
Secret Fortunate Life

Nicole is a simple village girl who live so happily together with her parents in some simple rural village. They have a farm where her father works as a farmer while her mother is just a simple housewife. But... One day, she's found out a secret that neither her father nor her mother told her...

Airelhan_Zinovia · 若者
14 Chs

You're Unbelievable!


Time for recess had come. Nicole stretched out her arms upwards because of tiredness then cleaned up her table and took out the brownies given to her by the twins earlier.

"Mmm. Smells delicious, looks delicious, and hmm, tastes delicious too!"

She laughed at what she said.

"Anyways, who said it wouldn't be? Haha."

She took a small bite in her mouth then noticed that there's a shadow over her coming from behind.

She slowly turned to her back when...

"Boo! Surprise!"


Nicole fell to the floor as well as the browny that she's holding.

"Ashley! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

Nicole was caressing her butt cheek while Ashley was helping her up.

"Ouch! It hurts."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to spook and hurt you. My only intention is to give you a surprise. Teehee."

Said the brown curly haired girl with a silly smile.

"You silly girl."

Nicole looked for the browny that fell on the floor. When she spotted it, she picked it up.

"Look what you've done to my poor baby. It'll go to waste now."

Nicole sighed then started to walk towards their trash bins.

"Bye-bye, browny, my loves. Till we meet again."

She said with a dramatic voice and an overly dramatic face.


Ashley stopped her. She took the browny from Nicole's hand, blowed at it thrice, and placed it in her mouth as fast as lighting.

Nicole's mouth just gaped open.

"You're unbelievable!"

Nicole shook her head in disbelief.

"What? That's fine. It's still not contaminated with germs because it didn't stayed on the floor for long."

"Are you crazy?! Let me remind you if ever you've forgotten what we've learned from our biology class. Germs, can contaminate different kinds of object in just a matter of split seconds!"

Ashley stopped for awhile before shrugging.

"Nah. I blew on it thrice. That should be enough for the germs to be expelled."

Nicole just face-palmed herself.

'How did I became the best friend of this woman?'

She thought to herself.

"You know what? Sometimes I forget that you're from a well-off family because of the way you act."

Ashley just scratched the back of her head with a troubled smile on her face.

"I guess that became a habit of mine. Hehe. I was actually raised by my parents without getting me spoiled. If I want something, they'll not give that to me easily even if I'd throw a tantrum because they want me to work hard to earn it and that's why I'm trying my best to be the top student every year because we had an agreement that if I'd finish each levels in high school being on the first place especially when I graduate as the valedictorian, they're gonna let me go to Japan this summer with a huge amount of allowance in my bank account! Enough for me to buy lots and lots of anime merchandises."

"Woooaaahhh! That's cool! Well then, good luck on your goal. I'll be here to support you with that."

Nicole winked at her best friend.

"Thank you."

"Well then, shall we finish off those brownies?"

Nicole gestured to her table.

"Don't forget to buy me souvenirs okay? Hahaha"

"Of course! Hahaha"

They both laughed as they headed back to Nicole's table.

Ashley pulled a chair from another table and sat beside Nicole.

Both of them are happily eating the brownies when a guy called out to Nicole.

"Hey, Nicole."


She faced the guy who called her.

"Mind if I ask you for help? Seems like I can't find the solution to this math equation."

"Oh sure. Let me take a look."

And so, the guy gave her the paper and she started to analyze the equation.

"Oh! This one's actually simple! You'll just have to transpose this to the other side, combine like terms, perform the operations on each side, then make sure it was on the simplest term... Viola! Now, you got the answer! Easy right?"

"Aaah. So that's how it is. I kinda used the wrong procedure. Hehe. Sorry for bothering you."

"No problem, Jesster. It's my pleasure to help you."

"Well then, I'll just continue to answer this. Thank you very much!"

Jesster went back to his seat and continued to answer his worksheet.

Nicole stared at the guy with a dreamy expression.

Ashley noticed her friend daydreaming so she grinned and poked Nicole on the side. Obviously teasing her.

"Nicole! Stop staring at him. He might melt!"

Ashley whispered to Nicole's ear.

That's when Nicole came back to her senses.

"Shush! He might hear you!"

Ashley bursted into laughter.

"You still like him up until now huh?"

"I said! Hush! Hush! Okay?"

"As you say so... pfft..."

Ashley was making fun of her friend while Nicole on the other hand was blushing crimson red.

From a corner, three girls are looking at the two girls, who's having fun, with envy and jealousy in their eyes.