
Serving The Vampire Duchess With A Butler System

In a medieval world filled with war and magic, a man is reincarnated as a butler for the Duchess of the Aetherius Empire after selling his memories to god. He quickly discovers he has a knack for it and enjoys his role. He also grows in strength the more he does things like cleaning, serving and disposing of people. As he travels through this magical and dangerous world of magical races and empires. He must use his skills and strength to navigate the political and dangerous intrigues and serve his master well.

Valancy · ファンタジー
17 Chs


{Author note} I don't know why I'm uploading again… anyway, here you guys go! Hope you like it.


"Push, Push! You need to get it out at once!" A woman with black hair set up in a ponytail and a maid uniform yelled at the other woman screaming in the makeshift bed.

The woman laying in bed was incredibly beautiful with long blond hair, emerald green eyes and a perfect face and longer and pointy ears.

"Emelia, you need to push now, or none of you will make it!" The maid screamed with tears rolling down her eyes as she crouched down next to the woman named Emelia on the bed.

The woman in question, Emelia, had determination in her eyes as she bit together as hard as she could and used all her remaining power to birth the child.

The maid quickly slicked the umbilical cord and wrapped the baby in a towel. She then handed it him to the mother. Tears still streaming down her face as she stood there quietly.

Emelia took the baby and placed him on her chest and stared at him in the eyes for a few seconds. Her face growing paler and paler with each second passing.

She smiled weakly at the baby in her arms before speaking to him. "You have the same eyes as me child, and looks like the same hair as your stupid father." She took a weak and pained breath and then spoke again. "Please do not follow my path. Don't blindly look for love or affection. It won't work, become strong, stronger than anyone else. Then we might meet again, someday."

Emelia was on the verge of death, but held on for a few more seconds as she stared at the maid in the small shack. "May, I beg of you to at least keep him fed. That's all I ask of you, as your friend, and as your saviour."

Before May could speak, Emelia looked back at the child in her arms and spoke her last words. "You will be named Arken, and I hope to hear about you in the afterlife." She said with small tears rolling down her eyes and a small smile as she closed her eyes for the last time.


When will the food come? I'm starving and there is nothing to do. The only things I'm allowed to do is to stay in this hut alone until May comes with food. Sometimes she doesn't even have time to talk to me. I hate this.

Ah, I can hear her. Why is she going faster than usual? She probably won't have time to talk to me today again ,huh?

As the door wooden door to the small hut opens and May comes in, something in her hands draws my attention. It's a couple of books and a huge meat slab. I love meat, It's one of the best foods I have ever gotten from her.

But the book draws most of my attention, as I know she is a maid and that she is not allowed to take things from where she works. So how did she get those books?

Before I have time to ask, she sits down at one of the two chairs in the hut, next to the table and stares at me. "Sit down. Today is an important day!" She almost scolds me. What did I do?

I make my way over to the chair and sit down. I'm still sweaty from exercise, as it's almost the only thing I can do in this small hut. Still annoyed that I'm not allowed to leave this tiny space.

"Happy 8th birthday Arken!" She yells and hands me the plate with the meat and places 5 books next to it. I had no idea today was my birthday. I just know my last one was a long time ago.

"Thank you, May." I say politely and start eating my big meat slab. This is soo good, I love this. May sits there under the entire time I eat my meat without stressing away or running about.

After eating all my food, I turn to the books and read them out loud. "Magic Theory, Martial Arts For Beginners, Aetherius Empire history and geography, How to be a butler, Magic core ceremony." I understand what all these are, but I'm still curious about why she gave them to me?

As if reading my mind, she answers. "I will allow you to move outside of the hut from today onwards, but you will not move far away. Maximum distance is 200 meters. I am giving you these books so you can get ready for the ceremony in 2 years."

I don't know how to respond to her, so I just walk up to her and give her a huge hug. I am almost the same length as her now, she is 168cm and I am 165cm.

As I separate from her, she says something that I have never heard before. "You look exactly like a mix between you mother and father, Emelia was correct."

May never wanted to speak about my parents before, even when I asked her. So I had no idea that I looked like them. "Is that good?" I ask as there are no mirrors in this hut, I really don't know how I look.

She laughs and quickly wipes a small tear from the corner of her eye and answers. "Yeah, it's the best that way. I mean, from your father you got your pristine white hair, sharp facial features and, by looking at your body after a couple years of training, you look like a mini version of your father, compact muscles and almost no excess fat. From your mother, you only got your almost glowing emerald green eyes."

Wow, so I have most of my father's characteristics. "But who were my father and mother?" She tensed at my question but sighed and spoke.

"I will not tell you everything. I can only say some things. Your father was an Arch Demon from hell, and your mother was a High elf from a noble house. So you are half demon, half elf."