
Chapter 45

This was so funny, her friend who was always rude to others was now feeling very bad for another person.

(Chuckling) "You feel like ripping her hair off her head right?" She said with a smile

"That's exactly what I feel like doing" she replied with a frown.

"Hold on darling, don't step in now, there's till more to come. Don't blow our cover. I also want to rip her hair off" lylic said clenching her fist, she would teach her a lesson she would not forget in a hurry

They had walked into the hall unnoticed they didn't want to draw an unnecessary attention to themselves. They had of black scarf placed on their head and around their shoulders, they also wore dark sunglasses and big dresses with large coats.

 So they would remain unrecognised by the public anyone seeing them wouldn't know it was them until they remove their cover. Roselle seeing the ongoing scene had annoyance written all over her face, she hate it when someone lesser is being bullied. That was why she loved fighting a worthy opponent not someone who was lesser than her. This was so disgusting, it was more like stooping so low to that person's level. The only worthy opponent she knew and fought with was Selom herself.

 And Roselle felt like she was the only person who had the right to bully, no body had such Rights. At first she thought about settling the matter once and for all. She didn't take the little actress serious at first. She and Lylic had been in the mall far before the scene took place, they were already so bored that nothing interesting was happening. It was weird that a mall filled with youngsters actors and actresses for the upcoming events would be so quiet. Someone somewhere had to get bullied, they had took about changing stores, since the mall was very big, but later changed their mind at the twist of event. Roselle for the first time felt sad fir the young actress, this feelings came when she heard about how Suzan was trying to avoid trouble just for her mother's sake. The young girl was willing to give up on what she wanted just to avoid trouble. Now she felt sorry for her. She didn't even know why she felt so sad for someone she had never come across. 

Suzan had mentioned that the money she had for the dress was her mother's life savings, this wasn't a trivial matter at all. 

She couldn't understand it, this was because she had lived a life of Fame and luxury. She couldn't understand the girls pain, but seeing the tear drop she felt a sharp pain in her heart. The young girl would be around 16 or 17 years old. Roselle felt she was still very young to experience the harshness of life and face the pain of being bullied over and over again by the rich. She suddenly felt like protecting this girl, shielding her away from all pain.