together, we stood resolute, poised to confront the shadows and unearth the enigmas that had lain shrouded for far too long.

In a startling twist that seemed to both epitomize the wonder and apprehension of our situation, the heavens tore asunder, birthing forth an unexpected figure—a dragon. Its majestic form unfolded, casting a colossal silhouette upon the courtyard. A collective gasp swept through the assembly, an awe-struck reaction to the unexpected turn that fate had woven into our intricate tapestry.

As the skies ripped open, unveiling the awe-inspiring figure of a dragon, gasps of astonishment rippled through the courtyard. Its majestic wings unfurled, casting an imposing shadow that seemed to embrace the entire palace. Lightning crackled around the creature with a mere blink of its eye, the sheer power it held within its gaze both mesmerizing and terrifying.

The ground quivered beneath our feet, the rumbling of an impending earthquake echoing through the air. But even as the world seemed to tremble, our resolve remained unshaken. We were united, bound by a shared determination that refused to yield to fear.

As the dragon descended, a sense of urgency pulsed in the air. Phloach's voice reached my ears amidst the chaos, a calm anchor amid the storm. "Now, throw the vial!" he instructed, his words clear and urgent. I held the vial tightly, my heart pounding as I gazed at the colossal creature above. Doubt gnawed at me—what if my aim faltered, and the vial missed its mark?

Sensing my hesitation, Phloach's gaze met mine, his eyes steady and resolute. "Trust the fairies," he reassured, a knowing glint in his eyes. "They will guide your hand."

Summoning my courage, I hurled the vial toward the dragon, my heart racing as the fragile container soared through the air. In that moment, the fairies—luminous beings that had flitted around us—lent their magic to my intent, ensuring that the vial found its way to the dragon's path.

Phloach's voice, woven with ancient incantations, resonated through the turmoil. His chants merged with the energy of the vial, weaving a tapestry of magic that sought to weaken the dragon's grip on reality. The air shimmered, charged with an otherworldly energy as the vial's effect took hold.

The dragon's movements faltered, its once-piercing gaze clouded with uncertainty. Lightning danced across its scales, its resplendent form now showing signs of strain. A collective breath escaped us as the vial's influence began to take root.

The dragon fell from the castle, just like how Beckette and Cateus fell like in my dream. Is it done? Is it finally done?

But it wasn't over.