
The unknown bride

The unknown bride shows an appearance when she wants to give out spells. But she is evil when made mad. How she became the bride this is the girl that was age 16. Satan offered her one deal. To play a war game. But the trick came to be. Satan played her by saying if you marry me I will make you a bride. But she gotten scared by telling everyone who Satan was. But she didn't know that she became the bride until today. She was locked up for years to come. Kaitlyn was the name of the girl taken over. Their deal was never found again cause this girl showed herself after finding the key to her world she created in the underworld. Which means she must live their but comes out of this girl. She tries to tell people and be friend them but when she does she can't be free from this deal of Satan. Her life was destroyed when people kept talking to her. That's when the bride finally showed herself after years of taking her life. Satan saved this girl's life. But she said to the bride add years to my life I will let you be mine. But than something else happened before that. Satan kissed that girl Kaitlyn before the bride returned at age 16. That's when his bride became known as Kaitlyns curse for the rest of her life. She must walk the halls in human form and avoid talking to people its cause if she gets mad or gives a spell that means she backs. Satan keeps the deal between the bride a serect cause she agreed to give her life after the unlimite price she paid. Kaitlyn was chained up in the brides chains for until today. I'm known as the unknown bride. I will be walking in places but leave me alone or else find a way to help this girl. This girl sold her soul to become the bride. Yes that's true but Satan saved my life by showing me if I become the bride than she disappears I saved you all. If your thinking of telling others you better not unless you know through the soul deal transfers. This allows you to go through time and talk to Satan alone. This is unknown brides powerThe power of Satan he was chained up cause of the bride. His name changed cause he is dead. But walks as the undead ghost of Satan. The brides power she gave a person a spell to get revenge to trap the girl heart to stay in her body and gives you spells this girl can't be free. It's her speaking not me. Help! She is trying to talk to people but she gets no freedom unless she is in chains. But watch out her chains are her power now. She sold her soul to Satan to create the spell to save her life. Oh no the the eye bride just heard me I got to go just remember talk to me please. She will pay in chains if you talk to her she will become the bride. She is the unknown bride. Watch out she is coming for you. She the wife of Satan. Go away let me speak. Than I'm speaking for you. I'm getting help. Stay away ghostly bride. No im going to bring chains to people if they speak to her. Go how. How is by talking over this girl's words. You will never free her. Her deal is May 25th. Please I need to speak. Than speak but I'm watching what you say. I'm giving you guys hints to help me. That's it I'm jumping in you going to wear chains I'm loving you Kaitlyn. Yes but I'm the ghost bride. She in love oh my God. Can I speak for once? Than be my guess. Everyone this is the book to get help. You will have to speak to meet her but don't speak no more. Why can't she? She my wife. No your the unknown bride. Bride yes my name is Scarlet gallaher. No your name. Don't speak my real name. Why can't I? Your real name is God. I'm hidden in a room to write this book. G stands for geni o stands for.... I found you.... I'm just getting the power spell you asked for. Oh really let me see. Someone stole it form me. I'm on your side. Brb. Satan I must make you an offer. I want to become the soul bride and connect us together. Satan says she is behind you. Make it fast now. Yes but your the only human left on earth but I made humans become real. No I killed the humans. Satan drops his jaw and Says she is the only soul life in her is yours. Bride says please don't kill me by transferring that soul. Kaitlyn says I gave someone a spell that will transfer my soul and are soul into one. Now go hurry before she comes. Satan does the deal but she is still cursed. This girl is known as the unknown bride. To everyone I finally told you what really happened to me. Your speech is to much. Yes but I'm the bride. She locked away but only can speak very little words through her. Have to go. Ok my love will see each other again some day. The lost in the brides words changed her life seeing the girl speak her final words as he left her on a stone rock next to crows and her life lays in her grave. But her curse arises again by this girl. This girl must have are souls locked in her. but her power comes from unknown sources around the world. She can do more now she has Satan stronger than ever. But what about the bride arising through her. she is going to just try to take over her body. This girl never make her mad that's a warning to see her true form.