
Chapter 78

The Entertainment Industry had different kinds of people,those who would work very hard with their talents to achieve the best in the most decent way. The First class of people are 'talented and very wealthy'. And those who had talents but lacked investors, those groups of people could sell their body or eventually get Lucky. Second class was 'talented but not wealthy'. 

And those who have no talent at all but they are lucky because they have the necessary resources and they come from wealthy backgrounds. Third class, 'No Talent but very wealthy'. Lastly the shameless set of people, this class of people are the fourth class, they have no talent at all but gain investors by extreme means. They are titled the shameless squad, because they can do just anything to get what they want. Fourth class 'No talent, Not wealthy'.

The Second class and the Fourth class could result through shameless means but at least the second class had the word 'Talented' most could result in shameless means to get investors. After getting good investors, they earn more money by using their talents and with time, they have no use for investors again. Because they would have skyrocketed to fame with the help of their talents. They were not as shameless as the Fourth class of people.

Patricia falls under the second class of people in the entertainment industry.

Adams has a frown on this face, things were actually so serious that he didn't look her way. He was focused and had a terrible look. He didn't even respond to her greetings at all "Patricia, I am sorry to tell you that as a punishment, you've been suspended for a month" he said this time, he raised his head and looked at her. He didn't want to beat around the bush, so he went straight to the point. 

"What?!" She shouted in horror.

"I should be the one asking you, what did you do? I had to beg them to just suspend you for a month. They wanted to blacklist you from our company. Our meeting took hours, ``he said with a frown. He was also surprised. Patricia was the best the company had, if they were to blacklist her then, it would be a loss to them. And it would take years to bring up a Young Actress to such a level.

"I didn't do anything wrong, why would they want to blacklist me? After everything I have done for them? Why such a huge punishment?" She said, stomping her feet angrily. She had totally forgotten what had happened yesterday at the mall.

"Did you offend anybody?" He asked, he had been in this company for decades and knew things better. Such a decision wouldn't just come without a cause. She must have offended someone who had high connections.

"I didn't offend anybody" Thinking about it, her face suddenly turns purple. "Except..."

"Speak up," he said, hitting the table angrily. If he knew who she had offended then things would be a lot easier. He would know how to handle it.

"Except Stephanie, I had come across her yesterday at the mall. She was just an attendant at Maviswell"