
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · ファンタジー
51 Chs

Chapter 29: That’s sus

In a distant corner of the realm, far from the events surrounding Eli, Kyson, Yvette, and the enigmatic world they were navigating, another tale was unfolding. This was a tale of three companions—Demea, Ezra, and Atifa—whose paths had taken a different turn, leading them into their own web of mystery and danger.

As the trio ventured into the uncharted depths of the realm, an unexpected twist of fate threw them into turmoil. Atifa, usually poised, seductive, and alert, suddenly collapsed without warning, her unconscious form shocking both Demea and Ezra. Panic and concern welled up within them, and their cries for help echoed through the air, unheard by any potential saviors.

Their pleas for aid went unanswered, and before they could make sense of Atifa's sudden condition, a sinister presence descended upon them. Demonic figures, their forms twisted and malevolent, appeared seemingly out of thin air. Before Demea and Ezra could react, they found themselves ensnared by dark magic, unable to escape the clutches of these otherworldly captors.

Soon, the companions found themselves imprisoned in a towering fortress, the cold stone walls a stark reminder of their vulnerability. Demea and Ezra were confined to a tall, ominous tower, its height seeming insurmountable. Atifa, too, was trapped within the fortress, locked away in a dimly lit room that felt both eerie and suffocating.

With determination burning in their eyes, Demea and Ezra wasted no time in assessing their dire situation. The tower's cold, metal bars seemed impenetrable, but they weren't about to give up. Scanning their surroundings, an idea struck them—they could use the bed sheets as makeshift ropes to scale down the tower's exterior.

As they tied the sheets together with swift hands, hope ignited within them. The determination to escape, to reunite with their fallen companion Atifa, fueled their every action. With the rope fashioned and secured, they glanced at each other, a silent exchange of resolve passing between them.

Meanwhile, within the confines of her dimly lit cell, Atifa's consciousness gradually returned. Confusion enveloped her as she struggled to recall the events that had led to her current predicament. Her thoughts were a jumble of fragments—falling, darkness, and an overwhelming sense of helplessness.

Gathering her wits, Atifa surveyed her surroundings. The room, though sparsely furnished, held an air of antiquity, its walls adorned with faded tapestries that seemed to tell stories of a forgotten era. However, it was the locked door that commanded her attention, a beacon of both opportunity and danger.

Summoning her courage, Atifa approached the door, her fingers brushing against the cold, aged wood. To her surprise, the door was unlocked. Suspicion and caution warred within her, but the prospect of freedom outweighed her uncertainty. Stepping into the corridor beyond, she found herself within the labyrinthine confines of an ancient castle.

As Atifa moved cautiously through the corridors, she was met with an eerie silence, the weight of history hanging heavily in the air. Her senses were on high alert, every footstep echoing like a whisper. Yet, her heart quickened when she spotted two demons conversing in hushed tones.

"Beckette is getting out of hand," one of the demons muttered, their voices tinged with a mixture of concern and apprehension.

The second demon nodded in agreement, their gaze fixed on the ground as if grappling with their thoughts. "I don't know, man. He's sus."

Just as Atifa began to eavesdrop, a sudden clap of thunder erupted, its booming sound reverberating through the castle corridors. Amidst the sudden tempest, a figure materialized—the enigmatic Beckette himself. His presence interrupted the demons' conversation, drawing their attention away from their whispered concerns.

A sense of unease gnawed at Atifa as she observed the exchange. Beckette's sudden appearance amidst the storm felt like an omen, his dark aura hinting at a malevolent power that transcended the realm itself. Sensing that she was in no position to confront such a formidable entity, Atifa retreated into the shadows, her heart racing as she overheard Beckette's command to the demons before they disappeared from view.

With the coast clear, Atifa continued her exploration, her mind racing to make sense of the fragments of conversation she had overheard. There was more to Beckette than met the eye, and his apparent control over the demons sent shivers down her spine.

As the echoes of the demons' voices faded into the distance, Atifa was left to contemplate her next move. The castle's secrets and mysteries loomed before her, waiting to be unraveled. But her priority remained clear—to reunite with Demea and Ezra, to escape the clutches of this foreboding realm, and to confront the enigma that was Beckette.

Determined to uncover the truth and find her companions, Atifa pressed forward through the castle's ancient corridors. The air was thick with anticipation, each step she took bringing her closer to a revelation she knew was waiting just beyond the shadows.

As she navigated the labyrinthine passages, Atifa's mind raced. The mention of Beckette's name and the demons' cryptic conversation hung in her thoughts like a puzzle waiting to be solved. Why was Beckette considered "sus"? What was his role in this enigmatic realm, and how did it connect to her own presence here?

With each turn she took, the castle's history seemed to unfold before her eyes. Paintings and tapestries adorned the walls, depicting scenes of grandeur, conflict, and hidden desires. Atifa's intuition told her that these images held clues to the realm's past, and she made a mental note to investigate them further.

Her exploration eventually led her to a chamber that felt different from the rest. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to tell a story, a narrative woven through time. As she studied the carvings, Atifa's heart quickened—these scenes seemed to depict the rise and fall of leaders, the shifting alliances, and the underlying tensions that had shaped the realm's destiny.

Among the carvings, one image stood out—a figure with an aura of both power and darkness, unmistakably Beckette. The carvings seemed to portray him as a catalyst of change, his actions sending ripples through the realm's history. As Atifa's fingers traced the carvings, she couldn't shake the feeling that Beckette's role in this realm was far more significant than anyone realized.

But her thoughts were abruptly interrupted by the sound of footsteps echoing in the corridor.

Atifa's heart raced as she quickly retreated into the shadows, concealing herself from view. Two demons passed by, their conversation sending chills down her spine.

"I heard Beckette's summoned an ancient force," one of the demons whispered, their voice hushed with a mixture of fear and excitement.

The second demon nodded, their eyes wide with anticipation. "If that's true, then things are about to get even more chaotic around here."

Atifa's pulse quickened as she absorbed the implications of their words. An ancient force—what could that mean? Was Beckette attempting to harness a power that had long remained dormant, hidden beneath the layers of history? And what did this forebode for the realm and its inhabitants?

With the demons' voices fading into the distance, Atifa emerged from her hiding place. Her mind buzzed with thoughts and questions, her determination to uncover the truth burning brighter than ever. She knew that time was of the essence, that the realm's fate hung in the balance, and that her role in this unfolding story was far from arbitrary.

Guided by a newfound sense of purpose, Atifa retraced her steps through the castle's corridors, her steps carrying her closer to her companions and the enigmatic Beckette. She couldn't ignore the urgency of the situation, the weight of the secrets she had uncovered propelling her forward.

As she navigated the castle's twists and turns, Atifa couldn't shake the feeling that the answers she sought were within her grasp, just beyond the next corner. The tale of Demea, Ezra, Atifa, and the enigmatic forces at play was far from over, and as the castle's walls whispered their secrets, she prepared herself for the challenges that lay ahead.