
seven day challenge

"Will you still say yes if I ask you to go out with me." He stared at me with those beautiful hazel eyes. He squinted, his eyebrows were slightly creased. "Define go out." I was a bit surprised. "Uhmm.. just go out?" "Like a date?"  "Yeah?" "How many?"  "What?"  "How many dates?" Okay. That was unexpected. I was just hoping for one date and let everything run it's course. "Seven?"  

ekksaress · LGBT+
31 Chs

day four: Ivan's debate

When we got to school together,. Honey was at the lockers looking at me with concern and sending piercing glance towards Jaycee. At least she didn't say anything. 

"What's up homos?" Nathan, a classmate, shouted. 

If there was a club he'd be the president of the anti-gay society. He used to bully me in fifth grade, like physically hurt me. One time I got home with bruises and a black eye and my mom got into hysterics. My mom, who's a fitness coach went and confronted Nathan's mom, who was her student. Since then, Nathan resorted to verbal abuse, which I think was far more painful than physical pain. Well, at least my mom will not be overwrought with what's happening at  school. 

"Hi Nate, ready to join the club yet?" I greeted.

He put an arm around me and I stiffed. "C'mon, why are you so nervous?" He chuckled. "First, fag, there's only male and female in this world, you ought not to exist."

"Nate, there's a difference between gender and preference. I'm born male with penis* and all, but my heart's a little princess. See the point? Or is your hatred towards the rainbow community already clouded your judgement?" 

I snapped. Omg.

"Break it up." Honey interrupted. "Nathan, go away please."

" Of course mam." Nathan smiled. He's really handsome if not for his attitude. He's a member of the basketball team and that's the reason behind that huge airs. and he has a huge crush on Honey. 

"Oh by the way, Jay, have you changed your mind yet?" 

Jaycee blankly stared at Nathan. "Nope."

"What? Turning fag too?!"

Jaycee frowned and clenched his fist. "Nope." He replied indifferently.

"Well fuck you.!" Nathan answer, laughing.

"Oh, you want me to? Now who's turning into a gay boy,?" Jaycee laughed and Nathan just exploded. He raised his fist and got ready to pounce. But instead of Jaycee, he turned his attention to me.

"It's this fag's fault!" I shielded my face to what was coming. Jaycee suddenly stood between us and Nathan's fist landed on his face.

"You punch like a baby." He chuckled, but a slight bruise already forming on his face. 

"Nathan, break it up, I said!" Honey smacked Nathan in the head. He just looked at Honey, then back at us then stormed away. 

"What was that about?" The twins spoke simultaneously. 

I let out a long sigh. I pulled Jaycee and half dragged him to the clinic. 

"We'll talk later." Honey called to us before we disappeared from the crowd.

"Oh my, what happened?" Ms. Kay, the nurse, reacted when she saw the bruise in Jaycee's cheeks. "Such handsome face." 

She motioned him to sit to treat him. 

"And you Ivan, what's your business here? Skipping class? Still getting headaches?"

I put a finger on my lips to signal her to keep quiet. She raised her brow at me as a response. 

I shook my head.

He doesn't know. I mouthed. 

She squinted.

Soon. I shrugged. 

"Can you two stop your voiceless conversation. I'll just step out if you don't want me to hear." Jaycee interrupted.

"No dear, we're good. I'll let Ivan deal with you." And she gave a laugh, and when she does, it was like she won the lottery, you can hear it in the halls. 

Jaycee turned his attention to me and raised an eyebrow.

I just smiled.

"Alright, you're good hun, go scat and get to class." Ms. Kay waved us away and we went out.

"So, you gonna tell me something?" Jaycee started when we were in the halls.

"I-I.." I bit my cheek. "We only have a few days, you don't have to bother yourself with it."

My heart started pounding in my chest, I massaged my temple, like urging it to work, to think of an excuse. 

"You actually don't have to bother with me too."

Jaycee stopped in his tracks, his jaw clenched and his eyes turned dark. "What?!" He snapped.

I was surprised I took a step back. I looked at him and fear washed over me.  But now would be my chance to cut our ties. So I swallowed the fear and ratlled on.

"I said, you only need to put up with me for seven days, you don't need to know. Hell, you can stop talking to me right now, for all I care."

I was panting and my head started pounding. I stared at Jaycee in the eye. His face was a mask of pain and fury. I muster all the courage I have left  and turned back towards the clinic. I left him standing there.