
Seven Deadly Games

A game about 7 people with different negative characters in a different world. How will they survive? Will Zammirah be able to get out of this game? Only time could tell... Welcome to Seven Deadly Games

shallowounds · ファンタジー
51 Chs

Chapter 10: Quest

"Game 4: QUESTionings," the king declared, his words hanging in the air, the intrigue of the upcoming challenge fueling our curiosity. We waited, eager for him to elaborate further. "Tomorrow will mark the beginning of your venture. Today, however, is a day of relaxation. But do keep in mind that a map is hidden within the castle, and it will prove valuable on your journey. Keep your eyes peeled," he concluded, his tone laden with a mixture of enigmatic guidance.

With a collective nod, we were dismissed, leaving the throne room with a sense of anticipation tinged with uncertainty. The weight of the impending quest settled in the back of our minds, but for the time being, the promise of a day to unwind provided a brief respite.

I chose to seek solace in the castle's library. It seemed like a fitting escape, a chance to lose myself in the pages of a novel and enjoy some much-needed solitude. As I ventured toward the library, my friends engaged in their own conversations, seemingly unaware of my departure. A fond smile played on my lips as I observed their camaraderie, reassured by the bonds we had forged.

Upon reaching the library, I pushed open the ornate door, the slight creaking sound echoing in the tranquil space. The sight that greeted me was nothing short of breathtaking – rows upon rows of meticulously organized books, each waiting to be explored. A sense of wonder washed over me as I stepped inside, allowing the door to close behind me with a soft thud.

The library was a haven of knowledge, a sanctuary of stories waiting to be discovered. A contented smile graced my lips as I wandered down the aisles, reading the titles of the books in search of a captivating read. The light from above filtering through the place cast a glow on the shelves, creating an atmosphere of serenity that enveloped me.

With a chosen book in hand, I settled into a comfortable nook, allowing myself to be transported to a different world. The book was entitled "Life between the Gods." As the pages turned, the worries and uncertainties of the game faded into the background, replaced by the enchanting narrative that unfolded before me. Time seemed to stand still as I lost myself in the story, relishing the moments of quiet introspection and escape that the library offered.

The tale was captivating, introducing me to a realm where gods and mortals coexisted in a delicate balance. The author's name caught my eye – King Theodred. It was an unexpected revelation that sent a shock through my thoughts. I didn't know whether to attribute it to mere coincidence or a deliberate connection, but the realization left me intrigued and eager to continue reading, despite the lateness of the hour.

As I turned the pages, fully immersed in the world King Theodred had crafted, I was interrupted by the sight of a torn piece of paper that fell from the book. Curiosity compelled me to pick it up, my fingers gingerly tracing over the neatly handwritten words that had been fragmented by the tear.

"In this- Please be safe-. I know this ti-. Take care of-. Be cautious-. -wrong you know what-. The-. I love y-."

The incomplete message only fueled my intrigue, and after a brief internal struggle, I decided to preserve the torn paper as a potential clue. I carefully stowed it away in my pocket, a tangible reminder of the enigmatic connections that seemed to weave through the fabric of the game. Closing the book reluctantly, I returned it to its designated place on the shelf, my mind still preoccupied with the mysteries that had unraveled before me.

As I left the library, my thoughts continued to churn with questions and possibilities. The chance encounter with Eli in the hallway jolted me from my contemplation, his presence both unexpected and oddly comforting. His hurried approach and the concern etched across his features indicated that I had been inadvertently causing worry among the group.

Eli's warm hands enveloped mine as he spoke, his concern was evident. "We were worried that something happened to you. We thought you were in your room. Yvette was calling you, but no one was there."

I couldn't help but smirk at his words, breaking the tension with a playful remark. "Where's my hot-headed boss at?" I teased, watching the surprise dance across his features. His hands slipped into his pockets, a telltale sign of his embarrassment. A blush tinted his cheeks, and his reply was laced with a mixture of exasperation and amusement.

"Whatever," he mumbled, a small smile gracing his lips. "Let's go, and please inform one of us next time, okay?"

I nodded in agreement, appreciating his concern and understanding. As we walked side by side, the conversation flowed freely between us. I shared the information I had stumbled upon in the library, and in return, he filled me in on the day's activities – some had chosen to sleep, while others had taken advantage of the swimming pool.

"There's a swimming pool?" I asked incredulously, prompting a chuckle from Eli. He explained the castle's amenities with a hint of amusement, painting a vivid picture of the team's diverse ways of spending the day.

In the midst of our engrossing conversation about the enigmatic book and its equally mysterious author, a spark of curiosity ignited within Eli's eyes. His gaze was locked onto mine, a silent plea for confirmation and deeper understanding. Responding with a deliberate nod, I chose to share my newfound connection and the intrigue that the enigmatic tome had kindled within me. With a note of caution, I whispered to him, "Let's keep this between us for now." Our shared secret became a tapestry weaving a stronger bond between us, forged from our mutual curiosity and the allure of shared mysteries.

"Speaking of mysteries," I teased, breaking the thoughtful silence that enveloped us, "So mister nice guy, how do you feel around our friend?" Eli's response was contemplative, as if he was carefully choosing his words amidst the labyrinthine corridors of his thoughts. His gaze shifted towards me, and after a sigh, he admitted, "I can't deny it. There's something about them that strangely makes me feel secure." We continued our journey down the seemingly endless hallway, the atmosphere around us charged with a sense of intrigue and anticipation.

Upon our arrival at the grand dining room, a ripple of excitement spread through the assembled group. Eli's announcement served as a catalyst, momentarily halting the murmurs of conversation as all eyes turned towards us. It was as if our entrance had injected a dose of mystery into the air, leaving everyone intrigued and eager to decipher the secrets we carried.

Playful banter erupted as I quipped, "since when did you care about me?" A gentle hit on my shoulder accompanied by a playful side-eye from our friends prompted laughter to dance through the room. In that light-hearted moment, the bonds we had forged through shared challenges within the game were reinforced, and the warmth of camaraderie enveloped us.

As the dining experience unfolded, the focus shifted to the plans for the remainder of the day. The lively chatter of conversation provided the backdrop for a question that tugged at my curiosity. "Will we do something before we go to sleep?" The question hung in the air, capturing the attention of my companions. The guys exchanged knowing glances before unveiling their proposed activity – a game designed to unravel layers of our personalities and bring us closer together.

Atifa's voice chimed in, her tone carrying a hint of intrigue as she explained, "Allow me to introduce you to 'Drink or Spill'." The mere mention of the game's name set my mind racing with possibilities, igniting a spark of excitement. As the details of the game were shared, I couldn't help but be drawn into its allure, eager to delve into its twists and turns. A sense of anticipation unfurled, much like the pages of a captivating novel, as we contemplated the prospect of uncovering hidden facets of ourselves and further intertwining our destinies within the intricate tapestry of the game that had ensnared us.