
Seducing Monster Girls To Level Up!

"Pride, a dangerous sin, but I take pride in overcoming that danger." A young man suffering from amnesia awakens inside the murky basement of a slave merchant's store—finding he has become a Savant, a fancy name for combat slave. He looks around to gather what kind of life he led before or to see his reflection. Yet there was nothing but a group of half-dead, lifeless men laying around and dark iron bars locking them inside. However, he did not feel fear or show despair as he should but rather became calm—only with a slightly confused face did he look around once again. He could see strange images, colours followed by an ethereal whisper that seemed friendly, telling him what each colour meant as his only thoughts were, "Who am I? How did I get here?" He closed his eyes, listening to the approaching footsteps before the old iron door slammed open. A girl entered with golden hair and blue eyes; after watching the men momentarily, she pointed to them and shouted. "I'll take them all! They will do great for our little wargame!" The Slave Master seemed nervous upon looking towards the Silver-haired young man clicking his tongue. Now realising it was a mistake to place his ill-gotten goods here. Suddenly, as the girl began to make a deal with the Slave Merchant, a small whisper sounded like a devil in the young man's ear. 'Do you want the power to live again?' 'To seek freedom?' 'To survive the Hell you are about to face?' The young man looked around for the voice before it spoke again. 'I can grant you a chance of freedom, do not waste it.' He could only laugh bitterly as a blue screen appeared before his face, the light illuminating his eyes as he gently spoke with a soft, ethereal voice. "I don't know my name or past... but freedom... That sounds great!" === Sin System === Lust Module initialising...........69% Wrath Module initialising........33% Greed Module stalled...............0% Gluttony Module Initialising.....4% Pride Module Installed.........100% Envy Module Initialising.........22% Sloth Module stalled................0% [Welcome Savant of Sin] [Name: Grendel] [Race: Hybrim (Demon/Spirit)] [Age: 18] [Status: ???] =================== Daily Release @ 00:30 GMT +1

Lunatic_Pandora · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Chapter 20: Meal, Recruit, Departure [1]

Moko made dinner for the trio with fried chicken, mashed potato, gravy, and goblin soup with strange fruit and vegetables to remove the disgusting scent.

The place they rented had 5 small bedrooms with double bunks, a kitchen, and an underground training room with two group showers. One for males and the other for females, and two bathrooms on the ground floor with a small reception room from the entrance.

On the second floor were another 4 larger rooms, two bathrooms, and a private en suite room for the master bedroom.

'To think Aruru tried to steal that room! Aha. But I used Moko's defensive instinct to make them think that if I didn't have a private bathroom and shower, wouldn't I peek at the women?'

So Grendel got the master bedroom, with Moko to his right and Aruru to the left, with the last southern room facing the city empty. All rooms had basic furnishing, which cost a little more, so they only needed water, food and fuel for the fires.

Sitting around the table, Grendel felt the emotions were soothing as only Gluttony was present for both women.

He felt peace and strange nostalgia when eating the soup on an old wooden table with countless markings and damage.

With a slightly worried face, Moko looked at him. "How is the soup? I am unsure how it would taste for a demon... is it tasty?"

'Honesty is best, right?'

"It's delicious, to be honest, though. I am not used to eating good food. So your cooking is divine level to my past diet." Thinking back to the days of mouldy bread or spoilt meat and praying his stomach wouldn't break caused his hand to move faster.

"It's usual," Aruru said, her mouth full of goblin soup and chicken, as she eyed the leftovers and spare bowls for more.

'If my Gluttony Module makes me like this... Please never wake up!'

His eyes closed, chewing the last meal, thinking each module had a strange way of working.

Wrath was directly linked to combat and his skill with magic and growth.

Lust gave him choices and affected his lust and relationships with women.

Greed seemed to be greed, which helped him grow as a man.

'Come to think of it, what happens when those modules level up?'

Grendel watched as Moko and Aruru were like wild animals as they devoured the remaining food.

Although Grendel wanted to join them, he was still recovering from his malnourishment and could only handle small portions.

"You two, we will be leaving tomorrow for the mission. Do you know a possible archer or frontline we could hire as our first recruit? Maybe a few might help."

He was quite serious, not wanting to bring anyone who would mess this atmosphere up, but then Aruru began to lift her arm while chewing on chicken breast. "I duuu! *nom* do."


It was surprising for both of them to hear this before she giggled, looking confident.

'There are no lies in her words, and she truly believes her words. Her colour is neither greed nor pride... still full of gluttony and a tinge of lust.'

"Did you already speak with them?" He asked softly before snatching her last bit of fried chicken skin. Smiling as she looked sad at him. "Remember in future that before you invite people, you need to ask me, right, princess?"

"Hmmph... why do I.... well, okay! Then you must be kind to me if they are good, okay?"

Her sparkling eyes looked at the meat in his hand, drooling, 'This girl... does she even realise how alluring she is?'

"Do you want it?"


Moko looked at the pair with narrow eyes, unsure what was going on, as Aruru left her seat, almost skipping towards him with delight as he threw it into his mouth, a cruel smirk on his face.

"What are these two idiots doing..." She muttered while taking her plates to the sink to clean them, watching the two from the corner of her eyes.

"Ah!? My chicken!"

"Too slow, princess. Come and get it if you can." Grendel could move quickly and closed his teeth on the piece in his mouth, "hmm?"

However, before he could mock her, she grabbed his face and kissed him, sucking the chicken from his mouth and laughing with her mouth full. She swallowed, not looking guilty, then touched his chest while using him as a chair.

"It was great. Thanks, Grendy."

"Hey!" His eyes looked down, showing disdain. Before he grinned again, touching her cheek, "You need a taste of your own medicine."

He grabbed the innocent girl's chin before leaning forward and kissing Aruru, putting all his experience from this round into the act, resulting in a surprisingly adorable squeak of confusion.

Still, she soon melted to his touch, almost breathless and panting by the time it was over as she looked up at him with wide eyes. "Tasty..."

Their kiss was interrupted by glass shattering; Moko looked at them with a stunned face; first, the princess kissed him, and then he kissed her back...

"... What's wrong with these two?" she muttered under her breath, washing her plate with increasing pressure. "Bah!?" Moko froze after getting a good look at Aruru and her heart rate while glancing at Grendel and feeling frustrated in her chest. "He didn't kiss me like that when pushing me against the wall."

But her complaints were not heard, as Auru suddenly rushed away like a ferret that heard its predator's sound and dashed away scared. "S-Stupid... suddenly kissing me... You'll make me remember that..." Her face turned further red as she darted up the stairs.

"Cute little cat, where did you get such courage," Grendel smirked as he watched her lovely figure vanish.


Moko suddenly shouted before rushing towards him, her finger pointing at his nose. "You said you wouldn't approach her like this!"

"Did I?" His head looked at her, tilting to the side and stroking his chin. "I remember saying I wanted both of you in my future harem, though."

"N...Ngh! Bastard, were my lips so cheap!" Moko's temper amused him, a mixture of greed, envy and lust as she saw him standing from his chair with both hands reaching for her face as she slowly backed away.

Step by step, he followed until she hit the wall.

Her body shuddered as his hands pressed against the walls, palm first.

"Do you feel the, deja vu? Moko."

Grendel spoke with a husky voice while narrowing his eyes into an alluring, teasing stare. Her eyes looked at his body coming closer before focusing on his lips, gulping as her lips puffed out.

Moko's curiosity could not resist him; she felt almost weightless in his eyes, unable to refute, "w...why should I kiss you?"

"Hmm? When did I ask to kiss you, Moko?" He lowered his head to whisper before raising it, brushing the pointy end of his fingers on her long and pointy cat ears as his fingers pinched them before lifting them. "It was your words..." he said as his hands dropped onto her thin waist, tightening as her body felt the strength in his hands before using force to pull her against his body.

"Hi!?" The surprised scream exited her mouth; he didn't use much force. It was barely more than what she had trained in sparring before.

However, Moko felt as if she had no resistance at all. She fell toward his chest while closing her beautiful, bright blue eyes as she felt the touch of his skin against hers, melting in his warmth with a soft expression.

She stopped with their height differences meeting; it took less than one moment for his lips to find their home, pushing against hers in a tender motion.

Unlike Aruru, Moko's lips parted at their first touch, allowing his tongue to penetrate, brushing against hers without fighting for the moment, pushing them inward before pulling his out.

Grendel pulled her waist harder toward him, their tongues pushing against the other, probing inside each other's mouths in a seductive embrace that was playful and enjoyable.

She gasped for air between kisses before her toes curled as their passionate tongues kiss grew.

Moko stopped fighting back against him, leaving Grendel to play with her soft, playful tongue, his hands wrapping around her perky buttocks, a slight whimper and mew from her mouth as she purred.