

**** Elena’s P.O.V ****

I was so angry with him that I didn’t know I was holding my breath.

“Urghh, why did he have to make my heart skip a bit?” I asked myself.

“Urghh … no… no… Elena you have to think normal and come back to the reality that Harrison will and would never like you.

I quickly arranged our luggage and some things my mom and mother-in-law said I should bring along with me and Harrison.

I sat on the couch and stared at the way he was fast asleep on the massive bed.

I imagined how cute and handsome he could be. But, at the same time heartless in nature and he could be also be a jackass too.

“puff~~” I sighed and turned on the television to watch some action movies.



Hours later, Harrison finally woke up from his slumber.

“I’m hungry, get up and let’s eat” He said

“Okay” I agreed with him because indeed I was famished as well.

We got to the restaurant of the hotel’s ground floor and It was nice and cozy too.