

Cultivation novels: Cultivate.FaceSlap.Repeat. This is my take on Cultivation worlds. Synopsis: A young man finds himself in the world of Against The Gods in Xiao Che's body few months before his marriage with Xia Qingyue. Since he didn't receive a system or any other cheats from any ROB he decided to make his own path in this cruel and unforgiving world. Being a teen from the 21st century he was an anime fan and thus knowing how the feats of Martial arts from some anime's he watched he decided to reproduce it, along with cultivating. ------ 1.The story is not exactly going to follow the exact events of ATG, just the characters and some plot. 2.Some or many characters might have different personalities than the one depicted in Manhua, Novel or the series. ------ I do not own ATG or any of the characters mentioned in the story, they belong to Mars Gravity. The characters, events or any other thing depicted in the story does not represent or target any individual or group of people living or dead, if you feel offended, I ask for forgiveness and assure you it was not my intention. ------ The cover picture doesn't belong to me.

fate_Abhi · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Teacher Acquired!

-Xiao Che's room-

-9:00 am-


Xiao Che outstretched his body, feeling weak to even get up, it's been so long since he overslept like this, he took a deep breath, the scent of their last night's lovemaking still strong in the room.

Opening his eyes the face of his still sleeping wife came into his view, beautiful as ever, as she laid her head on his chest.

His movements seemed to wake her up, as the rims of Qingyue's eyes were inflamed, she yawned and rubbed her nose with the heel of her hand.

She snuggled deeper into his chest, as she breathed him in, somehow today she could see everything clearer than before.

Being a cultivator her vision was naturally better than most mortals by a long shot, so it improving just like that is weird, not like she had a breakthrough in cultivation considering her husband was weaker than her in terms of cultivation.

And it's not only her vision that just improved now she feels like she understands her husband better than before. like she became intelligent overnight? is that even possible?

Putting that matter aside for now, Qingyue came close to his face and said, "let's practice kissing"

Who was Che to reject the offer, he is aware that he sucks at kissing unlike Qingyue who is already an expert at it, so why not learn from her?

Qingyue drew him toward her with her eyes, he inclined his face toward hers and lay his mouth on her mouth, her lips impossibly soft against his own.

For a long time, he kissed her, and Che was filled with deep astonishment as she taught him how wise she was, how she ruled him, put him off, lured him back… each one different from the other, still awaiting him.

As they separated, breathing deeply, Che remained still, at this moment he was like a child astonished by the abundance of knowledge under the heavens as things worth learning opened up before his eyes.


Qingyue mewed as she felt him enter her, she waited before speaking till he was fully inside of her, replacing her hollow insides with him, his cock.

"Don't just put it in husband, tell me beforehand ok?"

Che nodded and started moving his hips as the room was once again filled with her moans.


-Xiao Che's room-

-9:50 am-

Xiao Che returned to his room after bringing some food for both of them, he was almost drained from their lovemaking, as he came about thirty times since last night.

If not for Qingyue's cultivation he would have thought that she was a succubus, who almost sucked him dry.

Xiao Che sat on the bed, Qingyue on his lap as he fed her, she ate her portion and half of his as she found it that tasty, 'eggroll' he called it, she never had something like that before, not like she eats much, only once a month.

"How much time would it take to make it again?" she asked, licking her lips

Looking at her Che began to remember his biology lessons, "maybe one day?"

He was not sure, it might take less considering he is a cultivator now.

"No! no!" she cried as she realized what he meant, she did not mean this.

"Oh! you were talking about the eggrolls? depending on the fillings, about ten to twenty minutes, they are quite easy to make"

Qingyue nodded, she might need to learn how to cook as well, right now she could only boil water.

"I just realized it might be weird if we didn't leave the room to greet grandpa, wouldn't it?"

They left the room after Qingyue dressed properly.


-Xiao Clan-


"I didn't think it would take you so long to get dressed" considering she was a cultivator so he thought she would be like 'that stuff is for mortals' or cultivation before beautification.

"It's your wife's duty to always look presentable, isn't it" she replied cheekily as she interlocked his hand with her own, in lover's hold.

He couldn't counter it, so he chose to maintain his silence.

"Oh! look who is up? youngsters nowadays, not knowing how to do it in moderation" Xiao Lie teased the couple as he saw them coming toward him, he was sure they had a good relationship, if not for their closeness then the genuine smile on their faces told him so.

"hehe... Good morning grandpa, what could I say, your grandson was almost sucked dry last nigh-oof" Qingyue elbowed his gut which expelled the air out of him, her face was heating up, was there a need to tell that their grandfather?

"HA-HA-HA I see, did you both have breakfast?"

"umm" Qingyue nodded her head, she was going to punish her husband for putting her in an awkward situation later.

"Hmm then you both should enjoy your time together, this old man would not disturb you anymore" he said as he walked off leaving the duo behind him.

"Wi-wifey you should control your strength a little bit, you know? anyway, what realm are you in?"

"It was your fault though, as for cultivation? I am third of True profound" she said as if she was discussing the weather.

"That is.. um.. good? I might have something for you to increase it" if someone heard this they would think that this couple was crazy, a sixteen-year-old in the true profound realm was already monstrous and now it could be increased? bullsh!t!!

"You are not going to give me some shady pills right?" she said looking at him suspiciously, is it even possible to boost cultivation speed?

"Obviously not, lets go to clans training grounds I will show you there"


-Xiao Clan Training ground-

-11:20 am-

"T-this! I can cultivate almost three times faster than before!? how is that possible!?" she said bewildered, like this she could make her next small breakthrough in a few weeks, and that is insane.

"Why are you gay-*ahem* why are you shocked? I opened your profound entrances last night, didn't I?"

"profound entrances?" what was that, she didn't know.


"Wifey, are you dumb by any chance?" he explained to her about them anyway.

"Oh! but isn't your medical talent too heaven-defying then? you could easily become the grand elder of any sect you put your finger on, even sacred grounds maybe?" what she said was actually an underestatement, the value of someone like him was greater than that, and if it the existence of the pearl were to be revealed it would only increase, death value I mean.

"It's normal actually, I am just built differently" she snorted

"Anyway, here I was going to give it to you, these are purple-veined divine crystals if I remember correctly you were not even aware of profound veins so these are also alien to you, I presume?"

Qingyue just curled her hair tips between her fingers, not understanding what he was speaking, Che sighed at that.

"These are rare crystals which could easily help you advance in cultivation, generally they are used by cultivators in higher realms, above tyrant profound, and they are safe, so.."

"Aren't they too rare then? shouldn't you use them yourself?" shouldn't he use them himself instead of giving them to her, she was about to leave him here after all, she did not think they would umm.. emm. do stuff?

"Nah, it would be the same thing if you used them, you are my little wifey aren't you?" he said as he pinched her cheeks, incredibly soft cheeks.

Qingyue nodded and leaned forward to kiss him on his lips, he reciprocated by putting his arms on her waist, then slowly to her ass, molding them into different shapes, their softness and elasticity were perfect, and playing with her ass might become his hobby like this.

She put her arms behind his head to pull him even closer, she wanted him to focus on her, not her ass, which he realized as she lightly bit his tongue, she bites a lot.

A few moments later they pulled back, a thick string of saliva between their lips, which Qingyue took in and gave his lips a lick.

Just a day after their union and she already knew how to turn him on, just the right amount, enough for him to desire her and not push her down right now, pounding her like an animal in heat.

Qingyue silently sat in a lotus position and began cultivating using the crystals he gave her.

'At least say something before that' first she kisses him and then silently began to cultivate, now he can't disturb her or she might face a backlash, is asking for a quickie a sin?

He went a little distance away from her and began to work out, ten thousand pushups first, followed by ten thousand sit-ups, if you can't be horny then just grind it away.

A few moments later he stopped and sat in a lotus position when he felt that he was close to a breakthrough, the ki in his body continued increasing for some time till a small, barely audible, explosion occurred and he entered the first stage of Nascent profound realm.


"Congratulations husband on your breakthrough"

"Well it's not a big deal really, you see I am more of a martial artist than a cultivator so.."

"Martial artist? what is that?" Che was impressed by her ignorance, but he explained it to her.

"I see, but what you said just now, can't cultivators also do that? punching mountains and the stuff you said I mean?"


"So what is the point of it?"


"What? that's not what I asked, I meant why would you waste your time doing something like that?"


"*sigh* forget it, you should stabilize your cultivation base first or you might hurt yourself"

He nodded and sat down again to stabilize his base, it has only been a few months and he has already reached Nascent profound realm, combined with his martial arts he could probably take on a spirit profound realm cultivator, provided he is not caught off guard or backstabbed.

But he doesn't just want to cultivate and raise his cultivation like it's the norm here, if that were the case he would have already used those crystals to reach at least Emperor profound realm.

That is also one of the reasons he gave half of those crystals to Qingyue, wait, half? why didn't he give all of those to her?

'Sh!t! I forgot about Jasmine!' the loli must be waiting for him since last night.

He stood up and with the fastest speed he could manage, ran towards the mountain behind the Clan.


-Mountain behind Xiao Clan-

It was about noon, the sun was shining clear and bright, Xiao Che kept on searching for Jasmine while he was sweating heavily, it was too hot today.

While on his way the pearl began to glow indicating some treasures nearby, but he ignored them for now, he would take them on his way back.

After some thorough searching, he noticed that the grass around a particular area was unusually dark, as if rotten, by some supernatural means, going by the weird aura around it.

Xiao Che carefully made his way around the affected patch of grass, he was not sure if the pearl could save him from this poison, faster than the poison consumes him.

It was already very hot, not the kind of weather your want for doing stuff like this.

Finally, after a few minutes of hard work, he could reach the source of this, hoping that the loli is alright.

If he remembers correctly this is one of the most powerful poisons of this era, enough to kill anyone weaker than a true god.

If you don't have the pearl or a practitioner of light profound energy, both being stuff from myths, you are good as dead.


He hissed from pain as the pearl purified the poison while he made his way toward her.

The poison has already spread to a considerably large area and purifying it is already beyond his capability, it was also burning his clothes away.

He could only purify the poison in his way for now, he breathed a sigh of relief as he finally saw her silhouette behind some grass, as he increased his pace and came in front of her.

His soul almost left his body when he saw her face, it was as if her face was draining all the colors from the background, everything other than her appearing black and white, she was hands down the most beautiful person he ever saw.

Despite her disheveled appearance and muddy face, with her clothes torn at major places, not hiding anything, she still appeared noble and graceful somehow.

No matter how rational he claims himself to be, he is sure that if he was not married he would jump on her without a second thought, It is no wonder that she has some hardcore simps everywhere.

Looks like it would take some serious grinding to strengthen his fragile mind.

"s..ky po..iso..n pea..r.....l"

She barely had the strength to speak, much less move, Xiao Che knew she needs to suck him, his blood, to enter the pearl.

Crimson hair, crimson eyes, and an inhumanely beautiful face, this should be an apt description of her but there was one little problem.

She is not she, I mean she is she, but she is not her, because her hair is stained with blood, her eyes are bloodshot and honestly, her expression scared him a little.

She is the most passionate person in this universe to become a true god, carrying a cold heart inside her chest, a determined mind in her head, coupled with her monstrous talent, she is the only princess of Brahma monarch realm, the most beautiful Golden woman in this world, Qianye Ying'er.

Now, he was supposed to go near her, help her suck him, and boom, overpowered teacher acquired, but he is sure that she is not the type of person who thinks like that, given an opportunity she would suck him dry, not even his ashes would be left behind.

Her attribute is most likely chaotic evil or something with evil, despite the belief that most cultivators are not neutral, much less true neutral, which a detached thousand-year-old cultivator should be acting like, not a power-hungry maniac.

Anyway, the question now is should he help her or leave her alone, helping her would definitely bring some benefits, rather many benefits, having her backing is already on the level of heaven's blessing.

'But that is considering she is willing to help me because if not then I am doomed, along with blue pole star'


Jolting him awake from his musings, he turned back only to see Qingyue behind him, his brain got shut down for a few seconds seeing her.

A man half naked, nearby him laid a woman in a similar condition as him, in the middle of a silent forest, this does look like a suspicious scene if you ask me.

"Qingyue! I swear this is not what it looks like" it was already a hot day and now this, he just wants to head back home and have a glass of ice-cold water more than anything else.

"Don't worry husband I know you are innocent, and won't have sex on your mind for a few days" like a chad Qingyue showed her trust in her husband.

Xiao Che was moved to tears hearing her, he doesn't even trust himself that much, and here she is.

Avoiding the poisoned area Qingyue made her way toward the woman lying on the ground.

Qingyue was taken by surprise when she looked at the woman's face, this is a face that men and women can love alike, it won't be a surprise to see a straight woman turn into a lesbian for her.

Even though she hates to admit it but she is more beautiful than her mother, who was easily the most beautiful person on this planet, but this woman.

'She might be from the realm of gods' Qingyue concluded, this is similar to how her father met her mother after all, hopefully, she didn't lose her memories like her mother.

"ug....argh... umm"

"Maybe she is trying to say something?" Xiao Che moved his ear closer to her ear as she struggled to form even comprehensible sentences.


"Bo..boo..boobs! I get it! she wants me to fondle her boobs!"

"I am pretty sure that is not what she wants to say"

"Who knows wifey, dying wish of a person can be something unique, you never know"

"Anyway, don't mind me, I am just following her last wish- woah! I was just joking no need to make that face" Xiao Che stopped as Ying'er looked at him with such hate that he murdered her family in front of her and was now dancing on their ashes after burning them.

"I would recommend not messing with her as she might attack you"

"Nah, she won't, don't worry about it" he said as he began to poke her cheeks which infuriated the injured woman further.

With a lightning-fast motion, before both their eyes could even follow, before their brains could even process what happened.

Qianye Ying'er jumped on Xiao Che and with one quick motion bit his neck, dissipating into tiny particles soon after.

The duo had their eyes widened to the extreme with shock, to them it appeared as if one movement she was lying on the ground and teleported another moment, such speed was logic-defying for them.

Only the rags she was wearing were left behind.


-Xiao Clan Courtyard-

'Canon is fucked' Xiao Che thought with some seriousness.

'Not like I had much knowledge about it, to begin with'

Under a tree, he and Qingyue were sitting on the same side of a round table, with a chair opposite to them, and a cup of tea in front of everyone.

'Let me out' he heard a voice in his head, he turned his head and looked into Qingyue's eyes who gave him a short nod.

The next moment the tattoo behind his hand glowed with a light green, as Ying'er appeared outside.

"It's a little tight around the chest area but otherwise it's pretty decent" she said inspecting the clothes she was wearing, they were Qingyue's, as she sat on the chair in front of them.

Unlike what Xiao Che was expecting Qingyue didn't have any noticeable reaction seeing that.

Ying'er picked up the cup of tea and took a sip.

"Are you from the Realm of Gods?" Qingyue directly asked her without beating around the bush.

"Can't you see I am busy right now, little girl?"


The silence continued for five whole minutes as Ying'er finished the drink, after which she spoke.

"The 'Realm of Gods' that you mentioned I might know something about it" she said with a glint in her eyes.

"R-really.. then-" Qingyue was excited to finally find a clue but was cut off in between.

"But... but I would need you to elaborate on this 'Realm of Gods', just to make sure"

Qingyue explained to her exactly what her mother told her, a place where gods, cultivators above Sovereign profound ream roam, even people who could blow up this planet on a whim.

A look of disappointment flashed across Ying'ers eyes, she was expecting something else, not the rundown of their realm.

"Stop, I heard enough"

"So, you know how to reach there?"

"I might know something about them, but my dear, I don't see a reason why I should tell that to you?"

Qingyue bit on her lower lip hearing that, contrary to her appearance this is one shrewd woman.?"

"You know your life is directly connected to mine right?" Che interrupted the silence

"That makes me indebted to 'you' then, no?" after a small pause she spoke again, "I am not obliged to tell her anything"

"She is my wife-"

"And? you are aware of the importance of the pearl in your hand and the mirror on your neck, right?"

"Just imagine the number of women wanting to marry you desperately, a hundred? a thousand? a million? you don't look half bad either, so probably more, would you be able to say this same thing then?" a subtle attempt at enticing him from her, possibly creating some distance between them as well.

Qingyue did frown hearing that, the moment she first laid her eyes on the golden lady she sensed nothing but trouble.

She is a natural lie detector and could judge a person's nature to some degree as well, but since a few days ago it was like a person's whole character was laid bare before her, at one glance she could differentiate good from evil.

Her husband was in the grey zone, only one step away from being evil, she wonder how someone could possibly be this evil at this tender age.

As for this lady, to put it bluntly, she is evil personified but with some reservations, if not, then Qingyue could only describe her as a devil who escaped from hell.

Cultivators could easily be differentiated from mortals, as they had a thick presence around them, which could only be hidden if the cultivator actively tries.

The lady is also hiding her cultivation but despite that, there is this aura, this feeling of suppression, as if a higher being was sitting in front of them.

She felt firsthand what her mother warned her about, and this is when she didn't even see the full extent of her power.

If this single lady could intimidate her without even trying then what about when she is actually trying, what about the people her mother warned her about, what if they are stronger than her, and she doesn't know how many of them are there?

She needs to know about them as quickly as she can, and she is not going to miss this opportunity.

Unlike Qingyue, Xiao Che panicked as he realized what she was trying to do, he has been happily married for one day and here she is adding complications to his love life.

"And why would you think I would marry any one of them? you never know when they backstab me"

"Everyone I met says the same thing, why do you think you are different?" she asked him teasingly, she was probably getting somewhere.

"Why do you think I need to prove that to you?"

"Why not? suppose I were to marry you then wouldn't it be just for me to know something about my husband" she said with a wink

'By marriage, she probably means slavery or something much worse'

"I don't think so, we didn't even introduce ourselves, did we?"

"Oh my, how silly of me, but as a gentleman shouldn't you introduce yourself first?"

"Hmm.. I am Xiao Che and this is my wife Xia Qingyue, we both are from this city, we married yesterday and found you lost in the woods today"

'How did he know exactly where she was?' a random thought popped up in Qingyue's head.

"I am Qianye Ying'er, princess of the Star God realm"

'What! could this be a different timeline? then does that mean Jasmine is the enemy now?'

'Xia Qingyue, meaning Xia's love for the moon, hmm...'

"Now I am not the one to talk in circles, but Xia Qingyue and Xiao Che, I might have a deal for both of you" Qingyue urged her to go on

"As you know I am not under any obligation to help you" she said looking at Qingyue, "So, I propose we sign an equals contract, where I provide an answer to your questions at a very reasonable price"

"What do you want?" she would never believe this woman completely, if not for her being the only source of information this conversation would not even be happening in the first place.

"In the future, you just have to give me one thing I ask of you, I promise it won't harm you or anyone close to you"

Qingyue went deep into contemplation, she knows that if she agreed then she would pay dearly for it in the future.

"I don't think you have anything else to offer" Qingyue frowned.

'She's desperate, but not enough to make rash decisions'

"Besides, you would need some form of backing in 'The realm of Gods' right?"

"I... I think I might have to reject your offer"

'Well, this was unexpected' Ying'er recalled their entire conversation, 'She is not after power exactly, something else maybe, her family? that might be possible considering...'

"Then let's drop this, for the time being, I feel we would get another chance in the future"

Ying'er took a moment after which she turned her head towards Xiao Che.

"As for you my dear contractor, I offer you, to be your teacher and aid to reach a realm you would have never even dreamt about", she released her aura a little, blowing the duo away.

'M-master d-don't even stand a chance against her' Qingyue thought barely standing on her legs.

It was different for Xiao Che, whom it was directed at, he was blown away by a hundred meters across the yard, if he did not cover himself in armament haki then he would have surely faced some severe repercussions.

"The Profound realm of the Gods!"

'That profound art he used... I doubt it is from this barren planet'

"Since you saved my life I would give you a discount, you just have to give me thirty-five kilos of profound heaven crystal, a profound core of a beast, a Sovereign profound one if possible but Tyrant profound would also do, and last... a single stalk of netherworld Udambara flower"

'She is like a saleswoman trying to loot us' he thought because he knew this is exactly what Jasmine asked for, where is the discount here?

'Not like I am losing anything, besides', in his mind, he was smirking from ear to ear

'Finally! at last Herctic God's legacy is here!'

"Accept this Disciples greetings Master!"

"Excellent, you know what is good for you"

A few minutes passed as no one spoke anything.

"Sooo... Master, shouldn't you teach me something? you know, like give me some herbs or the like you know?"

"Oh! I almost forgot since this is my first time taking a disciple, anyway, here what I am about to give you is my realms greatest and most treasured profound art"

Ying'er raised her hand as ripples appeared where she put her hand, it was the pocket dimension that cultivators in Sovereign profound realm could make.

She pulled out a golden book with a silver hue around it.

"This is the 'Great way of the Buddha', this is a special art originating from a True God from the primordial era" she explained its importance.

"This is great master but first shouldn't you give me a powerful legacy or such"

Ying'ers grip on the book tightened for a second before it went back to normal.

"Don't be foolish, disciple, such opportunities don't fall from the sky, if you want something then you ought to put effort into it" she reprimed him as a real teacher would.

Xiao Che felt as if he was hit by thunder but it did not last long since it had already happened once, hard work it is then.


All of a sudden Xiao Lie's loud cry resounded in the courtyard, which alerted everyone, without a second thought he ran towards the sound, Ying'er disappearing with him.


In the courtyard Qingyue was left standing alone, she gazed at the place Ying'er was sitting as a frown adorned her face.

'She was lying'

It was easy as breathing for Qingyue to detect a lie, now the intent as well.

Qingyue detected a small fluctuation in her emotions when their deal dropped, which means she really wants something from her, considering she could only detect intense rage and hatred directed at someone.

'The name was real'

The reason she did not stop her husband was that unexpectedly Ying'er genuinely wanted him to become strong, so her attacking Che was unlikely.

'Oh, she is definitely a princess'

Maybe she had some enemies in the realm of the Gods, so she need our help.

'But not the princess of this 'Star God' realm'

Their deal in the future might not be so one-sided after all.

Qingyue took a sip from her cup, which did not blow away like her.

"Why is this tea bitter?"


-Inside Sky Poison Pearl-

Ying'er appeared inside the pearl automatically.

She stood there with blank eyes for a few moments before an expression of rage appeared on her face.

"This is the worst day ever!"

A figure of a blue-haired man appeared inside her mind which enraged her even further, because of whom she lost Evil God's legacy.

"Just you wait bastard! This goddess will definitely skin you alive after she returns!"


She exhaled a long breath to calm her nerves down.

'It might not be so bad after all'

"Even though I got a talentless disciple, he owns two heavenly treasures" she recalled about other treasures.

'His fate can't be ordinary'

"I need to keep him close" she gritted her teeth

If was just a lustful bastard who would drool at her sight she could easily control him with just a few words, but now she might need to put some effort into it.

She needs his loyalty at any cost, by making him feel obliged or by seduction.

'As for the girl'

It took her some time to find that the girl not only possess nine profound exquisite body but also the heart of snow-glazed glass.

"Good thing I observed them before starting any conversation with them"

The tea was a perfect excuse, and judging by their expression they were not the ones who poisoned it.

'Her talent might be superior to mine' it slightly excited her as well

"Who would have thought I would find it here, the nine profound exquisite body", a look of longing appeared on her face, "Divine Extinction realm, I am one step closer"

As Qingyue's words rang in her mind, she turned serious.

'I don't believe she belongs here, she knew about the God realm, does her family live there, yes, it might be a possibility'

'But who... which family, only a royal-rank star realm could birth such a prodigy'

A chill went down her spine as a name did come to her mind, but even her whole realm could not afford to mess with them.

'No, I can't be sure yet, but I can't risk it if it's them'

"I need to deal with her with caution until I make sure which realm she belongs to, but first"

Her eyes turned cold, extremely so, as she raised her right hand to touch her cheek.

"How dare a man, much less a mortal touch this Goddess, his luck must be heavenly that he became this Goddess's disciple otherwise"

She put her hand down and closed her eyes.


She coughed a mouthful of blood as she staggered to stand on her legs.

'Effects of the pearl are lowered because of his cultivation, I need to make sure he becomes strong quickly'