
Chapter 241

"I would be coming up then" Roselle said, looking at the old man as she gave him a smug look. "You would have to walk up those stairs, meet me at the three rooms on your right" she said getting up she immediately disappears.

"Walk up those stairs?" The old man said, looking at the stars on the stairs. How could his old bones walk up the stairs? They were too much to count, he would die from exhaustion. It was better that he used a little of his energy. But he tried but he couldn't disappear at all, it seems his power couldn't work here at all. After trying countless times, he had no choice than to walk up the stairs. Finally after half an hour he was sweating profusely, at least this punishment given to him was far better than hitting him. Walking up to the direction which was described he immediately got in since the door was already open.

"It kinds of hurt so much," Selom said with a frown

"I can see that your feet are swollen," Roselle said, giving her a soft massage. She kind of felt her pain, this was much of the reason she had brought her upstairs so she could sleep more comfortably. Selom has been going through a lot ever since she got pregnant, it wasn't easy at all now she was almost 7months gone, the signs wouldn't be easy. 

The Old man got in and immediately checked her pulse. He immediately released her wrist based on shock. "How could this be possible?" He said to himself. Selom seeing this got worried, Roselle on the other hand gave the old man a stern look and he seems to understand this.

"Miss, you don't have to worry. It's normal for this stage of pregnancy. All you need is to rest properly and avoid all stress" he said.

"I do lose a lot of my energy when the baby moves" She said rubbing her belly

"Owh, I would have to run some tests before I could tell what it really is. But I really didn't bring my tools along with me"he said 

"We have enough tools here if you need any"

He was about to leave the room when the appearance of Lylic caught his attention. He stood still looking at the beautiful kadu, she had a very nice smile. This was why he was attracted to her in the first place. "Did I miss anything?" She said, looking at Selom and Roselle.

"My legs hurt badly and I have been so worried about you" Selom complained

"Sorry gun, I never planned to go out, it just happened. Sorry for not notifying you guys. Let me see" she said, sitting beside Roselle. "Your feet are swollen, come have dinner, I made something very special" she said opening up the nylon she had with her, she didn't even acknowledge the presence of the old man. All she was concerned about was Selom. The aroma of the meal filled the whole room, Selom began eating. "You still have that nice touch when it comes to cooking," Selom said with a smile.

Roselle on the other hand who was always very observant could not help but ask "You didn't go out alone, how come you came back alone?" She asked

"Can I have my own meal now?" The Old man said, catching the three women unaware. He spoke so feeling about having a meal as if he was in his own abode. The three women immediately turned around to look at him.