
Chapter 119

He had also checked the balcony and the terrace as well. Now the only place it hadn't checked was her bedroom. So it immediately flew into the mansion, and headed into the bedroom. There she was sitting on a couch reading a novel 'A Christmas Gift From Santa' he was now very speechless. He had been running all over the place and she was reading a Christmas story? It wasn't even Christmas yet, what was she reading such a novel for. Her grandson was dying and she had no idea? 

"The story is filled with romance darling. And I love the little girl in the story. Her name is Minky. She's a cute and brilliant young girl. She reminds me of myself when I was young. Do you know, I have many similarities with most of the characters in this Story" She said with a smile

"Speechless", "You can see me? I haven't revealed myself to you yet" Sammy said sounding very surprised

(Laughing) " I gave birth to your father, remember? I have his genes and also your grandfather genes. They just want to believe that I am still a weak human. So I let them have their way" she replied, smiling in his direction. "Why did you have to split yourself, what's wrong?" She asked. Though he had made it a habit when he was younger but now she felt there was more to it than a normal play.

"Grandfather wants to kill him, I can't stall him for long, he will find out I came to you. I actually split myself Into three places. My original being is in the kitchen" he said proudly. He never thought he was this powerful, he had only split himself into two places and that was his original being and his spirit being. But now he was in three places at the same time.

Hearing this she immediately dropped her novel "Go back immediately, leave him to me" she said waving him off. Sammy, hearing this, disappeared with a smile and got into his original being. Luckily for him, he hadn't been found out by the old man, it seems that the old man was too angry to notice his small trick. Now she was angry at her husband, she had just left him for half an hour and he was about to kill her own grandchild. She knew he was cruel and strict with discipline, but this was too much. Now wonder, this old man was something else, a ruckus was going on and she knew nothing about it. For Sammy to come ask for help, it meant he was already injured and it was above what he could bear.

Getting up with a deep frown she walked out of the room and could hear the large sounds of things breaking and clashing of things. This annoyed her the more, she walked towards the study at a first pace. Looking downstairs with her eagle vision, she could see her grandson lying on the ground. Moving into the study at full speed, it seems the old man sensed her presence.