
Chapter 267

After that barrier was created she felt much more comfortable, but her clothes and face were a wreck of perfume. Who says the word 'wreck' is only meant for alcohol? This was her current t state 

(Laughing) "We are normal humans, what happened to facing ourselves woman to woman?" Beatrice said, spraying more perfume in her room. If there was someone who hates perfume, it was none other than Clara.

(Smirks) " I am not surprised, you are the worst mother ever and you have a problem with your method of parenting. Living so long in the human realm doesn't make us humans, we are more than that and you can't deny this fact. We all have our origin and we would go back to where we came from whether we like it or not"

(Laughing) "And you expect me to take those words coming from someone who locked herself in a bottle because she's afraid of my perfume?" Beatrice said, looking at her with disdain.

(Speechless) "you just want to piss me off right? So I really have to deal with you now? Why are you such a nut Job, you're bad at everything you do, at parenting, and at everything. What the hell are you wearing!" Clara said, giving her a stern look. Beatrice had been spraying the fragrance all over her face and it even got into her mouth. She had no time to take a closer look at her. Now she was more pissed? For Clara she looked more like those ladies who work in the brothels, in fact to her, those young ladies were more decent.

"What's wrong with what I am wearing?"she said turning around happily showing off her Beauty

"Is that red lipstick I see on your lips"

"No, it's purple green, what an Idiot " Beatrice said, sounding disappointed. She wasn't going to give answers to a stupid question. Never!

This answer rendered Clara Speechless, she had forgotten all about her son and his future wife all she had in mind now was how to deal with Beatrice. All the stress she had gone through came flashing back as a reminder. She couldn't help but clenched her fists


"If you want to fight, you can bring it on," she said lazily. She was already feeling so bored spraying the perfume. The game was already over, she had achieved what she wanted too. Sitting down on the stool Infront of the mirror, she looked at her reflection. While she left Clara to keep on blabbering. She knew she wouldn't be out of that barrier anytime soon,since the whole room still had enough lingering scent which could last a whole day. The lion had to be very hungry or smell blood before he got out of his den. There was always a bait for every situation.

"Why are you dressed like a clown? You're too old for all this? How old are you? Fifteen?" She asked

"Sixteen" Beatrice replied


"Earlier you came in singing a song about being sixteen and now you mistakenly said fifteen, it should be sixteen" Beatrice said absentmindedly


"Are you done?"

"No, I am not. What kind of mother are you? A mother is supposed to look after her children and care for them. That's her primary duty every other thing is secondary" 

"Save me those lectures of yours. I don't need them. Look at the children, they all don't need help. And if I was as bad as you claim then Roselle, Lylic and Selom would have turned out worst "

"That's definitely not an excuse, you need to do better as a mother. You can't keep overruling their importance. Your children needs your love and support no matter their age"

"I am not overruling my children's importance , I am just too busy and trust me sometimes I get too busy that I don't even have time for myself "

(Sigh) "Ever since we chose a path to live here in the human realm a lot of things have changed " Clara said sadly. "Then we were so carefree when we lived in the heavenly realm, the bond between we sisters was so solid that even the emperor himself couldn't break us apart. But it seems that's all in the past "

Hearing this sad time from Clara, Beatrice's mood was affected as well. "Everything changed when we visited the human realm and you fell in love"

(Shocked) "How is it my fault?"

(Laughing) "There's a lot you don't know, I am sure till now Teresa hasn't told you anything yet. So stop blaming my method of parenting, Roselle and Lylic are old enough to take care of themselves. They don't have any titles attached to their name, there is no seal of responsibility on our kids. We all still have ours, you're only less busy because the emperor took yours away. So don't make it sound so terrible, I don't want to talk about this at all"

"I am lost" These words affected Clara so much that she broke the barrier herself. She was so shocked by these words. "What do you mean? What didn't Teresa tell me, does it have anything to do with my brother Ken?"

"Sure enough she didn't tell you, after all these years. She's still keeping it away from you. Just as always, all we would want is to protect you, but sometimes you need to know what you are being protected from"

"Stop speaking in parables, how does my falling in love change our lives? It has nothing to do with the topic I brought up" She asked, sounding a little paranoid. This was actually the first time she heard something of this sort.

"It had everything to do with it but it's not your fault I caused all this as well, I brought you to the human realm myself" Beatrice said sadly, she didn't want to reminisce over the past. When the war in the Heavenly realm broke loose they had to flee, they were women who had children in them. She recalled that painful memory. Her husband was willing to die for them, even Ken himself wasn't willing to leave but he was forced too by Hers and Tina's husband. Only by this way they would feel more comfortable, it was a bloody day they could never forget, know of them could.

"What are you talking about?" Clara said at the verge of tears. She couldn't take it anymore, she moved to where Beatrice was sitting and began shaking her vibrantly "What are you talking about? Talk to me?"

"I am talking about the war that broke out in the Heavenly realm. It was because of you, we all lost our husbands in that fight, we lost ourselves too" Beatrice said breaking down in tears. She couldn't take it anymore, it was a secret she was meant to keep but seeing how ignorant Clara was to everything, she couldn't take it, she had to know the truth 

Hearing this Clara couldn't feel her leags again and fell directly on tye ground "That's not true, That's a big lie. How could it be my fault. I had left the heavenly realm long before the war broke out. How can you blame me? How can you say it's my fault? You are saying this to my face, you're so heartless."

"Me heartless? You are the heartless one, you chose Eric and forsake all of us"

"What are you saying? You all supported me. You all helped me right and if I remember clearly you had advised me to follow my heart. And I did just that, you all were so proud of me, You, Teresa, Tina and even my brother. You were all there to support me at my wedding. Why would you say that to me?"

"There's a lot you don't know and I think I have nothing to tell. You would be going to the heavenly realm yourself you would find out all there is to know"

"Tell me, you have to tell me everything. "

"No way, I wouldn't say a word about this again. They say 'Seeing is believing right'? So darling you would see things for yourself and believe them. Now all you can do is try to get yourself together, because you can't go out looking so terrible." Beatrice said wiping the tears off her face, at least she had got a little burden out of her chest. 

All she did was give Clara a hint, if she really wants to know she would have to find out other things by herself. This was the least help she could render as a help. There is a saying which goes like this 'what you don't know ' is far greater than you. At least this hint makes it less greater. Looking at the devastated Clara who sat lazily on the ground, Beatrice couldn't help but frown in regret, she felt she would have just kept her mouth shut. "All I did was give you a hint, I am sure when you get there the puzzle would be solved and everything would make sense" 

"I led to the War that happened a thousand years ago?" She muttered in her subconconsciousness. Beatrice could tell she was already away from the world

"I never said you led the War which happened a thousand years ago" 

(Raising her face to look at her) " Then what did you say?"

"I said you are at fault, you made it sound like I said you were the mastermind"

(Looking confused) "What are you saying? What are you guys hiding from me? What really happened after I left?"

"Good question, now before I answer this question, I have a question for you. Why are you going to the heavenly realm?"

(Speechless) " It's all for Selom and I… I… I want to be sure my brother is okay?"

"What happened to Selom?"

"We suspect that what happened to Selom's grandmother, is about to take place again. Selom already has the same symptoms and we don't want that, she's too young. So we thought about the only cure " She had no other option to reply, because if she didn't she wouldn't get a word out of Beatrice.

" But for that, she need two special recipe one from the demon realm which is so important that they cannot do without it and also a rarest Herb grown in the Emperor's garden. He grew it himself and the myth have it that only him can pick it out. So how are you going to achieve this?"

"The Old man is coming as well"


"Selom's grandfather"

"The Old man should be dead by now, how come he is still alive?"

(Shocked) "What do you mean?"

"What a strange old man, I haven't seen him for Centuries and he didn't care to pay me a visit "

"You haven't answered my question, I have answered yours"

"The war had something interlink with your past and your background as well. That's all I can tell you. I can't tell you anything further, if you want to know more about this, the only person you can meet would be your brother Ken. So get up and fill me with those powerful and strict lectures of yours. If you were really good at parenting, Steve wouldn't have turned out the way he did "

Hearing this Clara was at loss, she was confused and had many mixed feelings. She didn't know what to do at all and was very confused. On one hand she had gotten one if the most terrible news on the other hand she had to deal with Beatrice. 

Beatrice seeing this understood what she was facing and help her to her feet "I didn't wish to hurt you, I just thought of telling you since you were going there anyways. It's would be so wrong of m, if I keep you in the dark. It's just a hint, so you can be prepared. Your journey wouldn't be easy but since you have the old man then there's nothing to be afraid of, he would help you" she said Patting her in the back, this was a sign of comfort and it seemed to work because Clara's mood suddenly improved.

"It's been years you've cried, I never knew you looked this ugly. I am so disappointed " Beatrice said sounding very disappointed that Clara had to look herself in the mirror.

She immediately got into the washroom and cleaned herself up. Now she re-called they had visitors, her son and his fiancee were in the hours and she has been here over two hours. "How did Steve turn out bad?"

(Laugh) "I never said anything like he turned out bad. Why do people love to quote someone wrongly? I never mentioned the word 'bad'." Beatrice said wiping her face off with a wet medicated sheet. It was used mostly for wiping off makeup, but she also cried too, her mascara was all over her face. She needed a clean wipe and a makeup rebrand.

"Should I say the exact words you said?"

"Go on"

"If you were that good at parenting, Steve wouldn't have turned out the way he did" She said mimicking Beatrice notes "So what do you mean by 'he wouldn't have turned out the way he did?"

(Laughs) "Did I mention him turning out bad? I just said what I said and I didn't add the bad word to it. You're just complicating issues."

" 'If you were good at parenting' already quonotes that I am a bad parent. So it means he turned out bad

(Speechless) "last I checked you are a gynecologist not an English teacher in high school. What ever it quonotes I mean no harm" 

"No way! You meant big harm, a terrible one. You pointed a dirty finger at my upbringing"

"I have no dirty finger, all my fingers are clean"

(Holding her head in pain) "you know what I mean, it's not the literal meaning but the other way round"

"Same here darling " 

"Why are you the only one at hone, where's Teresa?" She followed the girls out to get something. She replied

"What was the rain for?" She said giving her a stern look. The old Clara was now fully back, Beatrice really had a way of turning situations. Maybe it was because she felt she would find out all she need to know on her own, so there was no need worrying herself and crying over spilled milk. Both women were back to their old rags, so a good ironing would do them a lot of good. If it leads to fighting and bringing the house down then it was truly worth it. They really needed such a good deed, unfortunately for both of them the referee Teresa was absent, it would be a boring fight without her. If Roselle was more like Clara, then Selom was more like Beatrice and Lylic was more like Teresa. Remember the fight Roselle and Selom had on the terrace, were Lylic was the bad referee? Now history was about to repeat itself.

"It's more like welcoming myself back to where it all started. " She said proudly

"(Speechless) you still haven't told me how my son Steve turned out"

"He blocked his eyes and senses as well, he chose the wrong woman but he is already in the path of love, all we can do is help promote this love. Afterall he took after someone. But his is so blinded that I feel so disappointed" Beatrice said sounding so serious.