
Seiichi Yukimura the son of God, in kuroko no basket

This is a story of young man who’s dream was to become an NBA player but unfortunately he couldn’t achieve it. He died in a car accident and was reborn in the world of kuroko no basketball. And just as he thought he could make it to teiko or at least play against all the miracles, he got sick, this sickness paralyzed him, and made him spend most of his middle school life in a hospital. But no he didn’t give up, he swore to himself, that he will beat this sickness and that at the start of high school, accompanied by his best friend, they will dominate Japan!. “Losing will be unacceptable !”

Hades09 · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Beginning (last part)


(Haizaki POV) The next day


As I was sitting in class, with my head laying on my hand ,I couldn't help thinking of the promise i made to yuki yesterday.

' sigh alright fine, starting today, I'll start practicing seriously again. I wonder what reaction those guys will have. Sigh maybe I should apologize to kise for what I did, but she was a slut! sigh..'


As the bell rang, every student started picking their stuff and leaving and like always, every student that passed him would make sure to avoid him, they were even scared to make eye contact with him after all his is a known delinquent.

' I never even told him about what happened after he disappeared. Yuki, after you left I thought you abandoned me just like all my friends before you.'

I thought as I picked my gym bag from my locker and started making my way to the basketball gym.

' So I gave up trying to make friends, or thinking of teamwork during games, and since everyone who saw me play basketball thought I was just a thug, I became one. I gave up thinking about others and started to think about myself. Which is why even when I came to Teiko I didn't think of anyone here as a teammate or a friend. So i pissed them off at every occasion especially that kid Kise.'

I thought as I sighed again.

'It wasn't until i met your mom by accident that i finally got to know the reason why you left and by then it was already too late. (Sigh) I guess i should start by apologizing to them.'

??: Shogo.

As I was about to enter the gym, I hear someone say coldly.

I frown and turn around and see someone standing behind me. He was a little shorter than me, with crimson red hair, gazing at me coldly with his red vertical pupils.

Haizaki: Oh it's you. What's up Akashi?

He stayed silent for a while

Akashi: I want you to quit the basketball club.



Akashi: We're thankful for what you did for Teiko last year but this team doesn't need you anymore.

As soon as he said that my heart got cold.

Haizaki: I dare you to repeat what you just said.

I said as my a eyes grew colder.

Akashi : I know your personality. You and Kise share the same position on court and have a similar talent but he's evolving quicker than you and will soon surpass you. With that pride of yours, I know you will quit when that happens but i'd rather you leave now.

As soon as he finished saying that, I grabbed him by the collars of his uniform and pushed him against the wall.

Haizaki: First of all, who do you think you are to order me around, and second you don't know a single thing about me so stop acting like you do! But you're the captain, and with the control you have over this team I already know that I wouldn't have a good time if I stayed.

'I was furious! But what choice do I have, he's the captain.' I thought as we keep staring at each other

Haizaki: But you know what Akashi, it may not be today, nor tomorrow, but I promise you this, one day, I will make you regret those words.

My voice was eerily calm as I said that. After that I let go of him and started walking back. His expression was still cold, he didn't even bat an eye at what I said .

Haiz: And you know what Akashi, from where I'm standing the one getting left behind has always been you.

I said not even bothering to turn back.

I would have noticed Akashi eyes getting even colder somehow.

Haizaki went to the coach and told him that he quit and the guy wasn't surprised at all and just accepted. After that he started walking out of the school, holding his basketball shoes in his hand.

' Those shoes were a gift from the previous coach, he gave them to congratulate us for making it as regulars, but now I won't need them anymore.'

I thought and as I was about to throw the in the garbage,

Kuroko : Haizaki-kun!

Haiz: huh! What do you want shorti?

' I asked him and noticed how shocked he was as from seeing what I was about to do.'

Kuroko: So it's true that you're really quitting. Why tho, with all the talent you have for the sport why are you

Haizaki: Shut up, you don't know a single thing kid.

I tell him as I tossed the shoes in the trash.

Haizaki: Anyway do me a favour, tell Kise I apologize for the other thing.

I tell him as I walk out of the school, and start waving back at him without turning back.

Haizaki: And good luck with the team, trust me, you gonna need it~.

And that was the last thing I told him.


Aomine: So he left huh, well can't say I'm surprised.

Momoi: Still, it's sad that for him to leave leave like that, we were friends after all.

Midorima who was on the court with them practicing his shots kept silent.

And Murasakibara just kept eating his chips outside the court.

Kise : Well it really doesn't matter to after all we weren't that close. But does that mean I get to take his spot~.

Asked Kise.

Akashi: that's right.

Said Akashi who was coming back from the locker rooms after changing.

And as soon as he came, everyone turned to look at him.

Akashi : Let's make it official, where's Tetsu?

Kuroko: I'm here! Sorry, I was talking to Haizaki-kun.

Said kuroko who came back running after talking to Haizaki. And what he said attracted the attention of everyone.

Momoi: oh and what did he say?

Kuroko: Nothing really but he asked to tell Kise that he apologize for what happened.

Everyone: Eh?

Kise: huhhh? Whatever she wasn't even really my girlfriend, she just kept following me around cause I was famous.


Akashi: Anyway starting today, Kise is now a regular, taking Haizaki previous position as the small forward.

Kise : Yeaaaaah!!!

And everyone started clapping for him with smile on their faces.

And while all this was happening

(Yukimura POV)

Haizaki just finished telling him what happened today and the reason all that happened.

' Sigh I guess, I'm also at fault for what happened'

Yuki: I'm sorry Sho.

I told him with a little sadness in my voice.

Haizaki: It's alright, I understand why they did, it's just..

At the end of his sentence he breaks down and start crying.

Haizaki : It's just can't keep myself from hating them!!They did it like I was just trash! Like a broken toy! What am I supposed to do now Yukimura?

As he said that, he was biting his lips so hard, I could see blood coming out.

'I don't even know what to tell him, but I can't just let my only friend in this world suffer like that!'

Yuki: 2 years.

My voice turning completely serious.

Haizaki: huh?

Yuki: I will everything in my power to fight this illness, beat it, and get back into shape, in two years.

When I said that he looked at with shock visible in his now red eyes.

Yuki: Which will also be the time where we will need to enter high school. And when we do, our goal will only be one.


I said the last part with strength in my voice.

' After all, that has always been my dream, to do what the other Yukimura couldn't do!'

Haizaki was sat there stunned

Haizaki: A Are you serious right now.

Yuki: Yes! So get serious Sho, cause to do that we will have to be number 1 for our three years of high school, and we will have to defeat every last one of your former teammates, and everyone else who will come. So keep training and get stronger, and I'll keep fighting!

I said looking at him straight in the eyes.

At first he was just stunned, but then he smiled and started laughing.

Haizaki: Hahhaahhaahaa

He then wiped his tears and looked a me with a wild grin

Haizaki: You really know how to make my blood boil ! I will do as you say, but know this Yukimura, if you don't keep your promise to me in 2 years I'll have you commit seppuku!

He said to me with an excited grin.

Yuki: HahA! Alright then.

{End of the backstory}

Try guessing which high school they’ll be joining in the comments section:)

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