
Sensual Snatcher

A young man awakens to a startling transformation, finding himself thrust into the body of Song Qingshu, accompanied by Zhou Zhiruo. “Girl, your smile is so sweet!” “Madam, you smell so good!” How can I live a happier life than Wei Xiaobao if I don't become the number one expert! #Sexual Cultivation Technique #Ancient China #Beautiful Female Lead Betrayal #Enemies Become Lovers #Harem #Kingdom Building #Older Love Interests #R-18 #War #Younger Love Interests It's basically a story about a guy reborn in a story he knows about. Also, check out "BLACK TECHNOLOGY", it's another fantastic story about reincarnation, tragedy... Although it takes a different part, also that novel isn't R18, and Honestly, I think it's way better.

peace01 · ファンタジー
56 Chs

Drunken beauty

"Madam, you..." Song Qingshu stared at Mu Wanqing in disbelief.

"What a despicable man, masquerading as a martial arts master!" Mu Wanqing's voice trembled with anger as she pointed accusingly at him. She felt deceived by Song Qingshu over the past two days, taken advantage of by his schemes...

"I sincerely apologize, Miss Mu." With the situation laid bare, there was no need for pretense anymore. Song Qingshu offered a bitter smile.

"Do you find it amusing to toy with an ordinary person like me, pretending to be a master?" Mu Wanqing's tone grew colder and colder.

"I must admit, I found it rather amusing." Song Qingshu thought to himself, though he would never dare to voice such thoughts aloud. "I also noticed that you were heartbroken and had thoughts of ending your life. I was desperate to dissuade you, but I couldn't approach you directly. So, I devised this strategy to keep strangers at bay."

As Mu Wanqing was reminded of her previous distress, her lips tightened and a mist formed in her beautiful eyes.

Despite Mu Wanqing's seemingly cold and callous exterior, she was, in the end, just a young girl. In her previous life, she may not have even reached her current age. These thoughts flashed through Song Qingshu's mind, leaving him momentarily unsure of how to console her.

After a brief silence, Mu Wanqing turned her head, gently wiping her cheek with her fingertips, and asked in a low voice, "What is your name?"

Noticing her delicate, jade-like fingers, Song Qingshu suddenly felt a pang of thirst and quickly replied, "Miss Mu, I am Song Qingshu."

"Thank you, Master Song, for coming to my aid a few days ago. I bid you farewell now." Mu Wanqing's tone remained cold as she turned and walked away. Although seething with anger, and ordinarily she would have shot down a despicable man like him without hesitation, witnessing his incredible martial arts skills firsthand made her reconsider.

"Now, let us depart," Song Qingshu murmured to himself, his reluctance to let her go evident. Having been discovered by the enchanting woman, he had no idea how to convince her to stay. True to his character, he couldn't bring himself to act like Duan Yu and shamelessly follow her.

Song Qingshu's soliloquy caused Mu Wanqing's ears to flush with embarrassment. She abruptly halted, pivoted on her heel, and fixed her gaze upon him. "Go and cleanse your face. I don't wish to appear indebted to a charlatan."

Perplexed by Mu Wanqing's haughty and unpredictable nature, Song Qingshu struggled to discern her true intentions. He hurriedly made his way to a nearby stream, washing away the grime from his visage and tidying his disheveled hair, securing it with a makeshift turban.

Observing the revitalized Song Qingshu, a faint blush tinted Mu Wanqing's fair complexion. "Very well, I can see clearly now," she remarked before abruptly turning on her heel and departing.

Could it be that she was captivated by his dashing and handsome countenance? Song Qingshu was taken aback. It was true that he was renowned as a young and handsome knight in the martial arts world. Over time, his numerous accomplishments and his enigmatic, composed demeanor had only heightened his allure. Each morning when he caught sight of himself in the mirror, he would jest, "I have awakened to my own handsomeness once more..."

As Mu Wanqing receded into the distance, Song Qingshu shook his head wryly. He knew that Mu Wanqing had been infatuated with her brother Duan Yu throughout her life in the original story. How could she so easily be swayed by another man?

Yet, as he observed her slender figure, Song Qingshu couldn't help but call out unexpectedly, "I will be returning to Jiangnan."

Mu Wanqing continued walking, her figure unchanged, showing no sign of acknowledgment. This caused Song Qingshu to grow anxious, prompting him to add hastily, "Duan Yu has been abducted by the Tubo State Master Jiumozhi. They claim he will be cremated in advance at Murong Bo's tomb in Gusu."

As anticipated, Mu Wanqing's form trembled momentarily, pausing before resuming her stride until eventually fading from Song Qingshu's sight.

"It seems that I still hold a lesser place in her heart compared to that pretty boy Duan Yu!" Song Qingshu mused, completely oblivious to his own undeniable attractiveness.

Nevertheless, he was certain that Mu Wanqing would journey to Jiangnan to rescue Duan Yu. Song Qingshu harbored no concerns for her safety. Although Jiumozhi could be treacherous at times, he was generally regarded as a revered monk, unlike Yun Zhonghe, with his sinister proclivities. Jiumozhi would not harm a delicate girl like Mu Wanqing.

The reason behind his desire to dispatch her to Jiangnan was that Song Qingshu himself had already formulated plans to venture there.

Over the past two days, he had meticulously crafted his future during his idle moments. The notion of scouring the world in search of Musashi now seemed implausible. Yet, his martial arts prowess was undeniably formidable, particularly after the recent battle with Feng Qingyang, which had bolstered his confidence. He understood that, as long as he refrained from risking his life by provoking the world's renowned assassins, he could safeguard himself.

As his martial skills continued to ascend, Song Qingshu's ambitions swelled in tandem. His extensive experience from his previous life had early on impressed upon him that, in this tumultuous world, no matter how impressive one's martial arts might be, they were merely pawns at the mercy of those in power. He envied the audacious perspective of the Mingjiao sect, with its legions of devoted followers, forming a formidable faction under his command. Perhaps he could even aspire to unify the realm.

However, contemplating the murky relationship between Zhou Zhiruo and the nominal wife, Song Qingshu couldn't help but recoil. He had no desire to become a hapless pawn like Li Yu. If Zhang Wuji were to unify the world, he knew that he would harbor an inkling to summon Zhou Zhiruo to his harem. There would be little he could do to prevent it.

Moreover, in his previous life, Song Qingshu had single-handedly built a business empire, relishing the sensation of holding the destinies of many in his hands. Now, he found himself a mere minnow in the vast ocean of the world. Such a role reversal was disconcerting, prompting him to conceive a plan from the summit of the mountain.

Amidst the ravages of a chaotic world, an opportune time for making contributions had emerged. Unlike the political opportunists Murong and his inept son, Song Qingshu possessed a clear vision and a well-crafted blueprint.

Understanding the essence of power, Song Qingshu recognized the significance of military might and influential connections. However, he discerned that the true bedrock lay in financial power. When countless individuals relied on him for sustenance, he would naturally wield immense influence. Yet, he also knew that without the strength to safeguard his wealth from plunderers, power would remain a hollow illusion.

Realizing the futility of pursuing martial arts secrets, Song Qingshu swiftly shifted his focus to the pursuit of worldly treasures. While the martial arts secrets were exclusive to the original protagonist, he understood that the protagonists of these tales rarely possessed access to the treasures that adorned their narratives. Perhaps it was an authorial attempt to portray the protagonists as paragons of virtue, indifferent to material wealth. Nonetheless, this presented an opportunity for Song Qingshu.

He need not contend with the original protagonist for these treasures. The sudden clarity of his thoughts prompted him to survey the treasure landscape of the world. The labyrinthine secrets of Gaochang were ensconced in the distant Western Regions, firmly under Zhang Wuji's dominion. It was an endeavor Song Qingshu deemed unwise to pursue at present. The treasure near Yubi Villa, belonging to the King Chuang, lay deep within the Manchu and Qing territories, far and perilous to reach. Even if discovered, escape would prove nigh impossible. The Forty-Two Chapters treasure posed an even greater challenge. Acquiring the eight volumes alone presented a daunting task, and Luding Mountain, the site of the treasure, was nestled within the very heart of the Qing Dynasty's power, its secrets closely guarded.

Jingzhou's Tianning Temple held treasures within its grasp, but it was firmly under Ling Tuisi's control, situated in a war-torn region. Song Qingshu hesitated to alert his adversaries prematurely.

After meticulous consideration, Song Qingshu's gaze settled upon the Dagongfang treasure in Jinling City. It beckoned with promise, its allure heightened by the tension that accompanied its pursuit.

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