
Senseless Lovers

Evan Myers, a well known pianist who’s just 24 years old. After her career finally got to its peak, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. When she’d lost hope and given up ever, someone appeared with a way for her to live again. Devil, a cunning man from another world, offered her a deal. “Fall in love and have them love you in return, and for every two years you fail I will take away one of your senses.” Now in another world, she must live as Anastasia Breslyn and find love or become a senseless shell of a person.

grlinthebuttondown · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Chapter 4

After I finished playing, I returned to my room. Once I got inside, making sure to close the door quietly, I ran over to the mirror. I've just now realized that I don't know what this person looks like!

The person staring back at me is beautiful. In all honesty there are many features similar to my old ones, but they are still so very different.

I have long dark brown hair and a pair of shining purple eyes that almost resemble gems. My face is slender, but almost androgynous. My chest is somewhat flat, my hips small, even my ass is smaller than it was in my past life. To behest if you didn't know I was a woman, you'd have a hard time guessing what gender I am.

Compared to my old appearance of medium wavy light brown hair, that was always dyed purple on the underside, and my lifeless brown eyes, this body seems so much more fitting. I suppose I was able to wear sweater vests and baggy pants back then...oh god I hope that I won't be stuck wearing dresses this whole time!

There's a knock at the door.Grace walks in with my food. As she sets down the tray of fruit, bread, eggs, and some weird scone-like things as well as tea, she goes on to tell me that the others are awake and getting ready to eat downstairs.

How many people live here? I gotta figure this out quickly, I might try to find some way to ask Grace about it.

I sit on the couch nibbling at the small plate of food I've been served. Grace stands in the corner of the room, near to the door. As I eat, I try to go over in my head all that's happened.

I could think of this like the plot of a novel. Seeing as how Daniel seems to fit the "male lead" character type, I'm going to assume he's one of them. Though based on what I know of him so far, I can't say which one he is. That most likely means that my character is one of the main or side characters. The only other person I've met is Grace, depending on if I'm the main character or not, her position is very unclear.

Besides that, I wonder how much time has passed since I died. The last few months of cancer treatments before it progressed to stage four were hard, but it seems like so long ago. It's as if I can barely remember the pain of chemotherapy. But at the same time, I will always remember that experience.

I put down the plate, having only eaten a small bite from the bread and two pieces of fruit.

"Are you not hungry, milady? Or was the food not to you taste, if you not feeling well I can have the chef–"

"No I'm quite alright," I say in my most proper tone possible.

"Very well milady."

I take a sip of my tea, then look up at Grace, "Come sit with me."

"But milady, I couldn't dare too!"

"Please do," I take another sip, yum, camomile mint.

"But, but–"

"I insist," I say firmly, then set the teacup and saucer down.

Grace takes a seat on the couch opposite from me. She seems nervous, probably not as much as I am, but I've learned how not to show it. I wait in silence for a bit, then I ask her a question.

"The family, are they aware that I have woken up?"

"Young Master Dimitri and Young Master Arthur both asked me this morning and I told them that you were, but that you would be taking your meal in your room."

"Ah, good, well–" before I can finish, I get cut off by someone's knocking on the door. "Yes, who is it?" I call out.

"It's Arthur! I heard that you were awake, can I come in."

Arthur? Based on what Grace said he's most likely one of my brothers, and further evidence such as his high pitched voice tells me he's still young. This will be fun to figure out...that was sarcastic.

"Oh, I suppose so," I say nodding to Grace who immediately gets up and opens the door.

Ayoung boy runs in, he looks about 10 years old. He has light curly brown hair and shimmering purple eyes that resemble my own. His outfit is made up of a cute pair of dark blue shorts and an off-white shirt tucked into them. He's also sporting a pair of purple suspenders that have the same ornate golden pattern as my shawl, just smaller.

I stand up, but he jumps onto me, knocking me into the couch.

"Young Master! Be careful, Lady Anya just woke up, her body is frail."

"Oh I'm sorry elder sister," he says, gently getting off of me and taking a seat next to me on the couch.

"It's alright, I'm sure Grace is just worried," I pat his head and he perks up.

"In that case I'm sorry Grace," he says shyly.

"There is no need to apologize, Young Master, I was only worried for milady's health."

"Well she's awake now so she must be feeling better."

I have an idea to get more information out of this kid...

"I am, though it feels as if it's been so long since I last saw you, have you gotten bigger?"

"No I'm the same size as most 12 year olds, and that was only three days ago."

Haha! He's twelve, and my plan works perfectly. Just like stealing candy from a baby.

"Hey, have you asked her yet or not?" In the doorway stands two tall people.

One is a girl who seems older than me, the other a boy about an inch taller than her.

"Elodie! Nicolas! Why are you here, I said I'd get her for breakfast."

"Father said to make sure you wouldn't just eat up here in Anya's room," Nicolas says.

He has shimmering black hair and purple eyes like mine and Arthurs, but his is slightly lighter, almost a lavender shade. He's wearing what appears to be a sort of uniform, though I don't know for what. It's a dark shade of blue and accented with gold and white. Beneath he is wearing a sort of pale blue tunic.

"Yes and now that we've come here to fetch both you and Anya, let us all head down. I'm starved," Elodie groans.

She is also very beautiful. She has gorgeous long curly black hair and emerald eyes that look like those of a witch. Contrary to her dark hair, she is sporting a pale off-the-shoulder purple gown with ruffles and an off-white lace shawl. The ornately sowed hem of silver was glinting in the light and the small gem on her necklace was glitzing back at me.

She seems really irritated, I probably held back her breakfast.

"But I'm not properly dressed for it–"

"No need," Elodie says, grabbing my arm and dragging me out of the door, "let's go eat before I eat Thomas or one of you."

Thomas? What the hell is happening?
