Emilia looked at her hand which had carried the baby she then looked at her stomach then she looked up and saw that she didn't jump all that high "damn that was.... underwhelming." Emilia said she continued to hold basils hand and run due to her being pregnant it had hurt her pregnant stomach only got bigger from the gods temporary magic they stopped once they arrived at a village everyone looked at them strange the adult holding a baby had blood on her tiny drips of liquid dropped from her uterus while the child she held her hands with was shoeless he had only pants on they could see his chubbiness Emilia rubbed her nose "mind your own business people!" Emilia said. Emilia looked on back of her to make sure Basil was there she smiled as she saw he was back to normal
everyone jumped a bit and had went back to what they were doing Emilia started to walk she immediately stumbled a man quickly ran to her "miss are you alright?" Emilia looked up at him she sighed and nodded "yeah it's just this baby is about ready to..... owwww!"the man picked up Emilia he started walking inside a house Emilia checked it Basil had been following he was Emilia smiled at him Emilia felt a deep pain in her stomach she saw that her stomach was about ready to burst she pushed and pushed until the doctor told her to stop.
Emilia immediately put down the other child which strangely had been turned into a 9 month old "must not have escaped in time." She mumbled she ignored it and got the other baby her body had been healed she hadn't felt anything she remembered what the man said "there's really nothing that I can put you on since this this exist but it doesn't exist physically..... I want you to know what it feels like to be loved.... I wish for you to be the god of love and kindness." A bright red light appeared a small shape formed on the baby's chest it had been a heart Emilia glanced at it she smiled she heard something so she turned around it had been nothing she looked back at the baby but it was too late he was gone she frowned but ignored it she looked at the new baby a now 9 month old boy Basil was playing with the baby.
Emilia sighed the doctor walked in with a clean blanket he looked at Emilia confused and worried "where's the baby?" Emilia looked down "h-he's gone...." Emilia said the man saw that Emilia was upset so he ignored it he gave Emilia the clean blanket "you should probably put this around the baby so he doesn't catch a cold and a word of advice get him some clothes or something." He said Emilia looked at him.
A tear fell down her face "do you know where the nearest boat is one that takes children?" Emilia said the doctor nodded "there's a boat not to far from here it usually takes kids who are being abandoned but from time to time it takes kids who are you trying to abandon or protect?" Emilia looked down upset "look no offense but please just tell me the name and location." Emilia said everyone looked at her they all saw that she was out of it the doctor nodded.
He pulled out a map he pulled up a table and rolled it over the table he pointed at where they were "this is where we are the boat will go here." He said pointing at a big island shaped like a crescent moon with a sun inside "this island is called star touched anyways it's filled with these special types of fairies or faes depend anyway the boat which is called deus tetigit will take the children into the dark rivers towards the island it will take approximately up to two to four weeks to get there."
Emilia looked at the map "wait I have a question." The man nodded "why did you say rarely are kids sent there for protection?" The man looked down worried he sighed "the fairies..... they are known for their special deals... children's protection isn't a..... exclusion either anything they see fit to have a price they will end up offering a deal but like most deal making magical creatures they keep there word even for their enemies.... oh and sometimes deals can get... bazaar and anyway the ship will arrive at sundown tomorrow morning the fairies of crescent island ambassador should be there tomorrow to think of a deal."
The doctor walked off Emilia sighed she looked back over to her sons house Basil noticed Emilia was looking at him he looked at her confused Emilia walked over to him she kneeled down to Basil.
Emilia places her hands on his shoulder "honey maybe it's best if you and the baby goes to sleep." Basil frowned he nodded Emilia quickly wrapped the baby in the blanket.