
Seek The Seekers

The world they live in is different from the world we live in. The culture they came from is different from ours. But one day you will just wake up to be with their world. In this world you have only two choices. Be a seeker or a hider. What will you choose? Be a chaser or being chased? Be a hunter or being hunted? Be a killer or be killed? Only two options nothing more nothing else. But when I woke up I had no choice but to admit I was one of the hiders. “You can't fall sleep because you can only sleep when you die” -Orthia

01king_aurella · SF
2 Chs

Chapter 1 "I'm naturally natural"

Alessia's POV

"Inveniet eam! Inveniet eeaaam! " (Transl. Find her! Find heeer!) even though I could not understand what that man was shouting I knew they were chasing me to kill me. I gasped as I sat on the branch. I leaned against a tree while watching those who were chasing me earlier run right. I shoot my sharpest gaze to that man who keeps shouting. Just wait until the Devil's Hour, I'll make sure you won't see the sun next morning.

I looked in my left hand where the watch from the person who threw me in this place was. 00:00. It's exactly 12 midnight. It seems like I'm gonna wait here until the Devil's hour will start. I touched the black button and it came out how many points I had accumulated in a month. 890 points. I just sighed as I remembered what happened two months ago.

"Alessia. Your mission is to kill Harrison David Velásquez. He is the founder of the Rex Wolf Mafia who is a fierce opponent of our client. They could not enter the group so they approached us to knock down Velásquez. You will mix with his guests tonight as he celebrates his birthday. That will happen on the yacht so get ready. Lacson has hacked the system and already has an invitation. You are free to enter the event. Our client is a big person so you shall not fail." I nodded before I left my father's office. His office is inside the house so when I came out I saw the hallway of the house to the living room. I went up the stairs to enter my room and prepare for the coming fun night for me.

I made sure I was beautiful and attractive to look at. I wore a black gown that fit every curve of my body. I put red lipstick on my lips and black eyeliner on my round innocent eyes. Innocent look but scary and too sharp look sometimes. I will make sure Velásquez's eyes are on me before I take his life away. After I got ready, I went out of my room and went downstairs. I saw Lacson waiting for me in the living room. I am sure he will take me today to Santiago Port where Velásquez's yacht is waiting.

By the way, Lacson is also one of the adopted children of our foster father Alexander Daumier. He adopted the five of us. I was first adopted, I was 7 years old when my father found me on one side of the street in Manila. Three months later he brought home a 9-year-old boy named Aries. He is the oldest of us all he has adopted. So he looks like our older brother. He also manages the legal company owned by our family. And he is the closest to me. The third adopted son was Kayden who was only 7 years old and was adopted one month after Aries. And fourth was Lacson. It was a year before he joined our siblings. He is also my age and we are not very close. And the last one is Simoun, he is two years younger than the three of us. Five months passed before he was adopted. And like me they also just came from the street adopted by our foster father. But all I know is that Lacson where in Russia when he was found by our Father. Simoun is in Egypt, Kayden is in Japan and Aries is just in Manila, just like me.

We went out and as we walked out the door, I was greeted by a Rolls Royce Phantom Limousine one of our own vehicles. Used only in missions similar to my current mission. Lacson opened the door for me and I entered, then he closed it and went to the driver's seat. I sat comfortably while wiping the weapon I'm going to use on Velásquez. It is a hidden weapon. A blade to be exact. The blade is hidden inside a butterfly pendant I am wearing now as a necklace. They will not notice that I am wearing jewelry that could kill their boss because it looks like a real pendant of the necklace. When it was shiny and I could see myself in its blade, I put it back inside and locked it.

After a while we also arrived at Santiago Port. Lacson opened the door for me again. When I came out, a lot of rich and great people also came to attend my target's birthday today. Before boarding the yacht you will first give the invitation and you will first go through a security check. I walked gracefully. I made sure I looked majestic as I walked up the yacht. All their eyes were on me, even the women could not help but look at the pleasantness that my every move made.

I smiled innocently as I looked around and observed my surroundings. As I lay down my eyes at Velásquez I smiled sweetly when I saw my target. Good for you Velásquez. Have fun because this is your last birthday in this world. Because in hell is the next time you celebrate your birthday.

The corner of my lip rose when I saw two women clinging to his arm and you can also see their soul. Their breasts are already oozing and even in the distance you will notice that they are rubbing their breasts on Velásquez's arm. This Lad deserves to die tonight. He is married but his wife is not at his birthday party. I just shook my head. He is only 30 this year. It is a pity that he has still a few years left in the world but because of his illegal business, that will be cut off now.

The party is starting. Many approach Velásquez to greet him and to talk to him about business. In fact, the birthday party of a rich businessman is like a gathering of rich people like him who want to invest in another company or another company to invest in them. The two pythons are still there so I will take my step to get closer to Velásquez.

I looked to my left where there was a waiter carrying wine. I picked up and elegantly walked closer to Velásquez's place. I smiled sweetly. "My humble greetings to you. Happy birthday Mr. Velásquez" I saw how lust flashed in Velásquez's eyes as he looked down at my body. Even though I didn't show much of my skin, the clothes touch every curve of my body. He said goodbye to his interlocutors and removed the attachment of the two women to both his arms. Then it came even closer to me. "Bonsoir belle dame." (Transl. Good evening beautiful lady.) Then he took my right hand and bowed 45 degrees to kiss my hand as a greeting. "May I have the honor to know your name?"

"You can call me Stella"

"Stella. Such a wonderful name"

He smiled proudly at my fake name as his hand slowly slid down my waist. Over the hours, minutes and seconds I gradually noticed that his hand was caressing near my seat. I take his attention to my stories and we just talk almost always. I'm taking his trust for it is easy for me to finish my work. We were a little on the sidelines and people didn't notice much so I started my plan. We talked until 'hmm' he could only answer because I'm caressing his thigh up to his thing. I caressed his back and put one hand on his neck as he kissed me on the most sensitive skin on my neck. I let a small moan escape from my mouth to make him like it even more. I can feel him squeezing my right boob and I want to stab him multiple times for touching it. If it weren't for my identity, he might have been bathing in his own blood earlier. When his kiss went up to my cheek, I was ready to stab the hidden blade in the pendant of my neck with his neck when the yacht we were riding in suddenly shook. He stopped and looked around as people gradually lost consciousness. Including him and me.

And when I woke up I was already in this place. Death Mound, the Death mound is a large part of the world that is not visible in the naked eye. When I woke up, I was still wearing my gown and I was also wearing this black watch. I don't know who this is from. But I am sure that the one who brought me here and the person who owns this place is one. And the use of this watch is to see the time, the score and the warning. This place is unique to my home world, I think someone thought of making his own world and his own law, where there is no government. Here in this place you do not have to hesitate to kill and run to save your life because there is no police to respond and help you. You are dead if you are dead. My first day here, I was already thrown into Azraelle's Chamber. Azraelle's Chamber is a punishment room here in the Death mound where no one knows where it is within this area. Just like the name Azraelle means. Goddess of Death, life and rebirth. Within a month you will experience that. They say we live everyday and we die once. But when I tried to be incarcerated there, I experienced dying again and again. You will literally die and live. A torture room that will not only hurt your physical body but also your mental state will be affected. For a month you will see nothing but darkness. That even the slightest ray of light is absent. I was tortured in the Azraelle's Chamber for a month because of the Rule of this place that I did not know.

When I got here, all of a sudden someone wanted to kill me. So I killed him. And that's why I was punished in Azraelle's Chamber. I killed one of the seekers during the game.

The game I am referring to is Hide And Seek with a death twist. Where Seeker is killers, Hider are the living points to Seeker and Wanderers are teenagers aged 13 and under. The game is simple. The more points you can accumulate the better.

For too long I reminisce, I did not notice that it's past 3:00 am. 3:27 exact time. I smiled and immediately jumped from the top of the tree and followed the path of the man who wanted to kill me. I walk fast while holding the sword in my right hand. I was going through a fight but I just ignored them because I prefer to kill someone now. It's the Devil's Hour where all the rules are invalid so everyone is free to do what they want. I saw a little girl, I guess these 7 years old were about to be stabbed by a woman but I preceded her and waved the sword. The woman's thick and warm blood spilled out on me and the child. The woman doesn't have the time to react to the beheading I did.

"Such a Devious heart doesn't deserve to live" I said coldly. Then I picked up the child and ran back to my hide out and forget killing who was chasing me earlier. I will kill him later, I would only secure the safety of this child. She just seemed stunned and didn't even cry.

Even if it's Devil's Hour today, will she even kill a child? I swallowed because I remembered myself 14 years ago. A little child who do not know the world they live in. The one who doesn't knows the disaster that awaits me on the street. So I saved this girl. I first looked around to make sure no one was following me I hurried into the woods and headed to my hideout at the top of the tree. It is a tree house that cannot be seen because of the size of the tree. I discovered this after I left Azraelle's Chamber. Because if I hadn't searched for my hiding place then my body would probably have been eaten by worms underground. When I entered, I laid the child on the chair. "You stay here. Don't leave. Go to that bed, sleep and think it's just a bad dream" I said to the little girl without emotion and she nodded so I left her and ran to where I was going.

I smiled when I saw him chasing his fellow seeker. Hah! I knew it! It's your time to die. I whistled and they looked at me. When they realized it's me that they were chasing earlier, they rushed at the same time. Ugh it's not fair one versus 8 with their leader who looks like a lizard. I smiled and knocked them down one by one. Using only a sword. I bowed when a man who looked like a chicken waved the halberd he was holding. I jumped when this idiot tried to shoot me but sadly he shoot his stupid companion. Aww, I wish I could have killed him but his colleague accidentally killed him. I put my sword back on the sheath and it hung on my side. I was wearing black camouflage pants and a black shirt with a black leather jacket partner with black leather boots. I pulled out the hunter knife that was hidden inside my boots and grabbed the man holding the gun then stabbed him several times in the chest. I kicked the man approaching me on the right holding a crossbow. Then I stabbed him in the head in one strike so his thick blood and maybe even his brain spewed out. His marksman's so stupid. Closer to me than their fighter. I was just amazed by the stupidity of his silly stupid slaves.

I killed all his stupid followers and he was the only one left, the male leader who was shouting to kill me earlier. He was kilometer away behind me. I was stepping my left foot on his last slave then slowly turned my head to him. My body and other parts of my face are full of blood. When I turned to him our eyes met then I smiled at him scaryly. He swallowed but he kept to himself. Ow I like his demeanour. I sneered at him and quickly threw the hunter knife I was holding right in the middle of his forehead. He was not prepared so he could not avoid it. He slowly knelt down and fell to the ground permanently as his fresh blood flowed. I approached him and rudely stepped on his face and pulled out the buried knife on his forehead. The blood gushed even more because of the big cut on his forehead made by my hunter knife.

"I'm naturally natural" I coldly said while wiping my hunter knife with my black handkerchief.