
Secrets of Japan

When on a free trip to Japan a group of students find their expectations for the country were far different from the reality.

Faddish_One982 · ホラー
4 Chs

3. Welcome to Japan

The plane was about 2 hours away from landing and everyone was excited. They all decided to play games for the last 2 hours. The flight being first class 2 pairs of seats sat facing each other rather than the usual way. They decided to play the Voting Game a game where a group of people sit in a circle and read off cards that give a scenario, it's then the groups job to decide who would be most likely to do that aforementioned scenario, Thomas was byfare the weirdest out of all of them he highly enjoyed anime and other weeb pass times. So he ended up "winning" if you could call it that. With the game concluding there was only about an hour to go till they landed in Tokyo, it was by this time where John silent but observant noticed the flight attendants staring creepily at their group as if they were plotting something. Chas thought nothing of it nodding it off for just being a weird person as there are plenty of those. Then the pilot came on the intercom and announced in english that they were on the descent to Tokyo. The landing was rough whoever was jet lagged or asleep are not anymore. It was so bad even adults in the coach class screamed in fear.

The whole time Asuna and the rest of the girls were watching as they noticed the plane's hard landing. "Are they gonna be ok", Chino worried "don't worry" Asuna responded "Any amatur pilot can land a plane safely in these conditions."

As the group of boys got off the plane they were welcomed by a huge welcome banner in which the group thought was from their sweepstakes that Robert had won. They were welcomed with traditional Japanese Tea in which they all drank to not to be rude, next thing they knew they were feeling drowsy and loopy, and after that they were on the floor unconscious