
Chapter 299

"Come let's go make some hot medicinal soup for her," Beatrice said, looking at Clara.A good medicinal soup is the best after such a tiring delivery. Hearing that the two women got ready to leave the room while Cecelia tagged along, she was suddenly interested in cooking and work and always liked to witness any kind of meal. Now those left in the room were Steve, Lylic , Roselle, Teresa, Blaine and Elyrex.

Selom came out of thought after hearing what Lylic said. She forced a smile "I can't express the joy in me seeing the love from you all This has indeed given me lots of joy.You all…standing by me..this has built courage you don't have to be worried sick just because I am silent, I am just so excited today that's the best gift I had ever received. Having you girls is more like a blessing to me." Selom said, sounding very sincere, it was true that joy and happiness could get to a point where you feel the sudden urge to do nothing but cry.

"Come on Selom, that's what family do, why are you so sentimental? why all this now we all know that we have been there for each other right from childhood, we've always look out for each other"Lylic replied

"Sometimes you can really be a pass in the ass, you barely recognize a good deed. I wonder what's making you sulk" Roselle said with disdain. Lylic and Selom were not expecting much from her at all, so seeing her walk right in with such a comment wasn't surprising at all. She was Roselle and it seems Roselle was designed to say a few good words. She barely says anything nice or good.

(Smirks) "I have always been a pain in your ass, all thanks to you, at the age of 25 I am already a mother of three." Selom said glaring at her.

"25 your ass, we all know that you are as old as time itself" 

"Don't tell me that you both are planning to argue at a crucial and delicate moment like this?" Lylic asked, she was already so tired.

"We never argue" They both said at the same time



Selom couldn't help but smile, despite all this she knew that the love between them had been placed right there amongst them by nature. It was just like yesterday, when they placed her on house arrest. Now her children were surprisingly out, she was overwhelmed, she chose to make it look like she was treated so because of her present state.With her arms widely opened,she received a warm hug from Lylic but she had to force her way to get a hug from Roselle.

Though Selom couldn't hide this part of her feelings,she has been getting . Showing some gratitude wouldn't be bad though. She felt lucky she had such a family, while in the entertainment industry, she had seen a lot of betrayal by family members. When a skyrocketing celebrity suddenly becomes a target of scorn, those around him would forsake him or her. But hers had never been that way, they gave up everything just to be by her side.

Looking towards Teresa and the old men's direction. She decided to seek answers about the necklace, she was no longer feeling so sleepy but damn she was exhausted. 

"But…where exactly did these necklaces come from?"Selom asked, she thought about taking off the barrier but on a second thought she changed her mind, she alleviated her tune instead. You could hear the exhaustion in her voice.

It seemed she is now awake,far away from her thoughts, she needed answers

"Darling, I would advise you take a nice rest, we could always talk about it when you wake up later" Teresa suggested 

"Don't worry about me mom, I will rest when I can't bear it anymore. Go on grandpa, what's it all about?" She asked

"The are immortal treasures"Blaine replied

"What immortal treasures?"

"The kids have been gifted a great gift from the immortal world, their gift can't be compared to anyone or anything,nits very special.Before such treasure is released, Its ruler is born"Elyrex replied

"(Smiles) My god children..they're are indeed special..this gift is a fulfilment of younger generation " Lylic said clapping happily .

Elyrex explained everything he knew about the necklace and also stated his findings.By this time, itvwas already half an hour if full detailing, Cjara and Beatrice were now back with a tray of soup for Selom. They walked up to her and gave the serving to her "You must be hungry " She said, placing the tray on the side cupboard.

"Hungry is a little word aunt, I am ravenous " Selom replied with a smile. Picking up the bowl, she gushed the hot soup down. She felt much more better, and her internal system felt warm "Thank you" she smiled

(Baby cries)

"Wao…seems she is hungry…"Clara said bringing the baby girl down to Selom to feed in a rush

"Seems she's tired already,guess I'll make her sleep again"

"You must be kidding.How will you put a hungry child to bed?"Lylic atked

"Wait a minute..am I to breastfeed her?"

"Why not feed the noodles and some hot dog?"Roselle replied

This rendered the new mom 'speechless '

"I never fed you such when you were like them Selom"Teresa said laughing, Roselle was really crude sometimes.

"And how did I get pregnant in tye first place?"

This was a shocking question to everyone in the room at that moment which gave them cause to be speechless.

"Don't you know?A child will always seek milk from the mother,what where you thinking?you should begin to think like a mother now and not some sort of worrior ok?Now that you have three of them..and not one…I'm sure those Strength of yours can rendered you capable of handling it."Beatrice replied

Selom had this pale look on.This was indeed her first experience,she had no idea as to how to go about what to do,this was something weird to her.It was something she least expected will be required of her.

"Hurry up before the boys wake up, else, you would be dried out. Boys kind of fed in large amounts compared to girls.You wouldn't like that to happen, cause having the three of them to deal with doesn't sound nice" Steve said with his eyes all fixed on Selom giving her a sharp look.

Holding the baby generated a warmth from within which she could feel just by holding the baby to her chest.This alone put on countless smiles on her face, all the pain she felt earlier was now gone.

Cecelia was busy watching the boys and the necklace they have on, she was attracted to the kids, they were very cute, it seemed like a new addiction which seemed to be fun to her..

"I won't get tired of watching these cute angels,they are so cute.I want to be by them every second if possible,"Cecelia said from a distance. She had always had a longing to have a younger one so she could take good care of him or her 

"That reminds me, earlier while in labor,you placed your hands on my arms to help ease and share my pain. What were you thinking, who did you see do that?" Selom asked, as she breastfeed her daughter.

"My Dad did it couple of times and also I saw her do it too" she said looking at Lylic " The pain in your eyes gave me a go ahead, so I thought I could help But I couldn't bare the pain either,it was something else"Cecelia replied

"I couldn't tell what to do at that point,but I heard what my mother told you. She was right,there are some things no one can help you face at all,you just have to carry it all by yourself"Selom contributed, then she was afraid for Cecelia, she knew the pain was too extreme.

"It's well understood" Cecilla said with a smile

"(Smiles) Thanks for trying to help" 

"It seems you ain't as weak as you make it seem. Such a technique requires strength " Lylic said 

"(Smiles) I guess when it comes to emotional feeling, I kind of get stronger ".



"They are both awake already,let me have her,"Lylic said while taking the baby girl from Selom. While Roselle picked up one of the boys, Steve took the other 

"I told you…you should've been fast with no delay breastfeeding the baby girl"Steve said with a helpless tone.


"Oh goodness…I can't believe my eyes..you were right about that earlier, really,I have no idea that this will be what it is right now,and.. we are blessed with just two b**b's from creation yet we have multiples of two during delivery and so on..they will have to exercise some patience"Selom said looking at her babies

(Red face) " I am still a man, Selom" Steve announced.

"Those two Old men are also men not women right brother?" She said giving a sheepish smile, it seems he was not comfortable with the 'b**bs' word but here he was helping her bring a child over for feeding 

All: (Laughs)

"It has never been easy to handle the cry of three hungry babies at once you know all" Roselle said, she was already so exhausted as well

"You're right.But..I had no problem assisting the old lady with your mothers (Beatrice and Tina) because they were just two of them.This is entirely different"Elyrex said to Roselle and Lylic while Beatrice glared at him. This suddenly had a turn on Lylic , Selom and Roselle, they had no idea who the baby's father was.

"(Yawns) It is noon already,it seems like I'm hungry."Lylic said while putting her palm on her forehead, she handed the baby over to Beatrice.

"emm..Roselle and Cecelia go and prepare lunch for us"Lylic ordered, putting on a serious look like she was into a quarrel with someone.Roselle glared at her "I would cook you death"

"That would be fine, as long as it's tasty, I would enjoy it" she wasn't going to take No for an answer at all.

"Selom must be hungry by now,if she hadn't taken the soup, but that isn't food. She is still hungry and I am too" she continued 

 "Would you like to have some hotdogs as usual?You did have me go all over to the World to get you some this morning" Roselle said looking at Selom, she had no time to face Lylic, she might bite herself to death

"Really? Lylic,tell me..how well did I consume hotdogs while I was pregnant? Roselle, sounds raw, I want to know"Selom replied, looking like she barely consumes hotdogs.

"Roselle…go along with Cecelia and prepare lunch" Lylic repeated, it was more like an order 

" Lylic is right,I would love to have some home made dish prepared by Roselle and also by you Cecelia"Selom said with a warm smile.

"I can't recall the last time I ate a dish prepared from home. Godmother, made my favorite soup as always and Roselle got me the food I ate this morning from china, that must have been so stressful.Strictly home made dish from henceforth"She continued

"Roselle..I'm hungry already"Selom said to Roselle with a calm voice 

"Ok.. fine..I'll do this for you Selom and you Lylic, .I'll be back for you" she said with a glare 

Selom had approved of what Lylic said knowing that Roselle will definitely find her ways not wanting to prepare lunch being ordered by Lylic.Lylic very well knows that Roselle doesn't like being ordered around rather than making a simple request. It's an example of things that gets her pissed off.

"It's not as if I would be going anywhere you know, you would meet me right here"

(Speechless) " such a pain!" 

"I know " Lylic replied with a smile, it seems she wants to piss her off further.

This was something Beatrice,Teresa, Steve, Cecelia and the old men couldn't interfere.All they could do was to stare and watch the performance. It's just something that could be sorted out by the three of them.They themselves know how to go about their quarrel.

"Why me and Cecelia?"Roselle questioned, giving Lylic and Selom a bony look. She hadn't fully given an approval for the young girl, why was everyone trying to stick the girl to her skin?

Selom already knows these sisters of hers,she can tell what action will follow up. Roselle wasn't good at making a request yet Lylic gave an order.Despite knowing she would do it for Selom's sake. When it comes to making a request to Roselle, Lylic couldn't request nicely. "As you can see Cecelia knows nothing about cooking, it's not bad training her in that aspect of cooking" she replied.

"Ok..this is not about Selom...it's about you.Anyways...i am hungry too.Know what? Dragging with you will be a loss of energy.I won't drag with you because I want to give the mother to my god children a nice treat. see you all when lunch is ready, Cecelia...let's go" Roselle said(holding Cecelia's hand away from the room) Everyone was shocked "Did Roselle just hold Cecelia's hands?" Lylic said, sounding so shocked. She wanted to comment on the word 'god children ' but the last thing Roselle did was far more important. It was shocking, a horror.

No one said a word nor contributed.They all watched the drama going on.

Lookimg at selom.. one could say she's aware of what's cooking right in Lylic's mind .Selom gave Lylic a serious look trying to make her understand that she knew what Lylic was up to.All she wanted was to give Roselle some work tht concerns Selom since she barely took part in the delivery session.It was somewhat 'tap the anointing' at least Cecelia helped out by trying to tap the anointing.What else could she make Roselle do rather than that?The love and affection will manifest while preparing lunch which will give a balanced equation.

"Don't give me that look, I'm not feeling bad for doing what I did.After All..i didn't ask that she kill anyone...I will love that she gets something beautiful to you.what else will you expect I do?"

(Speechless) "Really? That's all there is to it?"

(Chuckling) "You should be proud of me, I am giving her a good home training, she lacks a lot of them"


Everyone in the room became speechless, and the whole place fell silent making Lylic quite embarrassed but the feeling of embarrassment immediately disappeared.

"(Smiles) I love you all so much, you all know that right?" Lylic was hugging and kissing Selom all ove her face. So much show of love!.

The silence in the room was absurd,this was unlike everyone in the room who tends to maintain its silence.

Selom and Lylic noticed how quiet the room was when their brain sent it's signal.Looking around...they saw all eyes on them.When ever they began such an act amongst themselves... nothing around them will matter.



"Why are you all staring at us in silence?"Selom asked

"It seems your babies also know the law"Beatrice replied


Both: What law?

"(Smiles) you don't know...I have understood the law too,it shouldn't be violated"Steve replied