
SEDUCTION by goddy Francis

What do you want, Candy?" He whispers against her neck. " I want you..." " I'm just gonna ruin you baby. I'm not good for your health, Serena. Now I'm gonna ask again. What do you want?" She bites her lip and look at the green eyed man that towers above her. He was something words can't describe and she's still wondering what attracted her to him. Maybe it was the mystery that surrounded the green eyed man, or his flirty whispers. Without thinking, she voiced out. " I want you to ruin me." *** After sneaking out of her family's mansion to party with her boyfriend, Serena Steinberg returned home to see her family murdered in cold blood by unknown assassins. Little did she know these same assassins are after her family's heirloom, a rare blue diamond. She's left with no choice but to move out of her family's mansion to a peaceful neighborhood with the help of her boyfriend. But what happens when notorious Judah moves??

Gift_Etumudon · ファンタジー
7 Chs


Love. Lies & Games

Chapter six

Written By Goddy Francis


I quickly get dress for school as I pick up my orange colored jacket and drape it around my shoulder. I switch off my TV and make sure everything is intact as I walk out of my apartment. I shut the door and walk down the porch.

I see Judah lean against the railings on his porch as he smokes. He sees me and as usual his eyes travel all the way down my body. I ignore him and continue my walk on the sidewalk to my car.

" Morning, Candy." He says and throws away his Cancer stick. He walks to my form as I fiddle with my car key.

Why are my hands sweaty and anxious to open my car.

Oh yeah , it's because Judah is standing right behind me. I take a deep breath and turn around.

" Seriously, my name's not Candy. Thank God you didn't call me Margaret today."

He smirks and chuckles.

" What do you want, Dante?" I ask him.

" Judah." He corrects me like I care.

" I dont give a fvck Dante." I say and roll my eyes.

He shoves his hands out of his jacket pockets as he rest both hand on my car caging me in between. He leans closer and licks his bottom lip. I gulp and look away from his face before I do something I might regret later.

I look back at him and his green orbs are staring back at me. It travels to my lips and his eyes stays there.

God he smells so good.

His right hand go to my waist and I can't stop him.

I like the feeling.

" Do you mind riding me huh?" He asks and raises his brows.

I furrow my brows and look up at him as he towers over me. He's quite the man.

" Ride you? Like what , cowgirl?"

His lips tug at the end as he smirks and chuckles darkly.

" Your mind's dirty. When last did you go to church? Cause you think too much about s£x." He blurts out and remove his hands from me and my car.

" Give me a ride? Will you?" He asks and shrugs.

I blow out my breath and shake my head. I seriously do hate him.

I hate the way he makes me feel and his seductive ways are perfect.

He's perfect. fvck him.

" I thought you own a motorcycle? What happened to it?"

" I like your car. That's what happened to it." He says.

" Hey Serena." A voice greets me.

I look behind Judah and there stands Hero. He's pretty hot too , with his dark brown hair and blue eyes. I smile and wave at him.

" Hi."

" You are looking great."

" Go back inside you fvck face." Judah tells Hero. " And stop complementing her." He warns and looks back at me.

" You're not the boyfriend , Jude."

" fvck me." Judah mutters and turns to look at Hero. I think he glares at him.

He throws his hands in surrender and enter Judah's apartment. Judah turns to look at me.

" His he your roommate?" I ask and turn around to unlock my car and unfortunately, my booty gently brush against Judah's front.

" fvck." He grunts and takes in a sharp breath. I smile, liking the fact that I have an effect on him.

" Becareful what you do Candy."

And it's strange I forgot I had a boyfriend named Todd. I shake my head and ignore the desire building up in my chest as I open my car door. I enter inside my car and shut the door. He turns around and I push a button to open the passenger's side door for him. He enters and closes the door.

" Is Hero your roommate?"

" What am I , in college?" He asks sarcastically.

" You're annoying. You can just say he's not your roommate."

" Every smart girl can actually figure that out."

I huff at him and drive onto the road. Judah turns on the radio.

" So what's your story?" He asks as I turn to look at him blankly.

" How come you drive a Bentley Jeep. This is expensive Julie."

I huff annoyingly and throw my head back against the car seat. He just called me Julie on purpose again. How did I meet this man again?

" You don't have to know, Judas." I tell him and steer the wheel.

" And will you stop calling me the names of your ex's?" I ask him without looking at the road.

" Ex's? What the hell is ex's?" He asks and I feel him smirking even if I'm not looking.

" Don't play the good boy Judah. Where am I taking you?"

" Just keep driving." He answers and I was force to look at him.

" Excuse me? I should just keep driving? I don't even know where you're going…" my phone rings at once. I glare at Judah but he won't stop smirking.

What's his problem?

Does he have to look so damn good every time. I pick up my phone from the dashboard and answer.

" Hey Todd."

" Hi babe. You're coming to school right?"

" Yeah, I'm on my way." I look over at Judah only to find him looking at me.

I look away at once to stop my shameful eyes from lurking. I must compliment that I like his hair.

" Alright. I'm already at school , just waiting for you." Todd says and i smile.

" fvcking bullshit." Judah mutters.

" Woah, is someone with you?" Todd asks on the phone as Judah chuckles. What's his problem? Is he trying to make me fight with Todd.

" Uh , yeah. I gave my neighbor a ride." I answer.

" What neighbor?" Todd asks on the phone.

I look at Judah and he turns to look at me. I roll my eyes and look back at the road.

" I'm sorry Todd , lemme call you back." I hang up and toss my phone on the dashboard.

This is crazy.

" What is your problem? Are you aware I was talking with my boyfriend?" I ask Judah who look less concerned.

" No , Julie. I'm sorry."

" The fvck you're sorry." I sigh and tap my hands on the wheel and slow down for a red light.

" How did you know Todd's in college?" I ask Judah.

He didn't answer or even bother to answer. He leans over the console as his right hand go behind my head. Wait what's he doing? We're so close , I could literally see him properly. His eyes are so damn green. The brightest of all green and they are perfect. A ray of light flash through my window and his eyes sparkle.

God I'm jealous.

And his ears piercing looks more hotter than I can imagine. How can his lips be pink? This pink. He smirks and bites his bottom lip as his fingers go through my hair. I breathe his glorious scent and I totally forgot he just had a cancer stick few minutes ago. Judah is good looking, but with the worst character traits ever. He's always flirty or maybe he enjoys getting under my skin.

Why can't I look away from him?

Goosebumps creep up my spine to my neck and my hands are sweaty as his fingers fish through my hair.

Oh breathe Serena and just look away. No I didn't look away, and that made him smirk more. His breath his warm against my neck and I hold back the urge to shut my eyes and probably drive us off the bridge and get us killed.

Are we about to kiss?

Cause i don't have the will power to stop him.

He smells so damn good.

Judah pulls back holding my hair band I used in tying my hair. I stare at him in shock and touch my hair with one hand. My ponytail is set loose.


" What?" He smirks and wraps the rubber band around his hair. " Thought I wanted to kiss you." He chuckles.

The light turns green at once.

I blow out my breath and start driving.

How dare he seduce me?

And make me want him?

Can't believe that little gesture made me w€t.

I need to see a doctor. Something's wrong with me. It's like I'm down with Judah fever and only his antidote can cure me.

" Are you Italian?" I ask him.

" Why are you asking? I didn't ask if you were mix or something."

" If you wanna ask, I don't really mind. And about you being italian , I'm just curious. Your middle names Dante and that's kinda Italian. And you don't look like one. Never heard you speak at all and you don't have an accent." I tell him.

He chuckles and looks at me.

" So naive." He mutters.

" What did you say?" I ask him and briefly look at him before looking back at the road.

" So naive. You're naive , Selena."

" Can you please stop calling me the names of your ex's? My names Serena, not Selena or Gwen or margaret and whatever bullshit name your fvcked up head comes up with."

" It's crazy you like this fvcked up head." He says , like barely a whisper and I heard it. What makes him think i like him.

I don't look at him this time. Scared he would notice how he'd affected me physically. If i was pale, I bet my cheek would have been tinted with pink.

" I don't like you , Dante."

" But you always fantasized about me fvcking your little cute pvssy when you touch yourself." He says and smirks at me.

" I'm sorry what did you say?"

How did he know that private information about me? What's he, a creep?

Hate to admit the day I visited his house to yell at him , I imagine his inked arms touching me that day instead of Todd. How did he know that.

First he knows Todd is in college and he knows about my little fantasy. What his he?

" You heard me Candy." He whispers. Can't believe he's so close to me and I'm driving. I can't think anymore.

" I don't touch myself." I lie.

" You know you do. Stop lying, it doesn't suit you."

" What are you? A spy? Stop forcing words into my mouth and making me say things i don't wanna say. You're so disgusting right now." I say and bite my lip. I can't let him get into my head.

" I just made a little guess and you confirmed it." He chuckles.

" fvck you." I'm exhausted and Judah is behind it.

" What's with your college boyfriend that you don't want him to fvck you yet? Isn't he man enough? You know… I'll eat you if I had a chance, right?"

Oh God he's a perv.

He deserves an award.

I gulp and breathe out.

I feel goosebumps creeping up my neck as i grip tightly to the steering wheel.

My hands during are a bit sweaty and I'm thinking stupid shit again.

I ignore him and try to focus on the road. For some few reasons Judah didn't say a word to me. Not that I appreciate it, but I liked it. I need to think about Todd in other to get Judah out of my head.

I feel him staring at me.

I turn to look at him and my eyes scan his features. His got a little cut on his right upper eyebrow. I trail it down to his arms and something catches my attention. His knuckles are bruised and cut, like someone who was into a fight. Not just any fight, a brutal fight.

" What happened to your knuckles?" I ask him.

His expression changes and it seems he's not pleased with my question or choice of topic. He drops his hand beside him where I can't see them.

" Judah, what happened to you? Did you fought someone?"

" Why the fvck do you care?" He snaps at me and that's kinda surprising. Judah never snaps. He's this flirty perv who barely has a temper or he just don't show it.

" You don't have to snap at me. I just wanted to know."

" That's one thing with you college student, you fvckin do shit that you ain't supposed to do. And it's gets you into a lot of trouble."

" What are you even saying? Your knuckles are bruised. I cared that's why I asked. And stop yelling at me."

" It's none of your business, Serena." He says. Surprised he just called my name instead of one his numerous names.

" Why are you acting weird Judah? You don't have to hide it. What are you ashamed of? Getting into a fight?"

" fvckin hell. Pull your car over."

" What?" I turn to look at him at once. His he serious? I should pull my car over because I asked what the hell happened to his knuckles? What his he? Bipolar?

" Serena , pull the fvckin car over." He says and glares at me.

I bite my lip rather too aggressively as i step on the brakes. He just hurt my feelings.

" You know what? Screw you. I don't fvckin care what happens to you. You wanna get out of my car, then get out. I didn't ask to give you a ride in the first place." I yell at him. Judah is already out of my car when I was ranting.

What type of man is that?

I watch him cross the road as he enters a restaurant. Not even once looking back. I don't know why, but I was hurt.


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