
Servant of the 4th Wall

When death comes, regaining the memories of your past lives was an uncommon occurrence. Because of a wish, his fate was doomed. He expected to move again from a new world. Not attracting the attention of meddlesome beings and confining him in this world as a Servant.

megurashimono · その他
11 Chs

Orleans Singularity Deviation (6)


When his memories came back on his death, there was only one thing that was clear to him. In every possible way, he would always remember, and it was clear on his mind– the ways on how he died. He tried to block out them at the corner of his mind as possible. And desensitizing himself from what he used to be from those of another world.

He was currently Hughes Everett. And it should be supposed what was to be.

A new life, a new him. It was always one of the policies that he adopted when he got used on being a world Hopper. Moved on and restart anew. Forget and sever everything from the previous world, but always remember the one who have given him this curse. If he would just recall all of those people and ties that he have back at those previous worlds, he would be the only who would suffer and be hurt in the end.

On those lives, he have came in contact with many people. Befriended and acquainted... He have friends and families. Most of them, he can't really recall what they look like anymore. Remembering on what he used to be on those previous worlds–made him feel guilty that he have forgotten what those once important people to him looks like.

So he decided to adapt that kind of policy to himself. It lessened the hurt and the guilty feeling that brewing on himself. It also made all of the things that he have experienced bearable. Viewing his previous experience as an spectator and never assimilating them to his current self.

That way, he would keep his firm determination while still enjoying his current life.

He tried to not become attach to people on the previous worlds, but his determination and will on that matter is weak. In the end, he would always have friends and people who can he depend upon that life.

It was pathetic of him. But he couldn't just help himself. He get too attach and caring towards those people who was kind to him.

In the eyes of that Bastard, he must being mocked.

At first, he used to be a self centered person who tried hard to become like those people, those protagonist in Reincarnation novels. It was during his first life when he doesn't know that he was cursed to lived and die again from world to world for eternity.

A two faced person who tried to become a hero and tried to dethrone the real protagonist of that world in his position. Ambitious and selfish. Wanting a harem but he would still stay within his morals. A very complicated childish Chuunibyou who wanted to become a protagonist.

Acting kind and smiling at everyone but deep inside he was having a lot of malicious thoughts and cursing that real protagonist.

In the end of that first life, he didn't get his ambitious dream of becoming a harem protagonist. All of those girls who have he managed to get close, they didn't see him as a potential love interest. They were still in love with that real protagonist. It was annoying. What was more annoying was that real protagonist was super dense who's mind was all about helping people and frequently dragging him on his troubles.

In the end, when he was at the end of that first reincarnation life that he can remember, choosing to become a Holy Saint of a fucking God of Light was a wrong choice from the start.

He was that kind of person during that early stages, but when it become 8th, 9th and 10th turn, he can't keep with his self denial and stupidity anymore. He was cursed by that God who was responsible for reincarnating him.

Slowly, selfish dreams and ambitions lose their purpose. It was replace with a serious determination to find a cure for the curse. Put an end on this bullshit. Being in the spotlight, finding a love interest– he would just die and move in the next world anyway, why does it matter anymore?

Avoiding the plots of those worlds and finding something that can help of his situation. It was what all matters.

Until that Reincarnation turn, his 37th curse life. One of the probably most worst things that happened to him was probably being reincarnated on that world. He doesn't realize that he was living in that world. When watching that movie, he was scared that it brought him nightmares during his childhood. So he decided to do his best to forget about them. And only the memories of what the ghost look like remained. Blurry and indiscernible when he was grown up.

In that world, he was reincarnated as a twin brother of someone named Naoko. He was reincarnated in Japan. Not really an unusual thing due to his previous experiences. Naoko and him has a mother who was like an exorcist. And they also has an older sister.

Their mother was strange. And he also doesn't like the fact on what was she doing to their older sister. At  the early part of his childhood, he doesn't believe in the existence of ghost and through that their mother is just a hogwash. He doesn't also get why his twin sister was scared.

Despite being clueless on what going on that time, he doesn't still like the fact that his mother are doing something to their older sister.

Through feeling sympathy for their older sister even he was no clue what is going on, he was just a useless bystander in that house.

Not long after that, their mother decided that he was unlucky. Because of him, her exorcising business doesn't get prosperous. His mother sent him to their distant relatives when he was 12 years old. That was also the time that he recovered his memories.

What an eccentric and strange woman. This is just a rare occurrence that one of his parents would decide to abandon him just because of that kind of superstitious reason. Life went on with him living with his relatives. They have a somewhat awkward relationship since they weren't a family that believes in superstition. But later on, it became better when they learned that he wasn't into that kind of stuff just like his mother. On the years that he got separated with his siblings, he tried to have a correspondence with them. But their mother was in control in any kinds of communication routes in that home, it was very rare that he was able to talk to his twin sister Naoko.

Life went on with him in that way. He live like a normal person in that life. As normal as he can be. He doesn't know why but he would always sense that something or some people would always watch him from the distance. He doesn't know if he was having an illusion but there are times that he have tried to call out to those people or chase them. He didn't see anything when he chased and see someone approaching him.

After the result, he decided that it was an illusion and proceeded to ignore it and went looking for something that can help with his situation.

Years passed again. He have became enstrange towards that family and even have his surname change to suit his current family. He never tried to pursue on that kind of close relationship in that life since he knows that it was for naught. It would just become painful. Strangely, he didn't know why his job ended up in that way. He was a university graduate in that life. He was the top of the class. But somehow, he ended up becoming a part time hogwash psychic and fortune teller.

He was also become somewhat a small time celebrity on those obvious shady TV shows. At that time, he thought that his current mother must be proud with his current profession. She would never thought that he would become a hogwash like her.

Then he would never thought that he would receive a call from that woman. She have sent him to their distant relatives. Why is she calling him now? After that, he never thought that a simple phone call would completely change his world view of that world.

Because of his strange presence some of the things have also change since his mother made a phone call. His twin sister later called to him thanking him that he answered the phone call. She also went to inform him that their mother is alive through with an injured feet. Their older sister was also at Peace now and the curse would be okay as long as those who have drank their sister's blood won't die of unnatural circumstances and die of hatred.

At that time, he have WTF moment. He decided to know what the hell is going on. He visited the hospital and there, he met his mother again. There was also his little twin sister and he met other people. He also noted that a lot of those people are foreigners.

Their mother decided to inform him what happened to their older sister. He feel betrayed that his twin sister didn't inform him. Through she justified it with wanting him to have a peaceful life. After that, his sister and mother introduce those strangers to him. He felt like everything was falling into the place. He realize that he was in that movie and this strangers that he met was some people in the part 2 and 3 of the movie.

It was because of him that they have survived. His mother said. Since young, she found that somehow ghost and evil spirits tend to stay away from him. She have him sent away because she was losing her business and people wouldn't really believe in her abilities once that they entered a certain radius they would lose the said spirit and went to proceed on their usual business. If he keep staying with them, his mother would also lose her abilities along with his older sister. She have no choice but to sent him away. But she decided to keep his former personal things since they are very useful.

Overall, that was such a lame decision. He thought. But he can't really keep angry with her since wasn't so much attached to her.

After the events that happened, he somehow ended up as an Exorcist. But he was a poor Exorcist. Since the moment that he started stepping into a curse place within a certain distance, the curse or the spirits of that place would disappear. His mother decided to quit on her duty and job. She passed away peacefully. But he wondered if she would go to heaven or hell for what she did to their older sister. Her twin sister on the other hand decided to stay single. She was still afraid of the events that happened. She thought that if she ended up getting married, she would end up like their older sister. But despite being a single woman, she decided to adopt two kids from the orphanage and take care of a dog and a parrot.

Their life continued peacefully. He would also still went to visit his older sister's former targets from time to time. His life as a poor Exorcist continued until he was 60 years old. When his life ended, he was welcomed by the sight of his older sister. She wasn't there to kill him. Maybe she was just there to watch him die and somewhat kill himself in such a stupid way.

He was an idiot. He knows what is the effect of alcohol and smoke but he still did it like the rest of those people.

{ Naoto. }

" ... Ugh... I.. can't... breathe...ah..shit.. "

His sister's hand was cold as she slowly wrapped her hands on his neck.

Even she tried to kill him. The curse won't work on him. He wouldn't rise up as a vengeful spirit even through he hated that God. Over those reincarnations, he have done a lot. Willingly or not willingly. He accumulated a lot of karma and gratitude from a lot of people.

He close his eyes. Feeling that his sister's hands are slowly becoming warm. He feel it loosening and he heard a sound that was like of glass shattering and warmness spreading over his body before he died on that world.

A pity. That even a curse like that couldn't even break his own curse. He wouldn't be free on his eternal damnation.


[ 3 hours has passed..... ]

[ You have completely used the power of your 37th Life. ]

[ You wouldn't be able to use your noble phantasm until 3 days later. ]

[ Proceeding to erase the life of Naoto Suzumiya(Kawamata).....   ]

[ Loading... ]

It felt that I went to a very deep deep dream. Blackness and darkness started to welcome my consciousness. It was painful. I can't breathe. What is going on?

" Ahkk ... "

I sluggishly opened my eyes. When I opened them, it was like that I was welcomed with the sight of hell happening. Our surroundings are burning. It was hot yet I also feel cold at the same time. And I was also at the mercy of Jeanne D'arc Alter who was glaring at me with hatred. Yet I could also see that there was fear in her eyes. Different from what I usually seen the past days, she wasn't in her best appearance. The usual where she look presentable even through there was bloodstains on her armor...

Right now, her onyx armor was in tatters. There were bruises and gashes on her body.

" Ugkk... Ah..leet...ee..go.."

She was also proceeding to choke out my neck with all of her might.

" Finally, regained your senses? "

There wasn't the usual smirk and mocking expression on her face. I was also secretly thankful that despite the fact that she hasn't let my neck go, her hands have loosened.

I can feel the feeling of the hard and uncomfortable ground on my back. I was laying and Jeanne D'arc Alter was proceeding to choke the life out of me. What the hell has happened? My memories are hazy and disoriented. I know that Saint Martha has went back to the throne of Heroes.. but why is our surroundings are in fire? I stared at Jeanne D'arc Alter who was still glaring at me.

She looks exhausted. Did those strange people went to attack her and she was defeated? Or did they attack her but she still won at the cause of something and she struggled hard to win the fight?

But, all of those thoughts was then replace by more confusion by the next words that she said.

" You.... "

She gritted her teeth in anger.

" What kind of monster are you?! "


" If Gilles weren't there, I would already be killed just like those Servants.... Even Gilles was killed.... So, tell me... What monster are you?"

Who was ready for 2021? Ahh, I was really looking forward to 2021 summon banners. Through not really accurate, I was still thankful for the NA's clairvoyance EX. Ahh, space Ishtar, Godjuna look so freaking good. And someone said that there was also a GSSR banner.. I would definitely roll for that. Thankfully I have a lot of free quest and I gotta collect all of those SQ! If there was a Merlin I would definitely roll for him..

megurashimonocreators' thoughts