
Seeking her forgiveness

"Leave me alone, Azlan," Shahana choked out, her voice tight with anger and despair. "I'm not going anywhere with you." Ignoring her pleas, Azlan reached for her wrist, his grip firm but not brutal. Shahana flinched, the memory of countless similar moments flashing before her eyes. She tried to pull away, but his hold was unwavering. Desperate, she cast a pleading glance at her father, who stood frozen, his face a mask of conflicting emotions. His wife reached out to comfort him but was stopped by a subtle shake of his head. "Azlan, listen to me," Shahana said, her voice shaking. " I don't want to be in this relationship anymore. I want a divorce." The words hung heavy in the air, met with a tense silence. Azlan's jaw clenched, his eyes hardening. He wouldn't let her go, not without a fight. Yet, amidst the fire of his determination, a flicker of pain flickered across his face. Shahana, emboldened by the spark of vulnerability, shifted her gaze towards her in-laws. "Baba," she pleaded, her voice trembling slightly. "Please ask Azlan to stop. I don't want to leave with him." Azlan's father, a man known for his calm demeanor, took a hesitant step forward. "Azlan," he began, his voice measured. "Perhaps we should all..." Before he could finish, Azlan cut him off, his voice laced with a controlled fury. "No, Dad. This is a private matter. Let us handle it." Even in the heat of his emotions, respect for his family shone through. He may be a ruthless businessman, but he wouldn't disrespect his father, the one person he truly valued. However, on this issue, he was determined to have his way. Ignoring everyone, he marched towards his car, grabbed her arm, and ushered her into the passenger seat. Without a word, he started the engine and sped away.

FarzanaTutul · 都市
14 Chs

Unexpected Revealations

As they entered, Azlan released his grip on Shahana's shoulders. She set down Muiz, who darted inside eagerly. Just as Shahana moved to follow him, Azlan blocked her path."Did you know he was here?" His voice carried a tinge of anger, a feeling he couldn't shake off, though he knew his accusation was unfounded. He needed a reaction from Shahana. Something. The sight of Riaz attempting to engage her only fueled his simmering frustration. Regardless of their current circumstances, she was still his wife. They hadn't finalized their divorce."No," Shahana replied, her tone devoid of emotion.She attempted to proceed, but Azlan held her hand firmly, his grip on her wrist tightening."Are you trying to reconcile with him?" Azlan's eyes blazed with anger. Old wounds reopened, and memories of betrayal flooded his mind."This is none of your concern. You dropped us off; now, leave," Shahana retorted."You seem to forget you're still my wife.""Really? Then divorce me and end this charade of a relationship. We both know there's nothing left. So, free me from this burden," Shahana spat bitterly, attempting to free her wrist.Her words pierced Azlan's heart once again. Despite the numerous times she had hurt him, he couldn't bring himself to hate her. Love truly was blind, and Azlan was living proof of it. At times, he resented himself for clinging to hope, even after she shattered it repeatedly. Today, she extinguished that hope entirely.Azlan's grip on her wrist slackened. Shahana pulled away and walked inside.The once-clear sky now darkened with thick clouds, echoing Azlan's inner turmoil with each rumble of thunder.-------Shabnam Faria, Shahana's grandmother, couldn't contain her tears upon seeing her beloved granddaughter after two long years. Shahana, in a similar emotional state, rushed to meet her grandmother as soon as she could. Shabnam, who was preparing to travel to America for medical treatment, welcomed Shahana with open arms. She was Shahana's sole remaining family, and the bond between them was unbreakable.On that day, Riaz's mother also visited Shabnam, despite her son's divorce from Shahana. She apologized profusely for her son's actions, seeking forgiveness, which Shabnam, being a compassionate soul, readily granted. Shabnam was content knowing that Shahana had found a noble partner in Azlan.Shabnam's home, a two-story building with a beautiful garden below and living quarters above, held a special place in Shahana's heart. It was a sanctuary where she found solace and peace.When Shabnam laid eyes on Azlan, her joy knew no bounds. Unaware of the tensions between Azlan and Shahana, she greeted him warmly, oblivious to the storm brewing within the family."I should leave now. I just dropped them off," Azlan announced, his detachment palpable."Not so fast! It's been too long since you've graced our home with your presence," Shabnam insisted, her affection for Azlan evident.Azlan, who had never visited the place before, found himself unable to refuse Shabnam's hospitality."Nani (Grandma), he has work to attend to. He can't stay," Shahana interjected, trying to reason with her mother.Azlan's temper flared."It's not so urgent that I can't spare a day here," he retorted, suddenly determined to stay. He wanted to witness Shahana's true colors firsthand, to understand the depths of her betrayal."Mamu(Uncle), will you really stay?" Muiz asked, his excitement evident."Yes," Azlan affirmed, his decision made. Shabnam beamed with joy, while Shahana remained stoic, her resentment apparent.Azlan was treated with the utmost respect as a son-in-law. If it were up to Shabnam, she would have prepared a feast for her beloved son-in-law. Despite her illness, she insisted on going to the kitchen. Shahana, after much pleading, managed to get her out of the kitchen and took over the cooking herself.With great difficulty, Azlan managed to escort Shabnam to their bedroom and settled her down on the bed. Muiz joined them for a while before getting up to play in the garden.Shabnam began to regale Azlan with tales of Shahana's childhood. She described her as a quiet but loving girl from a young age. Compassionate and just. Whenever she visited the village, she blended in seamlessly, as if she were one of their own. Upon her return, she would often teach English and Quran classes to the village children for free. No one could tell by looking at her that she lived in the city.Azlan listened silently, absorbing every word. He knew that Shabnam was telling the truth. Perhaps people do change, just like Shahana had."Everyone in the village still misses Shahana dearly. The children she taught were heartbroken when they learned she had moved to America," Shabnam reminisced."America?" Azlan's forehead furrowed in surprise. Shabnam's words had left him stunned. Lost in her own thoughts, she failed to notice his perplexed expression."Yes. I was relieved when she left this place. I was terrified for my daughter. I still remember the day I went to the hospital after her miscarriage to see her. My poor child... she was completely shattered. But I was glad to know that you took care of her," Shabnam continued, her voice laced with emotion.She turned to him with a smile, but Azlan couldn't return it.He remained rooted to the spot, struggling to make sense of her words. A wave of emotions washed over him, his face reflecting a myriad of expressions. He wanted to ask her what she was talking about. Miscarriage?Lost in his thoughts, Azlan remained silent, grappling with the flood of emotions crashing over him. What was the truth, after all?