

Jaguda is a brave man in the kingdom he dwells. His fore father left the power of the peace of the kingdom to him because he think he's the oldest that can secure the position perfectly well before he kick the bucket. He showed him the power and taught him everything no one should know because it's a power a person can carry and should only know unless he's about to leave the earthly world that's when he can give it to his successor and the successor must be a man. Jaguda grew more older and he use the power to control the peace of the land as it should be done. He always do the ritual rite and all sacrifices it needed yearly. Everyone in the kingdom bow for him not because of his power alone but, his scary personality he always potray to the people in the kingdom. They respect him and fear him at the same time. Whenever they saw him coming from afar, they are to bow while kneeling till he's out of the premises. Jaguda became the famous peace controller in the kingdom. The king can't control him. Even while speaking on his throne, jaguda will do his woth. The king can't do anything because jaguda his holding one of the most important thing the kingdom need to survive. You know a Kingdom where peace didn't dwell in, is place where calamities set in. The kingdom continue flourishing in milk and honey. Peace reign like it was invented in the kingdom. The people lives happily like it should be. Months grew, years go. Jaguda became more older that it became time to live the world and set in another successor to take over him as a peace controller of the kingdom. The reminder whose name is kan appeared like an angel to jaguda on a faithful day, calmly narrate how he had been living his life and blew the announcement to him that, he's leaving the world soon that he should brew in new peace controller to the kingdom, that he knows the drill. Jaguda was surprised. He couldn't believe his endship of life on the earth will be over soon. He became angry and bravely ask who the person was to project his endship life on earth. Kan kept on replying in parables that jaguda could not help it that he nearly hit him with that he was holding. Kan held his hands firmly and push him over the war and said "You will be miserable like you've never imagine". Jaguda have never seen someone so brave like that in his life. He look at him and calm his nerves. He already knew he's not an earthly person through his voice. kan voice echoes whenever he talks and even more scarier when he yell. "How can I live forever?" Jaguda kneel and ask kan. Kan explain that he should leave it that he can't live forever. But jaguda insisted on Kan telling him how he could live forever. Kan explained that he could live forever if and only if he could pull through the challenge to SECRET OCEAN! Will jaguda embark on this journey? Will he pull through the challenge? What's the challenge like? Get those answers in the captivating novel. ________ Get your popcorn stocked in your big bowl and your drink because you are about to dive into captivating and enthralling fantastical novel. leave your comment and share to your friends!

Lateef178 · ファンタジー
9 Chs


"I was in your dream. A dream i thought it was just a dream but reality dream" jaguda cut him short "A reality dream?" He ask surprisingly. He remembered that's what he said too when he woke up from his dream but,he hiss to make Nill feel less courageous about it. "I know you are dieing soon" Nill utter to him. "I'm dieing soon? He ask himself. "Don't act as if it's new to you. The stranger told you that in the dream" Nill said smiling. He was smiling at jaguda's reaction towards what he is saying.

He couldn't believe Nill could be in his dream and he's still confused on how he get to know many things about him. They both glance at each other as they talk coincidentally. "So.." "It's..". "You first..Nill" Jaguda said. "Why don't you want to have a kid?" Nill ask bluntly. "Because, I'm not destined to have one" he answered bravely. "Well, that's not it. You are a liar" Nill point his middle finger at him as he said that. "You are becoming ru.." Nill hands down his hands as he want to slap him.

"What did you just do? God save you today is peace sacrifice day. You know the stuff I'm made of" Jaguda menace him. He didn't say anything. Few minutes after looking at each other like a doll,they both relief theirselves and sit down. "You should just accept what I'm saying. You don't want have kid because you want to have this position forever,and guess what, it's not possible. Even the greatest prophet on earth never live forever!" Nill yell at him.

"You don't even know life isn't like that. If you want to have it forever. Then have it forever. like the stranger said,you will suffer to have the infinite life" he smile terribly at jaguda. "What are you saying? I'm still clueless on everything you've be saying since" jaguda said acting like a confused person to Nill on what he's trying to say.

"You are the one who is going to suffer it at last. You don't want to have kids because of position. Position that you never dreamt of securing in your entire life. Did you?" Nill anger triggered through that. He couldn't believe Jaguda could act up about the situation. "WTF!" He exclaimed. "See,you better leave the power of the peace of this land before you die,you old cargo!" Nill lashes out at jaguda. Jaguda couldn't say nothing. He never believe what Nill is saying since. He really feel like he's just dreaming because "How can someone else be in my own dream" he thought to himself again.

"Nill, I'm not an impotent. Ask my jewel, I'm the baddest in that term. You just don't walk to someone and say nonsense of what you are imagination. Because,I can't still believe how you can be in my dream and I won't know" Jaguda said calmly. He pause for a while and reason everything Nill have been saying to him. "You were in my dream?"

He ask for the last time. "Yes. Do you want proof?" He ask. "Proof? What proof?" Jaguda ask calmly. "I was at your window listening to everything the stranger was telling you. At some point,I didn't hear some but I could vividly remember I Heard almost the discussion you had with him.." he clear his throat and continue.

"He told you that you are dieing soon and it's very near. He abet you to make the secret of the peace power known to someone else that you trusted so that the people can continue to live in the land where peace dwells but you refused. You told him you can't give anyone that no one can control the land like you. You further beg him if he could help you. The stranger told you it's more than your power but you insist him to tell you. He told you about it. You didn't say nothing to it.." he pause for a while and continue

"the painful part of it is that,you don't want to realize you are nothing without multiplying to the world. You refused to understand that,you will put a whole kingdom into a land of grieve. What is wrong with you?JAGUDA!"

Nill could not help his emotion. He literally led the tears out. He glance at jaguda with a terrible look. "And if you are in my dream,how is that my business. I'm literally the controller of peace of this land and that's on Period" he said.

Jaguda look at him and ask if he can leave. It's the culture of the land. No matter who you are,what you are,how you are, what position you found yourself,you must not walk out of anyone. They believe everyone is a god and should be respected in the land Nill couldn't believe he literally ask him if he can leave. "I believe,you don't believe in the culture. You old cargo" Nill blast his ass.

Jaguda look at him and shook his head. "You are lucky today is the sacrifice for peace day" he said silently. "You can go and answer the king of this land. It's a must" Nill said. "Maybe for you but me,I recist to believe that" he said turning his back at Nill "Till you realize there is nobody like me in this land" he said as he walk away.