

Seduced by Nora, talks about a young man named " kelvin" the main character, who took over his dad's company, because his dad was assassinated by his worst enemy " Mr Micheal"... who now seeks to take over the company fully, by introducing a black teen girl named " Nora" to seduced the CEO. because the CEO is into black girls

Deborah_Ikina · 若者
23 Chs


Chapter 7


How is it going Debbie?

Not good, he doesn't show any kind of feeling for me...we need to try something else..

Like what?

Maybe, I could just sneak to his office and get the documents, and I know how to sneak pass the CCTV camera without been caught..

But I don't think, he keeps his documents in his office, maybe his house..

Hmm, maybe you're right!!

I'll go to his house again..

Yea, and do it fast we are running out of time..

Ok boss..

( Phone call ends)


I need to go back to Kelvin's house again, next thing tomorrow morning..

Next morning 🌄

( Door bell rings)

Who's there?

It's me..



(Opens door)

What are you doing here so early?

Ah, I just came to check on you, can I come in?


Thanks, your house is nice.

You said that yesterday..

Yea, and I'll say it again.

Can I use your bathroom?

Ok, should I lead you?

Nah, thanks I can find it myself.

Ok, if you say so.

I went upstairs and I came across a door well a suspicious one, I tried opening it but it was locked. Damn this might be where he keeps the documents..

That's not the bathroom?

Someone said from behind, I turned to see it was kelvin..

Ehm, I lost my way, I can't find the bathroom.

Let me show you, kelvin held my hands and I felt butterflies in stomach...

He took me to the bathroom..

Kelvin, I want to tell you something?

What's that?

What kind of women do you like?

Huh, why are you asking?

Just wanna know!! Because most of your staffs are black

Ok, I'm obsessed with black women, they are super gorgeous with massive curves..

So it means you don't like me?

I have to go to now, it's late...and you need to leave now..

Let's go now!!


We left and I went with him in his Ferrari.


What's Debbie doing with the CEO?

Good morning sir!!

How are you?

I'm good 😊.

Sir is everything ok? , you don't seem ok..

I'm ok

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