

Jaguda is a brave man in the kingdom he dwells. His fore father left the power of the peace of the kingdom to him because he think he's the oldest that can secure the position perfectly well before he kick the bucket. He showed him the power and taught him everything no one should know because it's a power a person can carry and should only know unless he's about to leave the earthly world that's when he can give it to his successor and the successor must be a man. Jaguda grew more older and he use the power to control the peace of the land as it should be done. He always do the ritual rite and all sacrifices it needed yearly. Everyone in the kingdom bow for him not because of his power alone but, his scary personality he always potray to the people in the kingdom. They respect him and fear him at the same time. Whenever they saw him coming from afar, they are to bow while kneeling till he's out of the premises. Jaguda became the famous peace controller in the kingdom. The king can't control him. Even while speaking on his throne, jaguda will do his woth. The king can't do anything because jaguda his holding one of the most important thing the kingdom need to survive. You know a Kingdom where peace didn't dwell in, is place where calamities set in. The kingdom continue flourishing in milk and honey. Peace reign like it was invented in the kingdom. The people lives happily like it should be. Months grew, years go. Jaguda became more older that it became time to live the world and set in another successor to take over him as a peace controller of the kingdom. The reminder whose name is kan appeared like an angel to jaguda on a faithful day, calmly narrate how he had been living his life and blew the announcement to him that, he's leaving the world soon that he should brew in new peace controller to the kingdom, that he knows the drill. Jaguda was surprised. He couldn't believe his endship of life on the earth will be over soon. He became angry and bravely ask who the person was to project his endship life on earth. Kan kept on replying in parables that jaguda could not help it that he nearly hit him with that he was holding. Kan held his hands firmly and push him over the war and said "You will be miserable like you've never imagine". Jaguda have never seen someone so brave like that in his life. He look at him and calm his nerves. He already knew he's not an earthly person through his voice. kan voice echoes whenever he talks and even more scarier when he yell. "How can I live forever?" Jaguda kneel and ask kan. Kan explain that he should leave it that he can't live forever. But jaguda insisted on Kan telling him how he could live forever. Kan explained that he could live forever if and only if he could pull through the challenge to SECRET OCEAN! Will jaguda embark on this journey? Will he pull through the challenge? What's the challenge like? Get those answers in the captivating novel. ________ Get your popcorn stocked in your big bowl and your drink because you are about to dive into captivating and enthralling fantastical novel. leave your comment and share to your friends!

Lateef178 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Fierce Nii

He finish pouring the water. The fire was quench. He raise his hands up and smile as if he had won something. He move out the room and slam the door behind him. "Ouch" he lamented as he mistakenly hit his feet on a big stone outside, opposite the room he just came out from. "That's what a leader get mostly, literally" he said to himself. He Walks to his room. He take a right turn when he get in, which is the way to the bathroom. After few minutes he came out looking like someone who just came back from war. He must have gone through a lot torture while trying to excrete some unwanted materia out of his body. He remembered he has a visitor. He quickly arrange himself well and step out of the room. He move to the sitting room. "Is my visitor still around,my jewel?" He ask his wife walking towards her direction.

She quickly kneel down to give him answer "Yes,my Lord" she said buring her head down. "Alright. I will check him" he said. "I kept your chair there since. I will just bring some snacks and juice to cheer up" she said camly. He didn't reply her. He move out and walk towards Nill. "Good morning Nill the unserious" he said jokingly. "I won't tolerate that. Okay?" Nill said angrily. "I know this is how you always behave,I will take that as if I didn't hear that" he said merging his little boody with the customize chair behind him. "Please sit and stop being what I can't say" Jaguda lashes out to him.

Nill sit down and face his seat opposite jaguda. He look up and they both eyes coincidentally jam. "What's that look? I will deal with you and show you,you are nothing but a sex toy alone" jaguda lashes out at him. "At least I'm a sex toy to millions of girls. Ain't you an impotent?" He ask laughing our loud. Jaguda stood up angrily immediately he heard that and sit back on his seat to pretend as If it didn't get to him. "I don't lose my anger because of Nill the unserious" he said loudly. "This should be the last time,I mean, last time,you will call me such nsnd again" Nill said with pain he felt about it.

Jaguda look at him in a surprising manner. He couldn't believe his eyes on how Nill could look to his face and say a word talking of yelling. "Do you realize you are in the present of the almighty jaguda?" He ask looking him as if he should strangle him. "And so? The world should end because you are the almighty jaguda?" Nill hiss at him after asking him even if he didn't answer him. "I did not come here to play with you. I'm here to tell you about what you think you are the only one that knew" he said to him with a grave tone. "Oh... really?" Jaguda ask looking around like a thief. "Yes. I'm here for the truth" Nill said loudly. "And why the yelling? Are you sick upstairs? Sorry.. I've forgotten you are.." he smile terribly as he continue his Saying "The truth? What truth if I could ask?"

"I was in your dream" Nill exclaimed calmly. Jaguda look at him and busrt into laughter. He look back and saw two person coming from afar. He couldn't recognize them but he could see a stick that look like the king's "Opa". They are coming nearer and it look like they are coming his direction. "Jaguda,I waited for the moment. Give me listening ears and beware of my information" Nill lashes out to him. He look back and gave a terrible smile to Nill. Nill remove his eyes as they both face contacted. "You've disrespected me enough. I won't tolerate...that!" Jaguda said calmly.

The two individual he saw from afar finally come close and it's jaguda's abode they visit. "We give all the honor to the almighty jaguda as it should be" they both bow their head to greet jaguda. Nill hiss as he they bow. "We are among the guards of our able king of this land" one of the guards said. "You are welcome to my abode. I can see...you are from the king with what you are holding" jaguda said to the guards. "Yes. We are from the king. The king sent for you" the second guard said bravely. "What for?" He ask gravely. "We know not, almighty jaguda" they both answered his question.

"I will be with him in few minutes. Tell the king" Jaguda said to the guards. "it's very urgent. He said you should come with us now" the guards said to jaguda buring their head down. "And who said I can't come after you?" He ask. They guards didn't answer him. Nill is just looking like a forgotten puppy. He couldn't utter a word to their conversations.

"You don't argue with the almighty jaguda! Go now and tell the King I will be with him in few minutes" Jaguda said to them. "Okay, almighty jaguda" they bow and turn their back to leave. "Oh ... really!" Nill exclaimed loudly that his voice startled the guards. He couldn't believe Jaguda could go that extreme just for clearity that he also have major power in the land. The guards take their live. "I'm the almighty jaguda,the king of the peace" he praises himself. "It's seem as though, you don't look like one.." he clear his throat to continue. "You will be surprised of my attitude towards you" he said looking at his face. "So?" Jaguda ask unconcernedly. "I was in your dream" Nill said to him.

"My dream? Don't be weird Nill" he said to him. "Well, I'm not joking. I'm dead serious about this" he said gravely. "How can you be in my dream? Okay! You are in my dream? It's crazy to figure out Nill. What are you talking about?" Jaguda began to flow with him. He didn't know what hit him to give him the listening ears. "I was in your dream. But you didn't know I was there and that me a superior over you on it" Nill said smiling like a baby that just got a Loli pop.

That got to the almighty jaguda as he shun him immediately he said that. He doesn't like it when anybody say something like that. He doesn't believe anyone is superior than him. "Will you keep your dirty mouth shut and listen to the almighty jaguda?" He ask bluntly. "Allow me speak for I have much to spew out m" Nill said with a serious tone.