
Seikai(OC): The boy who replaced Naruto Uzumaki

In this story, Naruto Uzumaki does not exist. Instead, an 18-year-old young man from a different world takes his place. He ends up being reincarnated into the Naruto universe and magically becomes the child of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. As a result, he gets the entire Naruto Fox sealed inside of him and inherits mostly his mother's genes, making him more Uzumaki. This makes Seikai one of the strongest ninjas to ever live.

jFrazierSan · アニメ·コミックス
6 Chs

Chapter 4: Part 1

Danzo Shimura Residents, Location, dining room

"Greetings, young Uzumaki. This way, child. There is much I need to discuss with you," said Danzo, his face devoid of emotion. Seikai felt compelled to follow the man, despite his instincts warning him to stay away. The man's chakra was sinister and vile, making Seikai fear for his safety. He felt like a mouse cornered by a snake, ready to be devoured, as he unconsciously sensed Danzo's sinister chakra.

Seikai Pov

"Young master? What is the matter?!" Her speech lacked any emotion and sounded mechanical as if she was programmed to only say certain things.

I begin to sweat unconsciously. Quickly smiling, acting as naive, and innocent as possible. "Yes! I find Leopard-San," I said simply before following Danzo.

The old War Hawk could sense the fear from me... I didn't know at the time. This event caused almost led to my downfall in the future...


We could see Seikai and Danzo sitting at a large rectangular table. Seikai was sitting at the end. For dinner, it was a simple bowl of soup and a loaf of bread. Everything was bland, just like the man a cross of me. Bitting into the tough load of bread, I realize Danzo quietly gazing at me.

"While he gazed into my eyes, trying to detect any vulnerability, I couldn't help but feel like a child being tempted with candy. Deciding to act naive, I spoke up, "Danzo-jiji? Is everything okay?" Danzo smiled at me, but it was a fake one. Any regular kid would have fallen for it, but I wasn't normal. "Yes, little Seikai. Jiji was just thinking of something," said the old Warhawk."

I can't stand being in the same room as this mother fucker. All the wrongs he has done to me, and yet he shows no remorse what he did.

"Seikai. Do you know why I brought you're here," asked Danzo crypticly. I shooked my head, wondering myself what the old warhawk wanted. He smiles again, but I feel like it was slightly more sinster.

"Seikai, you are a very important person to both me and the village. You may not be aware of it yet, but you possess a powerful ability that is currently dormant. Once you are able to fully control this power, you could use it to protect Konoha. What I am trying to ask is, do you love the village?" he asked, with a serious expression on his face.

I wanted to express my frustration and anger towards this village, simply I wanted to say fuck you, but I knew that saying something inappropriate could give Danzo a reason to doubt my loyalty and convince the Hokage that I am a flight risk, I thought to myself. Therefore, I decided to tell the man what he wanted to hear, even though it wasn't how I truly felt. Giving him one of the biggest smiles on my face. "Yes, I really loved in Konoha. Even if the village dislike me, I know one day I will prove them wrong," said Seikai

This is what Danzo wanted to hear. Showing a smile on his face before taking a sip of his sake. His smile frowned.

End of Part 1