
Seihin Of Hikari Secret Lands

In the Ryukyu Islands, people are prohibited from leaving the country. It's a place secluded from the rest of the world. However, Nagishima found himself in a government program due to the massive debt of his family. He undergoes training and is sent to an unfamiliar country named Atarashī Kōya, where he discovers its inhabitants are all of a peculiar race called Seihin. He is then tasked with fighting the rebels, mapping the region and documenting its people and resources.

TesfaMikael · アクション
30 Chs

Blue Cloak

The person threw a fast combination of punches and kicks most of which were dodged by the robed boy except for a punch that was blocked instead. "What do you want?!" Nagishima asked in an annoyed tone.

The blue cloak pointed in the direction of his camp then gestured for him to "hand it over." Akamine looked to the side "You want my bag? That ain't happening!" he stated as he charged in with a punch which was dodged. The cloaked person attacked with a series of quick jabs to Akamine's chest. The boy rubbed the area to relive the pain. "Hm, I have to careful about this." Nagishima thought.

The two began to exchange blows then Akamine did a Form Tackle which was evaded by blue cloak, the robed boy smirked "Gotcha!" he stated.

The tackle was a feint used to lure in the opponent for the next move. Nagishima grabbed blue cloak and performed a Japanese body slam (Uranage) by lifting the Masked Figure to shoulder height then drove the person down bouncing the opponent off the road. Blue cloak gets up showing signs of injury due to the shaking of once stable fighting stance used by this mystery fighter.

Blue cloak attacked once more but Nagishima ducked the strike then pulled his sword for a counterattack "Kashiwagi Art: Blunt Force" the boy hit the opponent in the back with the flat of his sword. There was loud scream then blue cloak fell the ground defeated. Akamine puts away his sword then crouched beside the unconscious fighter. He pulled back the hood and removed the mask to get a look the person underneath.

Blue cloak was a petite girl with brown hair and cat-like ears instead of the fleet footed man he thought she was. Nagishima restrained the girl then leaned her up against a tree. He sits on a rock and sharpens his Tanto swords while he waits.