
Tests and Liquid Coursuasion

The day persisted with exposure tests, specifically, exposure to different liquids and chemicals. He did question the humaneness of the tests, but to be fair. Keeping anomalies caged without consent gives a pretty good answer, that and the seemingly never ending amount of expendable D class. He'd wondered where they all came from, because even death row criminals have a limit in numbers.

"All personnel proceed with testing."

Four D class stood in a line in front of Ghostface, each carrying a bucket with different liquids. The first personnel splashed the contents onto him, the liquid immediately turned to vapor on contact with his fog before melding with it.

The second bucket was ungracefully thrown at him, it flew through his head but never passed the other side. A green substance from said bucket splattered the ground around him, everything else had been eaten up by his fog.

Danny raised an eyebrow, he hummed as his fog drifted over and consumed the rest. The third D class didn't give him a second more, sending the liquid flying at him. Though it too met the same fate as the first, Danny ran his tongue over his bottom lip. The biting taste of salt danced on it, the smell permeated throughout the room. The smell reminded him of the beach, except it was more like being in the middle of the ocean.

"Well, that's not very pleasant."

He shook the scent off, taking a step back when the fourth bucket was tossed at him. Molten iron cascaded to the floor, it didn't take long for the cooling metal to be eaten by Danny's fog. Afterwards, three of the four D class personnel left and a guard entered with a bottle and two glasses.

"Is that wine? Now I'm really questioning if this is testing or some strange VIP treatment."

Danny chuckled, sitting down, the D class joined him on the ground as the guard placed the bottle and glasses between them.

"Hm, I wonder if Michael likes wine…" muttering.

He held the chin of his mask, holding up a finger to the D class who was pouring him a glass. He laid back as his head dipped through the fog, he smiled as his head poked out of the ceiling of Michael's room.

"Hey big guy! Do you happen to like wine?" Danny tilted his head in sync with Michael.

The other stared at him for a few moments too long, before simply shrugging. Danny raised an eyebrow "Have you ever had wine before?"

Michael stood still for a minute before turning around and messing with whatever was on his desk. Snickering, Danny pulled his head out of his fog and grabbed the glasses and bottle. Waving before slipping into the fog, he fell from the ceiling and landed somewhat gracefully.

He slid the glasses onto the table, noting that only one was partially filled. Shrugging, he filled them both half full before setting the bottle down. He took a seat and stared at the other, smiling as the other pulled his chair out and sat down. Danny lifted his mask slightly and took a sip of the charming red liquid, it was a perfect mix of bitter and sweet, a slight citrus tang lingering on his tongue. Humming, he tilted his head and looked at the bottle. It definitely wasn't the cheap kind, and the alcohol content is definitely not legal.

He turned his attention to Michael who had rolled his mask up to the bridge of his nose, the skin was fairly unblemished. If not for the small scars, Danny noted the strands of dirty blond hair peeking out from the back. He watched as the other took a sip, Michael's face crinkled a bit as he stared at his glass. Apparently that meant he liked it because he downed the glass in the next second.

"Whoa there Mikey, if you want to take shots then you need something other than wine." Danny chuckled, taking another sip for himself. "Wine is supposed to be savored, for good reason. If you want to get shit faced drunk then grab some tequila or vodka."

Michael reached for the bottle but Danny swatted his hand away, "Nope, it's your first time drinking and you just downed a glass, this stuff isn't soft. So I'll limit your intake, you'll thank me tomorrow."

The other huffed and rolled his eyes, reaching for the bottle again. Danny pulled it away and poured a partial for the other. "Don't shoot it, little sips, or I won't pour more."

Michael grunted, lips pulling into a pout as he grabbed his glass and absentmindedly splashed the liquid around in it. Giggling, Danny took another sip and watched the other follow suit.

"Do you like stories, Michael?"

The other glanced at him quizzically, shrugging his shoulders and slowly tipping the class into his mouth. Halting his movements half-way through to glance at Danny again, before lowering the glass guiltily as he let some of the wine spill from his mouth back into the glass. The corner of Danny's mouth raised with his eyebrow, lightly shaking his head, he stuck his hand into the foggy darkness beside him. Pulling out a book.

"Smooth, real smooth." He mused and flipped through the pages. "I found this horror book that I found amusing, and decided you might enjoy it as well."

Michael's attention turned to Danny then, his body turning in the chair to face him as he, not so subtly, took multiple sips in quick succession before placing the empty glass onto the table. For Danny's part, he smirked and poured a few drops of wine into the other's glass. Enjoying the way Michael stared at it in disdain, snickering, he started reading the book aloud. Keeping the bottle and his glass out of Michael's reach, the other hardly seemed to care for the story. His attention entirely on the wine, Danny had no doubt the other was somewhat if not entirely shit-faced.

Sighing, he closed the book and set it down on the table, "I guess we have a winning wine for you, do you really like it that much?" he tilted his head.

Michael nodded, eyes barely drifting from Danny's glass. The ghost rolled his eyes and stood up, fog moving to cover the glass and camera as he picked up his glass. His mask turned to fog and cascaded down his face, taking a quarter mouthful of wine before setting the glass down. He flashed a small smile at Michael as he walked over to the other, carefully wrapping his arms around the larger man's neck.

Sitting in his lap, his fingers brushed up the back of his neck, slipping slightly under the hem of Michael's mask. Danny tentatively pressed his lips to the others, left hand moving to his jaw as his eyes closed. Michael hardly hesitated as his mouth opened, tongue coaxing Danny's lips apart. The tangy bitter sweet wine ran between their tongues, partially spilling from the corners of Danny's mouth. He hummed pleasantly, fingernails slightly dragging down the back of Michael's neck.

The other's hands rested on the upper of Danny's thighs, squeezing tight as he pressed forward into the kiss. Following the action by moving back, Danny pulled back, panting as Michael's lips chased after his. Chuckling breathlessly, he leaned his forehead against the others before pressing a finger to his lips, Danny's fingers roamed over his shoulders before tugging up the collar of his overalls.

He opened his eyes and stared into Michael's dilated pupils, sliding his fingers carefully under the back of his mask. He waited a moment for any resistance, when none came, he pulled away slightly and slid the mask up partially. Waiting again for the other to push him away, smiling when he didn't, he slid it off completely. Absentmindedly setting it on the desk as he admired the other's face, his thumb tracing over the different scars. Danny's other hand came up to brush the dirty blond curls, when Michael suddenly pressed the wine glass to his lips.

Eyes slightly widening, he laughed airily and complied to the others' silent request. Although he must have misunderstood, since Michael didn't pull the glass away. He raised an eyebrow but swallowed, the larger man placed a hand to the side of his neck. Thumb pressing against the bottom of his jaw as he tilted his head back a bit, it took Danny a moment to realize that the other's eyes were flicking back and forth between his face and Adam's apple.

Danny could feel the alcohol hitting as he finished the glass, vision turning hazy as he slowly blinked. Head tilting back down and eyes closing as Michael pulled him into another kiss, his mind was full of fog as the other's thumb pressed against his Adam's apple.

At some point, Michael had stood up and pressed Danny's back to the wall. Hands grabbing at his waist as the smaller man caught his bottom lip between sharp canines, dragging in a ragged breath. Danny's mind barely processed the sound of the large metal doors opening before they were drifting in the darkness of his fog…

Sorry this took so long, been struggling with how to continue from where I left off. But it’s here, idk if it’s good or not so decide for yourself. There’s not much for plot this chapter, just some liquid courage/persuasion. I’m tired and typing with one hand so apologies, anyway, lemme know for any mistakes as always. Thanks for reading!

DakotaInExilecreators' thoughts