

Kaizen the Son of a Blacksmith inspiring to become a Knight . finally starts his journey to knighthood but unknown to him , his fate leads him to another direction forcing him to go on a journey to find his real identity his parents are hiding from him . Join Kaizen on his adventure where he meet many strong Monsters and learn from Masters hiding from the world .

AkumaHunter · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Chapter 2 : Dream and Determination

As time passed, Kaizen finally reached his fifteenth birthday, and with it came newfound freedom and maturity. He had shed his naivety and spent the last two months diligently building his strength and agility. Though his physique hadn't drastically changed, his overall strength and endurance had improved significantly. He could now hammer steel all day without breaking a sweat, a testament to his determination and hard work. In his free time, he honed his skills and strengthened his willpower through meditation and mental simulations of battles against the four robbers.

Kaizen's dreams had shifted, and he now fantasized about joining the Knights Order of the Counts Silver Lion Knights. He aspired to become a formidable knight like Vice-Captain Vinz and help others just as he had been rescued. He had transformed from a sheltered boy to a determined young man, ready to face any challenge with a clear mind.

The opportunity to interact with the knights arose when Kaizen was tasked with delivering an order on behalf of his father. Eager to seize the chance, he asked his father if he could handle the delivery, and his father readily agreed. Carrying the delivery to the Counts Estate, which also served as the knights' camp, Kaizen couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness.

Upon arriving, he handed over the delivery and then dared to request a meeting with the esteemed Count who was present at the estate. The butler conveyed Kaizen's request, and to his surprise, the Count granted him an audience, calling him into his office.

The Count, Jacab Blood-Mare, was a middle-aged man with fair skin, red hair, and captivating red eyes. The red hue in their eyes symbolized the Blood-Mare Family, a legendary figure in the entire kingdom. Count Jacab was not only one of the five Aura Grandmasters in the kingdom but also a renowned commander of the Great-Harmony Kingdom, having achieved numerous victories during his twenty years of service.

"Hello, young man," greeted the Count as Kaizen entered, showing a hint of curiosity. "I understand you have a special request."

"Yes, Sir," Kaizen replied respectfully, his heart pounding with anticipation. "I have a sincere desire to enroll in the Knights Training and learn the Aura techniques taught to the knights by the Aura Masters."

The Count's expression initially turned serious as he considered the implications of sharing such closely guarded secrets with an outsider. However, a glimmer of intrigue soon appeared in his eyes. "You wish to learn our Aura techniques, do you? Tell me, why should I grant you such an opportunity?"

Kaizen stood his ground, undeterred by the challenge. "With all due respect, Sir, I have spent years assisting my father in his blacksmithing work, crafting armors and weapons that have served your knights well. I have honed my skills and determination, and I am willing to prove myself worthy of this chance."

The Count's mood seemed to lighten as he acknowledged Kaizen's words. "Your father's craftsmanship is indeed admirable, and his contributions have not gone unnoticed. Very well, I shall grant you a chance to prove yourself."

Hope surged through Kaizen's veins as the Count continued, setting a condition for his acceptance. "If you wish to join my Knights Training and learn Aura techniques, you must demonstrate your worth. Engage in a duel with a trainee knight who cannot use aura. Survive for five minutes in the duel, and I will consider accepting you into the Knights Order."

Kaizen's determination burned even brighter as he accepted the challenge without hesitation. "I accept, Your Excellency. I will do my utmost to meet this condition."

As the clock ticked away, Kaizen made the most of the thirty minutes allotted to prepare himself and select a weapon from the armory. Opting for a short sword slightly longer than the magic dagger he had crafted earlier, he felt a surge of confidence coursing through him. The anticipation was palpable as he was called to the training ground, where his opponent, a trainee knight with three years of sword training, stood with unwavering certainty in his skills.

The duel commenced, with both participants wielding wooden weapons and adhering to the rules of no critical or lethal hits. In the initial exchanges, Kaizen took a few blows from his opponent, but his sharp eyes and ten years of experience as a blacksmith allowed him to quickly analyze the knight's speed and fighting style. He adapted swiftly and grew accustomed to his adversary's techniques.

As the minutes passed, Kaizen's confidence soared. His knowledge of swords, honed by years of crafting them, provided him with valuable insights, and he could read his opponent's moves with astonishing accuracy. The duel intensified, both fighters giving their all. In the final moments, the trainee knight rushed forward, eager to secure victory before the time elapsed.

Kaizen seized the opportunity. In a daring move, he identified a gap in his opponent's defense and executed a subtle push between the sword's hilt and handle. The maneuver caused the handle to slip from the knight's grasp, sending the sword flying into the air. To the astonishment of all present, instead of simply waiting out the remaining seconds, Kaizen instinctively disarmed his opponent.

The training ground fell silent as the realization dawned that Kaizen had achieved an unexpected victory. His strategic thinking and precise execution had surpassed everyone's expectations.

Amidst the cheers and applause from the witnessing knights and spectators, Count Jacab Blood-Mare himself wore a smile of approval. Kaizen had proven himself worthy of the chance given to him. The Count spoke a few words to the Training Grounds In-Charge and then left the scene. As Kaizen caught his breath, a sense of pride and excitement filled his heart. His dreams were on the cusp of realization. The Instructor approached Kaizen and informed him that he could join the training starting next month, and he would need to move into the trainee knights' dorms.