
The Discussion, Tired, Dream and Proposal

The sun is tired and the moon is rising.

The Knight of Favonius do some discussion with the Acting Grandmaster, Cavalry Captain, Head Guards Lumine and I, Paimon included.

The discussion mostly about the powerhouses go outside the city to clear the problem within the four temple of wind, just 3 of 4 for now.

Jean asked the head guards about the defense of Mondstadt without the powerhouses, the head guards had a pale face when Jean mentioned that she is also included in the powerhouses team.

"What are we doing to do if the Acting Grandmaster is not inside the city?!"

"Hey Kaeya, is he really a head guards of this city? Aren't they too dependant on Jeans?" I asked.

"A temporary head guards to be exact. Most of the strong guards and knights are on expedition mission with the Grandmaster, the rest of the knights and guards here are a trainee, lazy bum- "like you"... and inexperienced in battle." I just interrupt his talk a bit, that is fine isn't it?

"Ahh, that's why I had a feeling the guards in here is really unrealible, I heard most of them didn't even try to evacuate the citizen when the big bad lizard boy wreck a havoc."

"*sigh* You aren't wrong about that, only Jean, Lisa, Me, and Amber did the act to evacuate the citizen." my condolences.

"*SLAM* What are you thinking Acting Grandmaster!? How can we leave the defense to the unknown man! At least we need you stay inside to defend the city!" is his head alright?

"His strength is enough to repel the Stormterror, he even saved Amber, some resident and the food stall. Let me ask you this, what are you soing when the incident happened?" uwaaah, Kaeya really pissed off. I just sat here and listen to their conversation while patting Paimon.

"Ugh- I- I protect the flower sho-" I am the one who did that."" Lisa said from behind the bookcase, interrupting the guard's banter.

"See? I just saw you ran off to the guard's room at that time while I evacuate some kids to the curch." I just saw a glint light in his eye, scary.

A silence has been occurred for some moment.

"There is no way I'm able to defend the city by myself, at least I need some 'realible' and 'capable' personal to help me a bit." after I said that, the guard's face as red as tomato, he really furious by my words huh.

"I will deploy one of my capable Maid Knights in training, she is really capable in doing her duty, also I will ask the adventurer guild to deploy some realible adventurers, *whisper* I should ask him too." "My brother, right?" "Yeah." Said Jean and Kaeya, his brother?

"Thank you, and I need some materials for the barricades and traps, no need to be so fancy, can you provide me with that?"

"Don't get too cocky you bra- "[Steal]" -t."

"A nice sword you have here, old-man "

"""!!!!!!""" All of the people present in this room surprised by what I had in my hand.

"I'm not quite good with a sword like this but I can use them, I can take all object in your possession if I want, enough blabbering your mouth, do you want to protect this city or you just want the position as knight not ro be revoked, I can protect the bridge alone if I wanted to, it just a hassle to do it by myself." I said with serious and full of pressure.

"If you don't want to protect the city I can destroy the bridge-"Kazuma, that's enough" -okay ma'am." Kaeya grab my shoulder and Jean interrupt me.

Maybe because I'm too tired and a lot of things happened in one day, that I lost my temper, even Paimon who asleep on my lap jumped off.

"I'll go outside to cool my head for a bit." I stand up and walk towards the exit.

"Kazuma-....." said Lumine and Paimon worriedly.

-Library / Meeting Room-

After Kazuma left, the silent atmosphere goes on for a minute.

"We are sorry for Kazuma's behavior, he lost his companion and don't know where he is, he is ashore from the sea when we found him, lost all the contacts, helped us from starved, maybe he look like he does not care at all, but deep down, I think he really cares for all of us, even when he is sick, he keep saying to not worry about him, he keep saying 'it's fine' but I know, he is very lonely and sad, even when Stormterror wreck a havoc, he keep himself calm and composed, he really complain a lot but still do it. Please just let it off this time." Lumine who usually quiet and rarely talk much in conversation said all of that while bowing her head.

The Head Guards who was hostile towards Kazuma can only lowering his head in a shame. He only thinking about himself, even when someone need his help, he just ran off.

Jean, Lisa, Kaeya and Amber who didn't know Kazuma situation also felt a bit of pressure from Lumine's stories.

Then the silent goes on for another moment.

-Outside the Knight of Favonius HQ-

I really blew up my anger huh, I realy meant that but I didn't even planned to said it out loud. When I sat down on the garden near the building, I can feel a presence of somone walking toward me.

"You really give them a lesson young man. The knight of Favonius as useless as ever" said someone with a long red hair, he looks quite slender but I think he has a compacted musle under that long leather jacket.

"Yeah, one of them really grind my gears, even I- oh, I forgot that I steal his sword."

"Hmmph, you can use it better than him, it's only become a decoration on his hips."

"Haha, I prefer short sword or bow, I really envy someone who have a vision. Most of them are even far stronger than a regular knight, right?"

"A vision power is like a double edged sword, it's really improving your overall power but it can eat your body if you can't mastered the power by yourself."

"Maybe you are right, a wiseman once said 'The great power comes with the great responsibility'."

"That's a wise words, if you feel down, you can come to my tavern, 'Angel's Share'"

"Thank you, uncle."

"U-uncle, am I that old?"

"No, you just sounds like an old-man who used to this kind of thing."

"....I won't say anything even if you are really curious about these failure of knights.

"Nah, I don't really care but, the acting Grandmaster looks like she is the one who do all of the task."

"Jean huh, she has this strong sense of duty and won't let the other do her works."



"Nothing, so you know her inside out huh."

".....no" heh this uncle is really fun to tease like Kaeya.

"So, are you here only to eavesdrop or what." As I said that, someone showed himself from the side of the building.

"Kaeya ..." said the redhair uncle.

"Yo brother, long time no see." seriously? They had a different father or what.

"No need to be so grumpy bro, I just checking how this boy-"It's Kazuma" - yeah that, what he is doing."

"hmph..... they didn't even notice how tired this young-"It's Kazuma"....-boy is."

He can see it huh, I thought I hid it pretty well.

"Well, of course he is, he facing off with the Stormterror of all things once he get better from sea sickness." who the heck said that? Paimon? Lumine?

"I'll go first. I don't want to be the third wheel on your siblings love."

"Wha-! "Yo, take care." As I walked off to go inside the building again, I met the librarian, Lisa.

"Are you okay young man? I heard it all from the cuties inside that you are really tired, we didn't even notice that." Lisa bowed her head

Holy smoke the boo- ahem, what a magnificent bows.

"Nah, I don't really mind, I'm the one who should apologize because how rude I am. I'm sorry"

"Ufufu~ now I am the one who feels bad, by the way we alredy prepared the inn fir you and the cuties near here, most of the inns are full because the merchants don't want to go because the Stormterror."

"Thank you very much, Lisa-san."

"Ara, you should thanking Jean instead, are you going inside the meeting room again?"

"Yeah, I want to return this sword that I stole."

"That was a magnificent performance that you showed us, I heard you didn't have a vision but a unique kind of skill instead. Let's talk about this later *wink" dang! Older women are the bes- ahem.

After I said goodbye to Lisa, I went straight to the meeting room then toss the sword to the old-man, say thaks to Jean and went to the inn with Lumine and Paimon guided by Amber.

"What? One room? Are okay with that Lumine, Paimon?"

"We are fine with that."

If they are fine with that, I won't complain then, as we go to our room, we take turns to clean ourselves, and go straight to the bed.

"Fuaaah, a bed at least." I jump on the bed and Paimon do the same.

"*giggles* You really need a good rest Kazuma, well I'm going to sleep too, good night."

"Yeah, good night." I instantly fall aslep like a log.


"Where I am?" I think I just fall asleep in the inn but now I'm in the dark room, hey, this place seems familiar.

"I am glad you are fine Kazuma-san!" this voice sounds really familiar.

"Eris-sama? How? Why?" while I'm really confused and don't know what to say, the goddes ran toward me and hug me.

"Hueeeeh, I thought you are gone! Even I can't feel your soul, I really don't know what to say to Aqua-senpai! So, where have you been Kazuma-san?"

"Ah- uh, I'm in the world that called by the name Tevyat."

"Hoeeh? Tevyat? The place where the hundreds of gods wage a war with each other? You thrown in that kind of place?"

"I don't know anything about the wars between gods, or rather it's quite a calm world with several monsters running around, ah and I found one dragon there."

"Well, the wars ended some thousands years ago."

We chatted a lot about what happened to me in Tevyat, Eris-sama feels relieved about my condition, and then I really curious about something that I really want to ask her.

"How is the things in the Axel?"

"Ah! I forgot! You see, its really hard to convince Aqua-senpai and your friends, they always asked where you are and let them meet you."

It's only been a day isn't it?

"You are right, but that is how they are really treasure you, Kazuma-san. Unfortunately, I can't take you back to my world, but I will ask to the one who govern the multi universe if I can do something to you."

"I can't go back huh, well, at least I know that my friends are fine and you Eris-sama." she blushed after I said that.

"But I have a proposal, Eris-sama."

"Yes, what is your proposal?"

"Can you make a skill to summon my friends from Axel to Tevyat?"

The pace is really slow isn't it? not even a day has passed.

Strongest_Bongocreators' thoughts