

Kaizen the Son of a Blacksmith inspiring to become a Knight . finally starts his journey to knighthood but unknown to him , his fate leads him to another direction forcing him to go on a journey to find his real identity his parents are hiding from him . Join Kaizen on his adventure where he meet many strong Monsters and learn from Masters hiding from the world .

AkumaHunter · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Chapter 4 : The Genius

As the senior knight, Sir Swift Gale, led the instructors into the Training Hall, a hushed reverence spread among the trainees. Sir Gale was renowned for his incredible speed, a title earned through his valor and skills displayed on numerous battlefields. While not an Aura Grandmaster, he stood among the esteemed top knights in the entire kingdom. His presence alone commanded respect.

Addressing the assembly of young trainees, Sir Gale warmly congratulated those who had advanced to the next year and expressed his high expectations for their potential. He emphasized the importance of persistence and the courage to take action, vital qualities that would lead them towards becoming successful Aura Masters.

The classes began, each one essential in shaping the well-rounded development of a knight. Sword training honed their combat skills, teaching them the art of wielding weapons with precision and finesse. Aura theory delved into the mysterious and revered powers of Aura, unlocking its secrets and potential applications.

In literature classes, the trainees learned to appreciate the value of knowledge and communication. They were encouraged to develop not only their physical prowess but also their intellectual capabilities. Manners and ethics classes instilled in them the virtues of chivalry, honor, and respect, fundamental traits that defined the conduct of a true knight.

As days turned into weeks, Kaizen's determination and dedication shone through. His innate talent and keen observation skills garnered him admiration from his fellow trainees, and his friendship with Kavin deepened. Together, they supported each other through the rigorous training and challenges they faced.

Amidst the intense schedule, Kaizen couldn't help but notice the girl with the red hair and red eyes, the fourth-year knight trainee who had given him an arrogant glance on the first day. Her aura of superiority intrigued him, and he became determined to prove himself as a worthy knight in her eyes as well.

As the months passed, Kaizen steadily improved his swordsmanship, and his understanding of Aura Techniques grew with each lesson. He embraced his studies wholeheartedly, attending lectures with enthusiasm, eager to absorb every bit of knowledge.

Outside of classes, Kaizen often visited the nearby library, delving into books about the kingdom's history, great battles, and legendary knights. His thirst for knowledge and his determination to excel never waned. During his free time, he would practice alone, refining his skills and cultivating his Aura, striving to make every moment count.

On a day that carried an air of anticipation, the instructors gathered the trainees in the training hall for a crucial phase of their Aura training. The time had come for the trainees to experience firsthand the sensation of Aura flowing through their bodies. It was a moment that marked a significant step in their journey towards becoming knights of the Counts Silver Lion Order.

The instructors stood before the assembled trainees, each one emanating an aura of power and wisdom. They explained the process of injecting their own Aura into the bodies of the trainees to create a connection and a sense of familiarity with the essence of Aura. With this, the trainees would be able to understand the essence of Aura rotation and cultivation techniques.

The first trainee stepped forward, nervously awaiting the injection. An instructor, with a calm and reassuring smile, gently placed his hand on the trainee's chest. A brilliant burst of colored light enveloped them both, and the trainee's eyes widened in amazement as he felt the foreign energy coursing through his veins. The experience was both exhilarating and overwhelming, awakening a new awareness within him.

One by one, the trainees underwent the injection, each feeling the unique presence of their instructor's Aura flowing through them. The room was filled with an ethereal display of colors, each Aura shining brightly and blending with the trainee's own essence.

When it was finally Kaizen's turn, he took a deep breath, steadying himself for the momentous experience. As the instructor placed his hand on Kaizen's chest, a warm, soothing sensation washed over him. He felt an immediate connection with the instructor's Aura, as if a newfound bond had formed between them.

Throughout the process, the instructors closely observed the reactions of their trainees. They encouraged them to embrace the sensation, urging them to let go of any apprehension and welcome the presence of Aura within them. As the injections concluded, the trainees stood in awe, their hearts brimming with wonder and excitement.

With the first step completed, the trainees were now more attuned to the essence of Aura. The instructors praised their progress and reminded them that the journey had just begun. They emphasized the importance of practice and perseverance to unlock the true potential of their Aura.

A week after the Demonstration by the instructors when every student was struggling to sense their own Aura . Kaizen emerged as the first person in the history of the Academy to Awaken his Aura in just one week .Instructors Called Kaizen to inspect his Aura and Asked him to manifest his aura outside is body .

Everybody present were less surprised more shocked , Kaizen has really awakened his Aura making him a once a century genius but the his Aura was Color less and had no Attribution attached to it . The Instructors shocked Asked Kaizen to return to his dorm , by this time Kaizen has realized that there is some problem with his aura being colorless .

As time passed, the news of Kaizen's colorless Aura spread like wildfire throughout the camp. It was a phenomenon that intrigued and perplexed everyone, including the instructors and the senior knights. The discovery of this unique Aura had raised hopes and expectations, but soon disappointment overshadowed the initial excitement.

The established path to becoming an Advanced Aura Knight or an Aura Grandmaster was through mastering specific Aura attributes and their corresponding advanced techniques. Kaizen's colorless Aura, with no attribution, meant that he couldn't learn any existing advanced techniques. The limitations of his Aura left everyone uncertain about his future as a knight.

Even the Count, who initially held high hopes for Kaizen, found himself at a loss on how to guide the young trainee. The prospect of having a knight with an unprecedented Aura was both intriguing and unsettling. The Count's expectations wavered, and the pressure on Kaizen to prove himself only intensified.

As Kaizen faced the disapproving glances and whispers of his peers, he couldn't help but succumb to feelings of despair. Once seen as a talented prodigy, he now felt like a failure or even a freak among his fellow trainees. The isolation and mistreatment he experienced took a toll on his spirit, and he found solace only in the unwavering support of his roommate and friend, Kavin.

Kavin stood by Kaizen's side, providing a much-needed pillar of support during this trying time. He reminded Kaizen that his worth as a knight wasn't solely determined by the color of his Aura but by his courage, determination, and the strength of his character. Kavin's encouragement acted as a lifeline, reigniting Kaizen's spirit to rise above the adversity.

Seeking refuge from the hurtful glares and taunts, Kaizen began to skip classes. He secluded himself as to get away from bullies that were targeting him now that he has lost the interest of the Count and Sir Gale .