
Self-Insert Ideas

This is collection of ideas (mostly SI) for any aspiring writers. I just give a brief outline and free to you to use it in it's entirety or not. Just message me if you either publish a story influenced by one of these ideas as I would want to read it. If anyone got a possible scenario for me to try and come with a plan, please leave a comment. More explanation in the first chapter.

Evil_For_the_WIN · その他
40 Chs

Charlotte Matakuri

AN: This story follow the same setting for canon One Piece as the Chapter 29. Only that here the Yami Yami no Mi is the crystallization of some of the Moon Goddess Umi power and is in reality the Hito Hito no mi: Model Umi. It's awakened form would also give Reality Warping powers but were Luffy can change the world in a cartoonist way and remove all limits on reality, Teach will force hard limits on reality such as the deprivation of devil fruit powers in its non awakened form.


November 25th, 1476

That was when, my hell began as I came into this world. The first thing I saw was a giant pretty woman eating like a pig. I would later learn Charlotte Linlin, third commander of the Rocks Pirates.

When my sense cam back to me, I stood up and heard: "Oh, he stood up like the first one and also got dog-teeth like him. It's like looking into mirror. But, he seems to be somewhat different, unlike the first one smiling like a fool he looks like the world owes him. He'll be named Matakuri."

[AN: The "ma" of Akuma and "takuri" from Katakuri meaning devil dog-tooth flower.

I was stunned that I could understand all that as I was certain it wasn't any language I knew. And understanding it only angered me more. I started pacing through the room and finally saw what I looked like in a mirror. Violet hair, monstrous teeth and robust and tall body... for a 5 years old kid, that is. I reincarnated.

And if I guess by what I'm seeing I'm reborn in the Charlotte Family as Katakuri, Daifuku and Oven twin. I was from a set of quadruplets. I was an identical twin with the first, and fraternal twins with the two youngest. I was in the One Piece world as a carbon copy of Katakuri. And I already unlocked Observation Haki if the things I'm sensing outside this room are true or I'm hallucinating.

When I was in my mind thinking about everything and nothing, I heard the voice that I would learn to hate: "The two youngest are fine but the two oldest mouths are too ugly and large. Someone, come and sew part of their mouths to make them more normal."

[AN: I changed this a little as I think, it would be a great way to awaken Haosshoku]

Katakuri cried in pain till he fainted and when it was my turn I vowed to fight to my last breath. At least, I tried but no matter what I looked like I was a newborn, they overpowered me and started my torture. When they were half finished and my voice gone, my will to kill all of them sublimed and that's how I awakened Conqueror's Haki and fainted while vowing to destroy them all.


When I woke up, I met my siblings Perospero and Compote. I then tried to kill them recalling the previous pain. Some men came to stop me and even when being beaten, I at least became sure that I have Observation Haki.

That's how my days went for some months. Waking up, eating some of these damn desserts while I hate sugar since my last life and proceed to beat as much as people (mostly homies) I can before being knocked out or incapacitated. I noticed that I healed pretty quick. Each time, I was incapacitated, learned about the world while being taught how to be loyal, obedient and loving to mother dearest.


Year 1477

I adopted grown up Katakuri, to hide the scars on my face.


Year 1479

I learned Armament Haki the last year and is preparing myself to apply my 3-years master-plan.

Step 1: Kill my monster of mother by surprise, when she's birthing as even a monster like her should be weakened.

Step 2: Go back, to the Rocks and join Whitebeard.

Step 3: Stay with him and steal the Yami Yami no mi. I would have caught Teach beforehand and tortured him to learn all his secrets and kill him if he is no more useful. Meanwhile I'll train my army of devout on the Sky Islands.

Step 4: Kill Luffy and his crew at Jaya and steal his devil fruit.

Step 5: Become the King of Pirates and gather the Ancient weapons. I can ally to Kaido and help him make disappear his Samurai problem. Maybe advice him to kill of Yamato if she began to have funny ideas.

Step 6: Attack the government with the Ancient Weapons and Kaido as vanguard (he'll die a glorious death)

Step 7: I WIN. The world is mine and I think about the universe.

So with my well tuned 7 steps plan, I went to execute step 1. When Cracker head started to appear, I sneaked on her with the trident she offered me on my 2nd birthday. I applied my Armament on it and used my Conqueror to stun the nurses while running to her. My attack succeeded and my trident point touched where her third eye would be.

When I was rejoicing, I noticed that my trident was advancing anymore. And that's when a giant palm blasted me through the ship directly into the Ocean.


I woke up from coma, a week later and all my bones were broken.

Our teachers that was teaching us how good our mom was were replaced the day I went into coma.

Even with my good regeneration, I stayed in bed for 2 months and then decided to report my master-plan for some years.

When I got back on my feet, my mother decided that I was strong enough to join her in her expeditions. That's how I became a pirate at 2.


For 5 years, I toiled as a recruit on Big Mom ship for the Rocks Pirates collecting plenty of scars till Rocks gathered all his commanders to attack God Valley, the Celestial Dragons second residence. The only fun moment of my life is when I always pretended to be Katakuri and amassing debts wherever we went. I could eat as much as a whale and anything besides dessert where from my own budgets.

Rocks goal was the Yami Yami no mi as we were all warned to not have any idea on it.

So when we got to God Valley, a mole already warned the World Government that send Garp leading an army. At the same time, the Roger crew was coming as they just finished their travel on Grandline, the last island being God Valley.

When we went there, we quickly dealt with most guards and separated to search for treasures each of our own. That's when the Marine came as well as the Roger Pirates. The latter joined with the Marine as they saw that even the slaves, the children or the elderly weren't spared by our crew.

That's when most of the Commander betrayed Rocks to go search for their own treasures. Newgate confronted Sengoku but wasn't really serious as he wasn't happy of the massacre as well.

I found the weapon treasury and there was a black saber placed on the highest stool and obviously took it for myself. I always dreamed of being a badass swordsman like Mihawk. Meanwhile, mother found the devil fruit repository as well as a book telling her what each fruit was for. She took many fruits in relation with meal like Mochi Mochi fruit or the Candy Fruit but also took some fruit like the Uo Uo no mi Model Azure Dragon but she didn't touch the Yami Yami no mi as even she was somewhat scared of Rocks.

One day after when the island was already cracking, we returned to our ship and went away. Two days after we got the news that Rocks D. Xebec died to the Marine Hero, Iron Fist Garp.

All that time, I was begging my mother to give me the Dragon Fruit.


She didn't and gave it to Kaido. I scowled for a day but consoled myself that I could always take Vegapunk imitation and kill that stupid bitch.

I developed a form of Soru, Moonwalk and Bluewalk in the meantime.


One year later

[AN: I also changed when they got their devil fruits.]

Everything didn't go as planned. The year Brulee got her face scarred, our mother decided for us what fruit we would each take. The Mochi Mochi no mi for Katakuri and the Dango Dango no mi for me to make a pair.

That was the second time, I battled mother as I was resolutely against eating that waste fruit. My 6 years of training certainly made me stronger as I didn't lose in own random hit but I still could even scratch the monster.

I lost again and they force-feed me the damn fruit when I was in coma.

I was hospitalized for 13 months this time around as each time I could move a little and I remembered what I got as devil fruit I go crazy and reopen my wounds trying to kill the bitch.

During this forced rest, I started to familiarize myself to my siblings and they grew up on me, naive brainwashed killer kids as they are.


I still can't use the sword I took from God Valley as it try to overpower me and kill me but I still started training for swordsmanship even when I still train with my trident and fists. I can never be a pure swordsman anyway and I don't want to as well. I also started to train with my devil fruit alongside Katakuri as our abilities were pretty similar. The main difference is that the substance I produce is sweet and I can change its color.


Year 1496

I'm twenty this year and is stronger than ever. Alongside Katakuri, I developed my Obsrvation Haki beyond the norm. I can see 0.5s in the future when I concentrate myself but Katakuri is better than me for that. But where I excel is that I can use my Haki to see some bribes of memory like Patrick Redfield.

My Armament Haki was also refined even though I could do Internal destruction yet and my Conqueror's got stronger. I awakened my devil fruit 1 year before Katakuri at 15 and got some new moves. Apparently the weaker the fruit is, the easier it's to awaken it. Apart from being able to do everything Katakuri can, I can regain my stamina by over drafting the sugar in my Dango and create up to 5 clones that I can control in my Obersavtion Haki range. Each clone can take on all my siblings together.

[AN: My inspiration for the clones is that while mochi usually come in one piece, dango comes in form of 3 to 5 dumplings attached together.]

I was just named as the First Commander under Big Mom as Katakuri (my) bounty went up to 500,000,000 berries. I get my own boat and homies. First thing I did was running away of the bitch and I only came back 6 months later.


Three years ago, I took Brulee to Dressrosa as I tracked a pirate with the Heal Heal Fruit coming there. I get her to heal Brulee after killing her captain and some of her friends. Then I killed her.

I already see my siblings as my family as I watched them grow. I taught some of them swordsmanship like Smoothie, other Marksmanship like Effilee and even helped them to develop their devil fruits.

In those years, I also battled my mother five times when she went into her hunger frenzy. It was at these occasions that my strength went up the most. The problem is while my attack are powerful enough to push her back and I can avoid most of her flailing attacks with my future predictions and my amazing reflexes I still can't hurt her.


Year 1499

While Roger is being sacred King of Pirates after calming my mother anger with my punches, I went to Kano Country to learn Hasshoken. Don Chinjao wasn't thrilled by the idea and wanted to teach a wild youngster like me but after some hours of fighting he lost and under the threat of destroying the Happo Navy and Kano Country by the way he decided to teach me.

He did try to cheat me, but I detected it with my Observation Haki and killed some of his underlings.

It took me a year to master it better than Chinjao himself, then I went to his treasury iceberg opened it and took 90% of the treasure, letting him take the rest.

With Hasshoken, I finally unlocked the next stage of Armament Haki: Internal Destruction.


After leaving, Kano country I went to the Fishman Island to copy their Road Poneglyph before it disappears.

I then returned home.


Year 1502

I can now use Conqueror Coating and fight Big Mom as an equal but I still lose every time as she got more stamina and my fruit even with my over development is really to weak and doesn't give me enough boost to beat the monster.

That year, I returned to West Blue and went to Ohara for the Buster Call. When Robin was fleeing, I stopped her. I made a Vivre Card for her and kept it. I then ordered her to keep getting stronger and more shrewd to one day serve me otherwise death after endless torture was what was waiting for her. I also retrieved her memory of decrypting poneglyphs.


Some time after that I went to East Blue searching for Shiki, to really test myself and check if I could get his fruit (After beating him, searching his memories for what his fruit looked like, taking him in a field of such fruits and kill him while praying for luck).

After touring East Blue for three months without results, I gave up. I developed a method to control people, I can make Dango in some parts of their body and make it destroy all the surrounding organs when necessary. I can also sense in what direction they are.

I also found an 8 years old child named Gin, strong for his age that I played Shanks on. Told him, to find me in Grandline and he would be able to join me then.


Year 1504

I changed Crocodile into one of my minions. He was defeated by Whitebeard some months ago. I gave him my control dango and told him about the basics of what is Haki.


Year 1506

Big Mom become renowned as the Second Emperor of the New World.


Year 1507

I met the 13 years old Lucci on a island taken over by pirates. I took his memory of Seimei Kikan but it was useless to try to control him as he was too loyal to the Government.

I went to East Blue and gave control Dango to Sabo.


Year 1508

I send an "useful" little girl to the Donquixote Family telling her she would be my useful little spy.

The same year I went to Dressrosa and take control of Viola (by having all her family lives in my hand, hers included) as I didn't want to take the risk that she finds my spy.

After that, I went to vassalize Amazon Lily. I controlled all the ruling Amazons but Rayleigh cam to their rescue.

We fought and I was stronger than him and he didn't fight with his life on the line as I assured him I wouldn't mistreat them and that they were under me, not the Big Mom Pirates.

I started negotiating with Judge for his technologies. I didn't take Germa over as I didn't want the Government attention.


Year 1509

I made Skypiea and Upper Yard into my HQ.

I got a copy of Pluton plan from the unknowing Tom.

I went to Fishman Island and found Shiarly. I told her to read the future to see if I will take the Fishmen to the surface to live with the humans and she did see it. It was easy she would see anything someone wanted to do and was able to do. Under that premise, I went to Ryugu palace to negotiate their allegiance even if they already got Whitebeard protection.


Year 1510

I went back to Amazon Lily and controlled the Boa sisters. They fought hard but it was useless. I promised Hancock to reconsider her position if she became useful enough for me. Otherwise all her compatriots lives may be forfeited (that was the reason I didn't control them just as they went back to their hometown as I was waiting for them to make bonds with the other Amazons).

I got some of the Germa technologies.

While in North Blue, I started searching for the Ope Ope no mi but without result. I didn't remember well that part of the manga. But thanks to Baby 5, I found Law and gave him a control dango.


Year 1512

I found Law once more and told him that in exchange of his loyalty I will help him avenge Corazon. I then taught him some sword moves and told him about Haki.

I can now steadily beat my mother without too much effort. I then killed the chief cook and told her what happened to Sister Caramel. She was broken and wanted to start a massacre but I stopped her. Now she's the captain only in name and is mostly confined to her castle.

I stealthily went to Wano to discuss with Kaido about an eventual alliance. After fighting some place away from privy eyes he acknowledged my strength and I promised him a glorious death. I also helped him understand why he should get rid of some of his problems namely: Orochi, Denjiro, Komurasaki...

I proposed him to kill Yamato but he was against it. Instead, I got Pudding to remove her unwanted memory and transform her into what her father wanted. That's when we found Oden diary and noticed that we almost did a grave error.

From the diary, we got the true nature of the Ancient Weapons and of the One Piece as well as their location. Under my promise of the most epic death possible and another beating, Kaido didn't went crazy.

We also learned about the two most overpowered devil fruits the Hito Hito no mi(s): Model Nika and Umi. This discovery made my make some changes to my plans.

I told Crocodile to slightly modify his plans to make Vivi loyal to me. I then went to Elbaf to form a alliance with them. We will procure them resources and they will help us if necessary. Uranus secured.

Kaido send Queen to subdue the Minks. All those who resisted were killed. The rest were brainwashed into Kaido crew. Zunisha was fed an enormous control dango by me to kill him at the right time.


Year 1513

The Red-Hair pirates were getting very famous and some were already calling Shanks, the future 4th Sea Emperor.

After some planning, Kaido, King, Jack, Katakuri, Perospero, Smoothie and me sneaked on them and that spelled their doom. The Red-Hair Pirates mysteriously disappeared.

Enel was captured, his priests killed.


Year 1514

Otohime was killed. I went there and convicted Hody Jones for the crimes, Pudding proving my claims. I also killed Vander Decken, to not change my precious Poseidon in a coward.

In my HQ on Skypea, clones with Big Mom and Kaido genes were being produced.


Year 1515

Gild Tesoro was becoming famous. After a rough beating and the promise to help him kill Celestial Dragons, he became one of my henchman. My harem kept growing.

I got Shiki location and my plan worked with Baccarat help. I also took Enel fruit in the same way. I gave Shiki fruit to Wyper as he was my strongest subordinate on Skypiea and Gin who came to the Grandline got the Thunder fruit. I then send him back to East Blue to build a strong crew.


Year 1518

I got a son with Viola.

Smoothie and Katakuri mastered the Advanced Armament Haki while the later also got a hang on Conqueror coating.

I challenged Mihawk to a sword duel and after 7 days, he lost by lacking stamina. I refused that victory. I went back to East Blue and recruited the wandering Zoro and started to train him. I gave him Enma and when he challenged the zombie Ryoma he got Shisui.

After training him vigorously for one year, I send him with a crew (navigator, cook, doctor) to travel the world and become stronger. But before that, he participated in our operation of taking over the Revolutionary army.

Brooks was liberated but I caught and killed him for his fruit. A second chance at live is too good to pass even if I can't use it myself. My army of monstrous clones is ready and is being trained.


Year 1519

With Sabo as the lead, we found the revolutionary HQ and launched a blitz attack. Dragon was captured and using Law power, Katakuri took over his body.

Robin was transferred to the revolutionary army to become stronger. Meanwhile, Sabo was unfortunately killed by a CP agent in a mission.

The Kuma plan is accelerated.

Law attacked Dressrosa and beat Doflamingo. He didn't kill him yet under my instructions and became Shichibukai (the relationship between Sengoku, Corazon and him helping). Doflamingo was sent to Impel Down when his crimes were revealed. Viola became queen.

I also got another kid, this time with Shiarly, a daughter.

Ace went to Wano but Kaido let him go as we planned.


Year 1520

We located the blind swordsman, Issho. I personally went to capture him and get his devil fruit for my eldest. I got Vegapunk, dragon fruit and Ceasar become one of my henchman.

Gin pirates group killed Gekko Moria and becomes one of the Shichibukai.

Law take Doffy place as Joker, the underworld middleman with Tesoro help.


Year 1521

The Pacifista are developed but Kuma can control them when the time's come. Dragon invited Kuma to a reunion and his soul was exchanged with a loyal clone soul before he went to become the Celestial Dragon toys.

The Germa made an alliance with the Big Mom pirates and were retired from the World Government.


Year 1522

Robin is sent to East Blue as an undercover in the Strawhats.

Ace got captured and Blackbeard asked to become Shichibukai. It was accepted and he became the 8th Shichibukai.

Whitebeard declared war on the Government. Some days before the execution, the world learned that Ace was Roger's son.

Luffy led the strawhats to help.


The Revolutionary army leading members were all summoned and quietly disappeared.


Most of our army (giants included) gathered on a floating 'Pluton' led by Wyper while the other part will come on Noah.


When the execution started, Kaido and 'Dragon' made a blitz attack on all the Marine base in the New World while the converted Yamato and me went to Impel Down to intercept Teach.

Teach was captured and all his crews were killed. Yamato stayed to secure Impel Down while I went to lead the army. Teach and Luffy will be kept in an artificial coma until we find a way to safely retrieve their fruits as with our usual ways at least the Sun God fruit would choose to get away from us.


After a hard fight between the Whitebeard's and the Roger's Pirates against the Marine and the Shichibukai (that weren't really serious), the Marine side started to win.

After many sacrifices (more than in canon), Ace was 'saved' but died saving Luffy. That's when the fight became disorderly.

During this time using the revolutionary army moles, the Marine bases were silently conquered and the CP agents dealt with.


At Whitebeard death, the pirates started retreating when our forces on the Destroyer attacked. Our mole in the Shichibukai and the Marines quickly went on the Destroyer, Robin included. Marineford was then bombarded till it was completely destroyed while the Admiral and Whitebeard commanders were dealing with our forces.

Using gas weapon developed by Caesar, they didn't last long and were quickly killed. Even Kizaru could escape as 'Dragon' blocked all his attempts. Garp didn't even put a real fight when Luffy 'died' as well, 'killed' by Robin and his 'corpse' taken away.

Zoro led Mihawks away and killed him but as their fight lasted too long he didn't participate in the last battle.


We then went to Marijeois and convened with the Noah force. Kaido as the vanguard battled the Five Elders alone while the rest was destroying everything under 'Dragon' lead. Big Mom took Kong and the old admirals kept by the World Government.

'Kuma' controlled the Pacifista to deal a surprise blow and I went to meet and beat the Mysterious Imu.


I did an error in my prediction as I wanted to confront a man but met a God. I was utterly powerless against her and couldn't fathom how Luffy could have beaten her. Even my body wasn't responding to me.

She then told me that she would give me a chance to replace the World Government as the rulers of the world and gain immortality if I can make peace come back in five years.


When I went outside, we already almost won. Kaido was on his dying breath but only 2 of the Five elders were still alive. I supervised the fight and soon it finished. Kaido died with the remaining elders and all the guards and Celestial Dragons were killed.

Big Mom survived but she was on her last legs.

We won but it left a bitter taste in my mouth.


Katakuri became the Fleet Admiral and King, Zorro and Gin became the new Admirals. As we were lacking members, we used the clones in the meantime. When we will have enough recruits, the clones will become Marijeois army.

Law took over our spy agency and started to rebuild it on the CP and revolutionary spies network.

Wyper became General for a third force I created. A kind of police that will control all the armed forces that each country have.

Obviously, our reforms weren't eagerly accepted but in three years using ruthless methods and unfeeling army of clones all these voices disappeared. In the meantime, Gild Tesoro became the boss of the underworld.

Yamato became the Guardian of Impel Down and from times to times we take some prisonners to get their devil fruits.

The Fishmen came to the surface and were rewarded an Island.

4 years after our attacks on the World Government, the Charlotte Empire ruled over the world with a steel hand, with yours truly, Charlotte Matakuri as its founding Emperor.


Hundreds years later, we already launched space conquest and I have withdrawn from the throne. Some centuries ago, I became a disciple of Umi and discovered a new world of power.

My adventure is just beginning.