
Secret Of The Nightmares| Park Jimin Fanfic

"Why I'm supposed to suffer like this?" He was drowning in the deep ocean struggling to breathe. But it seemed he was trapped in the time lap. Every day brought a new trial for him and he entered a never-ending misery when he shut his eyes at the night as his nightmares about his past dragged him into the darkness but he wasn't aware that his nightmares had a secret which he wasn't aware of.

Rida_Kanwal · 都市
20 Chs

Chapter 3

Fourteen Years Later.

Jimin was standing alone in the room filled with pitch-black darkness. Merely a dim light of a candle in his hand was the source of the light. His eyes wandered his surroundings observed the darkness around him. Suddenly a red door caught his attention and he slowly headed towards the door.

The creaking sound echoed in silence when Jimin opened the door saw the long stairs leading him to the depth of the room. He walked down the stairs and with every footstep his heart was throbbing faster against his ribs. He was sweating his hand was trembling, Fear was visible on his face.

Tears seeped into his eyes, He felt tightness in his chest forced him to struggle in breathing and the memories of the past wandered in his mind when he reached the beneath of the room. The concrete floor cracked walls, Broken wooden furniture. It was the same basement where his soul had been crushed by Dong Hyun.

It was getting hard for him to stand in that basement, He wanted to escape but he felt as his feet got frozen and he wasn't moving according to his will. Jimin's fear reached its peak when he saw a kid in the corner of the basement hiding his face under his knees he was sobbing in pain. By his appearance, he seemed around ten years old or less.

Jimin swallowed, headed towards the kid "What happen why you're crying?" Jimin asked in a timid voice.

He glared at the kid with his eyes widely opened when the kid looked up at him. It was him, his eyes were swelled, had wounds on his face. He was wearing the same red stripe shirt paired with black shorts as he had worn on that night.

"She will eat me," The Kid said pointed his finger towards the specific direction.

Jimin shifted his attention where the kid was pointing his finger saw a young lady lying on the floor covered in blood. "H-e-l-p m-e Ji-Jimin," Extending her hand towards him the woman hardly could ask him for help.

Jimin felt his hair raising on his neck, His heartbeat was getting louder, He continued to stare at her for the next few seconds, Gathering his energy Jimin slowly came closer to her. Extending the candle on her face he tried to recognize her. But some strands of her hair were covering her face. Suddenly he heard someone's footsteps.


Someone was coming down the stairs Jimin looked back at him, A silhouette emerged from the darkness. It was Dong Hyun holding a huge sharp knife in his hand he was coming towards him. Jimin threw the candle on the floor and now he wasn't able to see anything.

He fell on the floor crawled back but the Young lady held his hand and asked him for help again and again her voice was filled with agony getting louder and louder. Jimin wanted to scream but he felt as his voice had stuck in his throat. Dong Hyun sat next to him squished his cheeks as he had done before, "You shouldn't know anything, Jimin" Dong Hyun said in a heavy voice, raised his hand in the air, and attack him with the knife.


Jimin woke up with a long gasp looked at his surroundings find himself on the bed in his room.

He twisted his head to check the time but his blurry vision didn't allow him. He felt extreme headache, He rubbed his eyes took out the pain killers from the drawers and swallowed a tablet.

He got up from his bed and came out of his room headed to the kitchen took out a bottle from the fridge gulped down the half water from his throat. Then he walked towards the restroom opened the tap splashed some water on his face. Glaring at himself in the mirror Jimin remembered all the cruel memories of the past.

But the voice inside in his mind was constantly telling him that something wasn't right about her. whenever she appeared in his nightmares Jimin felt strange pain about her as she's someone whom he knew for ages. He was having nightmares for a very long time it never happened before. He never saw a girl in his dreams then why so sudden she started to appear in his dreams. why did she always ask for his help? Jimin couldn't solve the mystery.

Because of Hoseok's treatment and his constant counseling, Jimin was finally able to get rid of his terrible nightmares about a year ago, But since the last few months, his nightmares were returned he often saw a girl begging for help and it was bothering him.

Lost in his thoughts he was staring at himself in the mirror when the noises from Taehyung's room grabbed his attention. He closed the tap headed to his room. Taehyung was awakened laying on the bed he was busy with his phone.

"Didn't you sleep yet?" Asked Jimin entered his room. He made himself sit on the corner of the bed.

"No, I was busy chatting with Jungkook," Taehyung replied, "What happened did you have that nightmare again? Taehyung asked worriedly.

Jimin nodded "It's not worthy to worry about," As usual Jimin lied. "Anyways when is Chaerin returning?" Jimin asked leaning himself on the bed he tried to change the topic as he didn't want to bother Taehyung.

Taehyung could estimate the anxious behavior Jimin was trying to hide from him. he had tried to discuss his nightmares various times but Jimin always changed the topic and Taehyung preferred to keep silent. "She's returning in the morning and you're going to pick her.," He replied, More like Taehyung ordered him. throwing his phone on the bed he made himself lay beside Jimin.

Jimin's face brightened to a smile when he heard about picking her in the morning. "Okay then I'll pick her," He replied closed his eyes and Chaerin's face came in front of him.

Chaerin was an average-looking girl bob hair cut, Almond eyes, A small nose with nose bridge, and prominent lips. But for Jimin Chaerin wasn't an ordinary girl. He laughed unstoppably whenever he spent time with her, Her nonstop talk made her forget all his pain. He couldn't imagine what he would have done without her.

Jimin didn't know when he started to grow feelings for her but sitting with her under the sky filled with twinkling stars was like a heavenly moment for him. For two years Jimin was missing her as Chaerin went to LA to complete her study in modern arts.







It was early in the morning and Jimin had already arrived at the airport as he couldn't wait any further. His heart fluttered, The corner of his lips moved in a brightening smile when he saw Chaerin running toward her with her luggage. Jimin headed towards her hugged her tightly. Slowly all his worries and stress disappeared closing her eyes he inhaled her sweet caramel cologne. How long it had been since he had come this close to her how long it had been since he had inhaled her sweet cologne and saw her face. "You don't know Chaerin how much I've missed you," Jimin whispered in her ears in a low smoky Voice.

Chaerin bloomed like spring flowers when his raspy voice echoed in her ears. Her exhausted body felt so relaxed so satisfied when she came to know that she wasn't the one who was missing him. "I missed you too," She replied, And his soothing orange blossom cologne was the one thing Chaerin had been missing in all these two years. It was intoxicated for her. Chaerin was obsessed with him she was just fifteen years old when she had realized her feelings for Jimin and since then she didn't saw anyone except him.

Their love didn't need any words to express their feelings for each other. They both were aware that their hearts were beating only for each other. but sometimes Jimin fount himself drowning in the ocean of fears when he peeked through the depth of his heart "Will her family let her live with him after being aware of his dark past and what about her desires Will she ever accept a man who's asexual Will he ever can grow desires for her?" Jimin always asked himself but couldn't find an answer.