
Chapter 74

"Don't look sad, dear. Some of us ain't that lucky. We have to work and earn and those who are Lucky ain't appreciative. They don't know how lucky they are, so they misuse such good opportunities and others amongst them are heartless, careless, proud and arrogant. They don't know what people like us go through" he said with a sigh. It seems he has learnt to live with himself and accept his fate.

Stephanie hearing this felt Broken, this was indeed the case. She was raised like a princess and had no compassion over others. This was because she actually didn't know what life was all about, she had grown up with the belief that power and money is to be respected. She wasn't aware of the fact that she had tears dripping down her cheeks. The old.man seeing this felt bad, he felt like he had opened up her old wounds with his words. Unknowingly to him, the person he just described to be heartless, careless, proud and arrogant was her herself. She fits this description perfectly.

"Sorry dear, Grandpa made you cry right? I am so Sorry. You have to get going or you would be blamed for being late" he said, looking at her with worry. He suddenly liked the word she had used to call him 'Grandpa'

"You don't have to worry, I won't be blamed," she said confidently. Wiping off her tears she gave him a smile and helped him push the roller bucket to where he was going. They discussed a lot that Stephanie forgot about being sent on an errand. Though it wasn't her fault, she found out that she felt free with the old man. He cracked jokes and made her laugh away her sorrows. She followed him down the hall and took about 20 minutes helping him clean his home, he had a seperate room in the mall where he sleeps. Whatever she was doing she had no idea what it was but she gave it her all afterall she had done the cleaning in the store all by herself this morning.

The old man was indeed very pleased, this was actually the first time he got so happy and chatted for a long time. The young girl reminded him of his granddaughter and brought back all his good memories. 


Back in the Store, Anna's stomach was already aching from all the laughter she had secretly left out. Stephanie has left to get chilled water for over an hour, it seems the rude actress before her would die of thirst. Inside the store was a separate room where refreshments are kept but she didn't intend giving them any.

"Where the hell did she go?" She said stomping her feet angrily on the floor

'hmmph, is that question meant for me? It shouldn't be' Anna's devilish conscience said pooping out from the cloud. Popping out of nowhere it sat comfortably on her left shoulders with a face as red as Pluto. Anna looked at her chuckled and this drew the attention of others to herself, so she ignored them.