

My mind control games. Your knowing this but God is turning me into the devil. Satan is the devil. Oh opps yes. I remember guys I'm just playing. Yes but now we're joking laughing now you will do as God says. Satan what about we keep quiet into a bubble and he can't hear our thoughts. Ok but I'm Satan why you summon me? Are the stories about you true than show me your true form. You dare say that to the almighty Satan. Yes I dare your saving the death of lives. we call souls ghostly deathly souls. Once you sell your death soul to satan known as Satan of death he crushes your soul after 7,000 times you sell it. If you sell your soul to him he has the power to change time any way you like but be warned he only does it once if he likes you if he doesn't he will have your soul for as long as you live. Another way to sell your soul is by giving your life up 20 years back in time to never exist again. Another way he will make you evil by returning your soul the only way is to go to God and ask him to send a star down to save you. God is known as the wonders of the world. Theirs more than one God but be warned if you talk to one you must go through Satan of deathDeath he has them locked up. The only powerful God left is the only one who can save them but death of Satan is controlling God but their is one thing Satan hates more than God. God hidden in the eyes of the pyminds. But In a few years their will be a legend on the God of time the God of earth The God of humans existing. Make a wish and it only comes true after you make a soul deal or another way to call it death deal. A Death deal is where it's more than one group of people who sells the gods stone soul inside a rock will get a wish granted but be warned the death of Satan will stop you at all cost. God the leader of all gods has powers is to stop a girl who saves Satan in disaster fate after years of finding his lost love God puts a stop to it. She becomes the Queen of God and is known as an angel. That's how God became the creator of earth and The death of Satan has never found love again cause got casted a spell on him by saying these words YOU DARE CHALLENGE ME TO BATTLE AGAINST YOUR FALLEN ARMY YOUR GETTING A PUNISHMENT IF YOU FIND LOVE AGAIN SHE KEEPS BEING AN ANGEL But than The death of Satan keeps a death contract from blinding gods eyes that says if he puts thi spell on me than I will overturn him by death but God tricks him instead and breaks her neck. Yes. But the real spell is unknown was it a mind game controlled by Satan or was it her becoming a fallen angel never finding him again until after being released. She hides in the shadows finding him but we're. Will she know if she hides with the humans or God hides her on his throne waiting for the death of Satan to attack again. God does good by saving the earth. God created Satan to serve him will but he hated him so much but gotten help by creating a hell behind his back. God can't know everything cause Satan places curses on him behind his back. God only power left in him is a one time switch to save his bride. Once this happens than God uses the Powers in the Satan he became and uses it for good. But will Satan of death will rise again after the legend comes true... the legend is he lives in the God but is attacking his insides little by little in his body. God needs to find help the only person he knows is his demon bride. She says what you need? God Satan says I need to switch back to become God. She says thy will come the day you will loose track of your eyes. God becomes the God of death but he faked his death and kisses the demon bride. Than Satan waked up in his real body and tells him that your never step foot in my area again. Stay away from her or pay the price of never having love again. stay away unless I discover new stuff I'm unlocking Satan's powers by doing what he says. his voices sounds like a human but the truth lies in your deepest fears. he can take any form that you dream of. theirs spells to much of them. in fact check them out once I post then here. but for now check out the death of Satan.