
Chapter 320

Hearing what Adams said,grandpa couldn't help but ask questions about what investigation they were about carrying out, sensing that Kent wasn't pleased hearing Adams make such a statement. Adams had spoken freely because he had seen the old man leave, he never knew the old man would change his mind and her back downstairs to the dining table.

To him, it seems Kent was hiding something from him. Now that it has gotten to this, it seems the issue had gotten so out of hand that the introverted Kent could no longer hide it. From childhood, Kent's grandpa have known Adams to be a chain breaker.He have always loved him for the skillful mind uproar he possess.It tends to be part of the powers he poses as an immortal by uproaring the needful even when least expected. Some minor things which were a very common habit could be an unrealized skills. He had a lot to explain to them about their individual spaces but on a second thought he didn't have to. Everything was going according to his plan but still at that, he is wise enough to keep his stuff to himself.

"(Smiles) He earlier mentioned a mission but never told me what it is. I might be of help.Knowing about it wouldn't be a problem would it?" The old man said cutting in, this startled the young men.

"You didn't leave?" Adams said, looking at him. His suggestion was indeed a very good idea if only it stays in the circle but going out of the circle isn't something very nice.

"I suddenly felt thirsty so I had no choice but to come back and now thinking about the way I feel. I am very hungry too" he said, making himself very comfortable.

Adams turned to look at Kent who had no expression on his face. He had another idea and that was about asking the old man to his face and hearing what answer he gives. He could just start the conversation and see if Kent would stop him half way through it 

"Grandpa, remember I told you that the reason for being here wasn't planned?"

"Yes, you did. Go on!"

"And, we came here on an urgent mission"

"Yes, go on"

" We are undergoing a very important investigation, which is why we came to town. But unexpectedly the deep sleep happened and more took place as well"


"I earlier told you it is the reason why we didn't inform you and Granny about our arrival"

"Oh oh oh you said that,yes, I recall. But don't you think you ain't going straight to the point?"


"All you keep talking about is mission and investigation. I don't have to read your mind to find out, do I?" The old man said looking at Adams, since he was the one doing all the talking it was Normal to face him fully.

(Coughing) "That wouldn't be necessary, I was given a case which is very difficult to solve. My other opponent has all the evidence which prints out my client as the culprit. So I asked for help to investigate further and I couldn't do this without the help of my friends" Adams said, swallowing his saliva loudly.





" That indeed makes a lot of sense. But with all this explanation of yours (ummm) something still give me a cause to think you know." The old man said, placing his head on his palm.

"What's that? "Kent asked coldly, he had a strong feeling that the old man knew everything and he was the mastermind behind the whole scene. But the looks on his face and all his body language says otherwise. That means nothing to him he had kept a strict watch on his grandfather for a very long time.

"So You and your friends travelled all the way here to investigate some things in Adam's client's favor?" He said looking at Kent

Kent threw a glare at Adams, if there was something he hated the most that was 'lying'. "That's what he said, he had said it so why do you doubt it?" He replied coldly.

"Owh, I see. So that's really how it is?" The old man asked again.

"I actually thought it was something you guys needed my help with. So what is the investigation all about then? If you are sure your client is innocent then prove it"

(Speechless ) "That's what I am trying to do, how would I prove such a thing without having evidence? It's not like I can force my reasoning into the judge's head and make him believe what ever I say" Adams said with a sigh. He really had such a difficult case, and that was why he took a clean break. But how was he to know he made the wrong choice by doing so? All he got in return was a gathering by Lee and also bad news by Lee.

"You could, that's easy. I can teach you that skill if you want. It's a forbidden skill, making human think the way you want them is against the law of nature but I trust your judgement your client is innocent so I can help you" The old man volunteered

"Speechless", "That's generous of you, I don't accept such an offer " Adams calmly declined.

"When you change your mind, you know where to find me Kiddo "

"Thanks grandpa, before I forget I have something to ask you. It seems Granny knew about your arrival into the country. How come?" 

"She did? I could ask her since everything is cool between us now I can get answers from her about that"

"I am just curious, because we didn't even know where we were off to until we had landed. " Adams said running his hands through his hair. This was the Truth, they had no idea where they came to until the got off the private plane, with Kent even the unexpected should be expected.

(Laughs) "You all figured that out too late right?" The old man asked while Adams nodded. 

(Sigh) "Kent had made all this possible " 

"About my dear wife, it shouldn't be surprising. She knows her grandson very well. And when it comes to her instincts it's never wrong "

"So that's how it is? She had the feeling Kent was coming?"

" It could be, That's my lovely wife. She always does the right thing at the right time"Grandpa boasted.

"Yeah, She could tell if we will arrive or not. I kind of understand that. Putting the food on a mini warmer, the amount of dishes cooked means that she wasn't expecting only Kent's arrival. It seems she knew we wouldn't arrive on time. I am indeed happy for the kind of grandparents I have."

(Smirks) "It seems you no longer know your own grandparents' ' Joey interrupted, it seems he had to remind Adams over and over again so he wouldn't covet someone else's grandparents as his.

(Speechless) "Why are you such a kill Joy, they both are my grandparents as well." He said glaring at the annoying Joey. "Kent, your Dad is indeed lucky to have them as his parents.If you are doing this much for your grandchildren.. I wonder how you have done for your children back in the days.I can also see how much love you are giving." Adams said with a smile.

(Smirks) "It seems you had run mad and had forgotten so many things in a hurry. 'So much love who is giving'?" Kent said, giving Adams a sharp piercing glares.

(Coughs) Adams immediately shut his mouth up.

"Now tell me, did she mention where she was off to with Sammy?" Kent said with all seriousness. He wouldn't trust the old man blindly at all. When it comes to playing games the old man is very good at it and no one could beat him at the games.

"No, she didn't. I only hoped she never did the same thing she did the other time leaving me in the Mansion all by myself because she was siding Sammy"

"What was her reply then?"

" She laughed and thought I was getting jealous of Sammy"

"You were indeed very jealous " Kent cut in with a cold terrible look.

(Speechless) The old man wasn't expecting such a reply at all "Whenever she laughs at my question, her laughter will definitely signify the truth to me. I could tell that ,that wasn't the plan. She have a different plan.I don't want to figure it out myself using my powers by visiting them.I want to hear it from her. She's my wife anyways,she will let me know somehow about it in due time.I will let her have her peace.I am sure she is fine wherever she is.I can guarantee that Sammy and Sam are there with her too.She won't feel bored"

(Speechless) "It seems her leaving you behind had made you worst than Adams. At least he has some sense when it comes to sprouting rubbish but you kind of lack such humour " 

Hearing this everyone one was rendered speechless. It seems the real relationship between the old man and Kent was now coming back to life. As usual the old man didn't see anything wrong with Kent words. Instead he had a bright smile on his face, usiny his palm he lot up a fire while stayed on his palm,with a smile he looked at Kent who was sweating and glaring at him with anger. Joey, Lee, Adams and Strings didn't notice it at all, this was because Kent tried very hard to maintaining is composure. Who says his grandfather was giving so much love earlier? He felt like shooting the speaker to death. Now the discussion between Lent and his grandfather continued nobody understood what they were talking about but the whole place was getting so hot with hatred they could smell it in the air 

While they discussed, Lee, Joey, Strings and Adams stared at them in amazement.Their eyes interpreted the whole scene they saw giving it a different picture entirely. They knew the story of Kent and his grandfather being enemies but they didn't know it was this bad. Unknowingly to them Kent was suffering but as always how would they know that? When he keeps things to himself. If he was at the point of death nobody would Know about it.

"Why are you all staring at us like that?" Kent questioned glaring at his friends like they were his nemesis.

"(Smiles) That is because we could see similar features between you and your grandpa except for the fact that he fell in love" Strings voice out

"WTF! This was what you saw? " Kent said sounding very shocked. It seems he had nothing but blind and stupid friends.

" Yes, This was the exact features we figured out while you both had your discussion." Adams chipped in. 

What the hell was his expecting from them? He was fighting a war here and all the saw was mere resemblance? Resemblance their damn *as " Why did you say that?" Kent questioned. How could they liken him to a man who was nothing but Cruel and Evil? No way. But still at that he wanted to know what resemblance there is, if he did he would show find a way to take it all out.

"Leave that to us to make our knowledge alone."Joey replied

Kent felt something wrong ongoing which he couldn't figure out. First it was with the old man and now his friends. It was something he couldn't force out from their mouth even if he try forcing it out. He has known them for whom they are They don't change their mind about a collective decision, just as he was, they were also very stubborn and unyielding.

"Guys..I am sleepy already please show me to my room" Lee said while yawning. He had a lot to think about and resting was something he wants to do with so much passion. Shaving those beards then at the hotel, he had noticed he wasn't as handsome as he has always been, it could be due to the deep slumber and the long period he had been hungry.

"Over here" grandpa said directing each and everyone to where they will spend their night. His assistant, Butler Sam was no longer with him, so this was solely his job now. The maids always made every room available each day this gives makes it always very clean and tidy.

"Goodnight to you all" the old man Saud heading to his studying.

Getting Into his study he had a pleasant smile on his face. "You have customized yourself with darkness and just as they say 'you can get hit in the dark'. I am always in a good mood" Lark Fire said, sitting on his seat.

"Master, it's good to know, " the shadowed man said, stepping into the light.

(Smiles) "Just as always you make me proud. How is your Mistress doing?"

"They are yet to arrive at the intended destination. They had stopped by the motel, I did the design just as you instructed '

(Laughs) "That's very good of you, I see the boys are as healthy as always. I was expecting them to return back to me with broken bones but it seems you saved them so much trouble"

"That's kind of you master"

"I know, I don't just have anything for boys but I love them all as much as I can"

"You are always very kind and considerate"

"Now I have another mission for you, I need you to run a check on someone for me and give him a good beating, I don't want him dead. He should be very much alive"

"And who would that be Master?"

"Jackson Black"

"Mission would be complete in two Days, have a goodnight rest Master" The strange man in black robes bowed his head and immediately disappeared.

"He he he, everyone knows that I never forget a grudge"


(The journey)

Eight hours journey was just like a journey that would never come to an end. It was already getting so annoying because the madam kept receiving calls from strangers. She was already so exhausted but she attended to them nicely like always. But Sammy insisted that they book another hotel when it was barely even evening, he didn't like the idea of sleeping in the vehicle at all and Lily succumbed to it as always. The same routine happened just like the last hotel they had been too and to their surprise the room was just to their taste.

The next morning 

It was a bright morning of another day..Lilly woke up as early as 5:30am to package the little stuff they held along while on transit inorder to meet up with the time to alight the vehicle to their destination.

"It is 6 a.m Wake up already," granny said in a calm voice, lifting up the curtains so as to give the room a bright look by putting open the windows for some ventilation. She didn't know what it was exactly but she could tell that her grandson was always very tired. Though she blamed it on the hard training he had gone through. She was still downstairs shouting on top of her voice and as expected the sleeping beauty gave no response.

She reached for Sam's room first waking him with a beautiful sound of joy which anyone could detect. Butler Sam was always up before anyone but now he wasn't, so going to wake him up first is the best option

"Sam, you are still asleep, get up" she shouted