
Seihin Of Hikari Secret Lands

In Ryukyu, people are prohibited from leaving the country. It's a place secluded from the rest of the world. However, Nagishima found himself in a government program due to the massive debt of his family. He undergoes training and is sent to an unfamiliar country named Atarashī Kōya where he discovers it's inhabitants are all monsters called Seihin. He is then tasked with mapping the region and documenting it's people and resources.

TesfaMikael · アクション
29 Chs

The Botanist's Abode

The inside of the cabin had varnished wood walls which were polished to a shine. There were shelves holding jars that contained with liquid of varying colors, from lighter shades of green and yellow to darker red and brown hues. Each jar hand plant matter floating inside from ranging from leaves, stems, fruit, seeds, flowers and roots. While the other shelves held books about edible plants and monsters. The rest of the room was filled with wood furniture that was varnished like the walls.

Keiko then entered the house "Let me show you to your room." she stated then guided Akamine to a room on the other side of the house. The room was modest with a bed, desk and dresser. "What are those things with the water?" the robed boy asked as he set down his bag. "Those are extracts which are used medicinally." Keiko explained she continues "We will resume training tomorrow, have some rest." the cloaked woman then exited the room.

Nagishima exited the room, took a shower then returned. He got dressed then laid in bed while he fidgets with the Victory handgun after unloading it. "I already advanced in my training, I won't be long before I'm finished." Akamine thought he continues "Mom, Dad. It's just a bit longer." the robed boy then fell asleep. A few hours later, there was a knock at the door. Akamine stirred before returning to his original position. There was another knock which woke Nagishima who answered "Come in." 

Keiko opened the door slightly "I made dinner. Please come and join me." she said before walking to the other room. Akamine got out of bed, puts away the handgun then leaves. He exits the hallway then Keiko calls out to him "Hey, I'm in here" she announced as she plated the food. She by the stove on the other side of the room with the shelves. Nagishima sits at the table and waits quietly. "I'm almost done." Keiko notified as she continued her task. Nagishima looks at the woman "Hm, something's different about her." he thought before zoning out while trying to figure it out. A few seconds later, she turns around holding a tray in each hand. She noticed his gaze "Ara, ara. Why are you staring at me so intently?" Keiko asked with a mischievous smirk.

Hey, everyone. I just wanted to write a n action adventure story with isekai elements without there being any reincarnation, transmigration nor magic. I put that all together to write this series which occurs in occurs in in a real world and not an alternate one.

This story will be different from the others, that I can assure you of. If you like something that's fresh, follow the story by adding to you collection/library. I update four times or more per week.

Also, the monster girls are coming. I just had to do some world building.If you have any thoughts, leave a comment and I will reply. Thank you for your patience.

TesfaMikaelcreators' thoughts