
Sengoku and Netero’s powers as a Mutant in Marvel

A man reincarnated as a mutant in marvel comics with Sengoku and Netero’s powers

Jaquaviontavious · アニメ·コミックス
3 Chs

Chapter 1

"So…Chuck, we going all this way for a new mutant, is he particularly dangerous or what ?"

"Particularly is an understatement. This child is an Alpha, possibly Omega level mutant Logan."

"Whats his power professor?"

"Well Jean, I dont know, we'll just have to ask Pyslocke when we land in Japan."

12 HOURS LATER———————————————-

Over in Japan, the just mentioned Psylocke is busy talking to a young man. "Why'd you do that to those people?" she asked. "Well….they said my mom is built like trash bag thats about to rip because its overfilled." "….This isn't a joking matter, do you not get that? because of your reckless actions all the people at your school, communtity, hell even all the people that watched the news in japan today now know you're a mutant." The you man answered back undisturbed, " damn thats crazy" in a deadpan face while shrugging his shoulders. "How can you not-*RING* hold on I have a call, don't go ANYWHERE."

"Yeah no problem"

Psylocke answers the phone "Where in Tokyo are you and the young man located ?" A voice asks on the other side of the call. "location of the apartment is in Setagaya, Tokyo; located just left of Shibuya. The apartment is situated close to Meiji University. The kid lives by himself so just knock and i'll answer it."

"Thank you Betsy"

*Hang Up*

40 MINUTES LATER——————————————-

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Come in he's in the living room" Psylocke says as she opens the door.

"Hello young man, my name is Charles Xavier, may I know your name ?"




"Logan or Betsy you may need to translate-"

"I know english"

"….I see well whats is your name ?"

"Satoru Toji…..call me Toji"

"Well Toji, its come to my attention that you've awakened a mutant ability, i've come to offer you schooling at my establishment for the gifted youngsters such as yourself."

"It's a good chance for you-"

"Logan, Jean, Charles I should speak to you in private while he thinks this over." Betsy says as she leads the trio into the kitchen away from the living room."

"Whats the matter-"

"That kid…..is dangerous Charles. He has an immense amount of power and he isn't scared to use it.

"He's a prick huh?" Logan asks. "No, he doesn't seem to be the aggressor. He has an almost indifferent personality, not emotionally stunted mind you, but almost to lasy to care. He deems things like effort 'troublesome'. About 4 hours before you got the call to come here, Toji decimated an entire Yakuza group and all their bases because they tried to intimidate him at his job being a cashier at a small gas station, since they didn't want to pay. CCTV footage shows him not intimidated at all. Infact the only reason he took the time to track the gang back to their base and destroy them, is because 'it would be too troublesome to pay for damages to my own workplace, but since I decimated a Yakuza group, hopefully the government will at least not make me pay.'"

"Heheheh, I like 'em", "please Logan this is no laughing matter, the kid needs help", "Jean is right Logan, he needs our help to set him straight, let us go back now."

"So Toji, have you dec-"

"Yeah ill go"







"I see then lets go. Are you coming with us Betsy?"

"No ill stay in Japan for a little bit longer. And Charles?"


"Watch him"

'Troublesome woman' Toji thinks as he hears that little whisper. Walking out with Charles Xavier, Jean Grey and James 'Logan' Howlett towards the car they came in, Toji couldn't help but feel a little excited, and why wouldn't he? He gets to meet some of his favorite characters from marvel comics. "Soo these other gifted kids have powers like me ?". "Yes Toji, all of them special in their own right."

"Aight, bet."

'Aight, bet???'

"Were you raised somewhere else Toji?"

"Excuse me I dont know your name."

"Ahh excuse me young Toji, my companions are Logan and Jean Grey"

"You can call me Ms. Grey, since ill be your teacher in a day or two."

"Well Jean, I was born and raised in Japan."

"Hey I thought-"

"Well bub, you got slang from the U.S."


"Well bub-"

"Nevermind that Logan, lets get to the plane." Charles says.

If you’re worried he’ll be the typical anime male, where he gets beat up by females and pushed around. He wont, trust me I hate that. This character will love defying expectations. He’ll enjoy saying ‘no’ just like me and Ron Swanson.

Jaquaviontaviouscreators' thoughts