
Chapter 274

“I have never heard of such a skill before”Elyrex couldn’t help but chip in

“Dad…”Teresa said looking at him, he seems suddenly quiet this means he was in deep thought. He always has an answer to everything “you should have seen this coming” he said looking at Clara

“Dad, you are scaring me “Clara responded sounding depressed

“ according to the books there has never been a female immortal who married a mortal but there has been many but they weren’t listed in the book” The old man said and hearing this the whole room became quiet. 

They have actually gone through the whole book kept in history and there has never been such records. Hearing this Clara felt strange, there were things that if no body spoke about it then something bad must have happened or it wasn't worth talking about. If she wasn't the only immortal getting married to a human, then why didn't the others count as one? It seems there was a bad report about them so it was hidden. She suddenly felt nauseous, she was scared to hear what tye old man would say next. Beatrice and Teresa understood tis and the felt sorry for her, but there's no turning back. They had to finish what they've started. "Dad, go on" Teresa said looking at her father.

"There are actually some female immorality from the Demon realm who got married to humans. They are all from different clans, but as you know it is believed that the male immorality has a stronger gene which could make the female Human live longer than expected. They would give birth to children who would live longer than mere humans but for female Immortals is quiet unfortunate for them, the genes doesn't spread to the man and their children ain't fortunate as well. But yours happens to be different, you are a clan from the Demon realm, you are the last survival of the Tiger clan and not only that dear, your mom is the surviving heir of the Bone Marrow clan. You didn't know this, she is the princess and the rightful queen to her father's throne." The Old man said looking at the silent room, there was a lot he had to say for better understanding. Using his powers, he froze the whole place. After that he created something which looks more like a train "All of you get in" he ordered.

Following his instructions, the whole family got into it and with the swipe of his hands they got directly into the Air. The whole place felt chilly and friendly at the same time, everyone was eager to know what would be the old man's next words. Clara wasn't aware of all this, she was surprised that the old man was aware of her background and this gave her a chill feeling down her spine. She felt she wouldn't feel comfortable at the end of the story. Her mother had actually died in front of her eyes, she was brutally stabbed, she has the memory stuck in her brains even though she it happened when she was still little. 

But she didn't know much about her Father and had no memories about him, she didn't even know what he looks like. The last thing she actually remembered was being chased down. The attack came suddenly when they weren't prepared. She remembered her mother hiding her into a dark box suddenly but she had a bad feelings when she had told her not to come out no matter what. And that very day, her brothers had gone on a lookout but they never returned, she felt her mother would go do the same thing and then she would be abandoned.

 What got her out of the box was her mother's scream, she immediately got the box open with all her might even though her mother had locked it from the outside with a padlock. Her powers were very little then and had just started a few days ago but it seems the agony in her mother's voice gave her more strength more than expected. When she ran out following her mother's scream the last scene she saw was her mother being stabbed by a knife from her back and the blade came forward through her chest. 

And the looks her mother gave her was a look she couldn't describe till date "Slyrin Run" This was her mother's words. The woman who had killed her mother wanted chasing after her as she stood unmoved looking at her mother. She couldn't obey her mother's words at all, she was bleeding through her chest and also from her mouth and looking around her Lk she saw was dead Bodies, she wouldn't run, she would happily die with her mother. So instead of running away she walked forward but she stopped when she heard her mother's second words "Mother would always be around you darling, but that would only happen if you are still alive. That way I would watch over you and guide you. Darling I am sorry I didn't protect you enough, so listen to mother, Run as fast as you can darling. Mother loves you" Her mother said smiling as she spill more blood using her last energy she struck the woman who had pierced her with a palm technique "Run, Slyrin Run" She shouted. Obeying her mother, she ran and she could remember the smile in her mother's face as she obeyed she used her energy and ran as fast as her little legs could carry her. 

Turning around, she saw her mom fall falt on the ground. "Mom" she couldn't help but shout, some men immediately came out of the shadows chasing her. Her legs were now so weak that she suddenly gave up running but recalling her mother's words she was breathless but she couldn't stop, she didn't want her mother's effort to go to waste. She had to live, the thought to revenge made her stronger. Looking over the dead Bodies lying on the ground, she felt dizzy, her brothers body wasn't among them at all. could it be that she would suffer the same fate? She couldn't help but ask herself this question. She felt she was too young to die. 

Luckily for her a man appeared, he was as bright as daylight even though the cloud was so dark but he shined brighter. She saw him fight off those men in just a strike but what she was longing to see was the woman who killed her Mother, she couldn't see the woman anywhere. Her mom had hit her good but she knew that hit wouldn't kill her. Before she knew what could happen next, she blanked out. The old man tales had brought this memories back, when Ken thought her back to the heavenly realm, they did a clear check-in on her and when she got up all she had in her mind was her mother. "I want to see my Mom" she shouted looking at the man who saved her.

"Rest, I would bring you mother to you" The strange man said leaving her alone in the room. Going out he brought her mother, she was looking cleaner, the must have given her a bath, she looked better but the sad part was that she was lifeless as he pushed her forward. She was lying on a cloud having pink flowers just the scene of how well dressed her mother was made her smile. Her mother was wearing a white beautiful dress, she had a hair clip made if purple flowers. And the cloud she was in had pink lovely flowers in them. Her tears kept streaming down her face, "Thank you" she said looking at the man who had saved her. This was the best she could say, she was happy her mother looks very beautiful.

"Sorry for you lost, I am sorry that I came too late" he apologized

She was shocked by this, he didn't came late, atleast here she was still alive looking at her mother. And it wasn't his fault,so he wasn't supposed to apologize to her. "You didn't come late, I am still alive all thanks to you and my mom looks beautiful again all thanks to you. She looks just like a princess" she couldn't help but praise.

"I would leave you to have some time with your mother" The stranger said and left her alone in the room with her mother but over half an hour, she had nothing to say to her mother. All she had was tears streaming down her face, what could she possible say? Her mom's last wish was that she live well "Mom, I promise you that I would live well away from all troubles" this were her words to her own mother. Few months later, she hadn't decided what they should do with her mother's body, she didn't have the heart to decide all this. "You've not yet decided?" The stranger said walking into her room, for this few months she had been indoor mourning her mother and brothera, she didn't step out of the room ever since he brought her there.

"You were the one who saved her, I give you full permission to do what you feel it's okay. I can't bare to send her forth, I am sorry but that's my final decision" she recalled saying this words as she sobs loudly. Her mother was all she had, now she had lost it all in one day. They took her mother away from her, her mother was her life, now her life is gone all she had now to hold on to was her mother's words and the promise she made to her mother. "Okay then, I would do as you say, but her she is, say your goodbye"

Turning over, she saw her mother. Standing up she walked up to her "Mother, you've been the best life has ever given me but I am so sorry I don't want to lose you for the second time so I wouldn't be sending you forth, I love you with all my heart and I would try to keep my promise and try to live a better life" After she was done talking she kissed her forehead, her tears couldn't help dropping on her mother's face. The stranger immediately took her mother and left. She was happy with her decision, this was the best.

A year later Clara was still indoors, she wouldn't go out to play or learn like other kids. All she saw were maids who would come clean her up and give her breakfast, lunch and dinner. The man who saved her was no longer coming around and when she asked the maid about him, they said he had gone on a mission which was given to him by the emperor. Finally few months later when he got back she was the happiest person ever. When he got into her room, she ran to hug him "You're back? Thank you for not abandoning me" she said with a smile

He gave her a warm smile "I wouldn't abandon you dear, my name is Ken. I can see you feel better now and you're more lively and you're done mourning, so what's your name?"

"My name is Sl.. I don't know my name" she responded. Since she had promised her mother to live well without troubles then she would like to adapt a new live and this would Begin with a new name"

"You don't know your name? Your mother should have given you a name. What name does she call you with?"

"I must have forgotten " she said holding her head with a painful expression. Looking at the way the man was dressed and the way the maid spoke she knew they must be from the heavenly realm which has no ounce of evil and she was from the demon clan.

"I already know you're From the Demon clan, so those thoughts of yours wouldn't help you. It's better you come clean" He said

"You can read my thoughts?"

"Are you going to speak up?" He asked

"I honestly don't remember my name" she lied

"You used the word 'honestly' when you're telling the truth not when you're telling lies"

(Speechless)" I am not lying, a new name wouldn't kill right?"

"Good then I would think of a good name, get some rest after I give you a new name, you wouldn't stay indoors again" Ken said and walked out.

Clara was already back into her memories, now she need to know everything about her family and her background. The words Beatrice has said rang through her mind, could it be the same people responsible for her clan wipe out had came looking for her? Her heart beat accelerated. She came back to her senses when she felt a warm rub on her palm. Looking at who it was, she smile, the comfort Selom gave her made her feel better. She had no regret meeting a new family in the heavenly realm. It was all worth it, because of them she never chose the path of revenge but if it becomes necessary in the future then she would be left with no choice. She would protect them with her life if she had to.

Blaine looking at his family members couldn't help but smile, there is a lot they didn't know and that was because they were still little. The change of evironment was the best this was because he felt a strange presence around them earlier. What he wanted to say was best known to his family alone. The questions they asked couldn't just be answered without a better explaination. 

The atmosphere felt good but it was filled with seriousness, the younger ones had a lot to listen to and also to learn. There were just somethings you would have to hear from the horse's mouth itself for better understanding.

"Dad, you felt a strange presence amidst us right?" Teresa said looking at him, she knew her father very well and could tell if he was up to something. He was always very cautious and if he takes a decision then he must have sensed something.

"Yes I did, so I thought of a tour and I Know the best place" He said, but he could continue with his story, it was now safe.

Hearing this everyone present had mix feelings but they couldn't say much since the old man had no intention of taking his words any further.

 Just thinking about it, Teresa felt weird, if there was really someone present during the conversation then it only meant, they had a spy amongst them. Could it be that the strange presence the old man felt was Eva's? But due to the skill her father had used in the house then it cleared her thoughts, it could be Eva's except if she wasn't a mortal. And such a thought was frightening. "Dad…" she was about asking more questions but the comforting looks her Father gave her made her silent.

" Let me continue from where I stopped." He said with a smile and just this single sentence brought everyone out of their thoughts. "Since you are from both clans, you have both traits and it's stronger than you think. This is because your mother is the only heir to the Bone marrow clan and your father is also the only heir to the Tiger Clan. And this makes you"